Is It me? Or Is 50 like a car accident?

Is it me, or is 50 Cent like a gruesome car accident in the fact that when someone posts an article about him, it's like, you know you're about to read some stupid shit because 50 is an idiot, but at the same time, you can't stop yourself from reading it for entertainment purposes?

I hope y'all get what I mean.
jason_g_718 said:
Is it me, or is 50 Cent like a gruesome car accident in the fact that when someone posts an article about him, it's like, you know you're about to read some stupid shit because 50 is an idiot, but at the same time, you can't stop yourself from reading it for entertainment purposes?

I hope y'all get what I mean.
No never had that with 50 funny thing is I have that everytime I know you are online...
Sun_Tzu said:
i think people do that is so they know what they are talkin about. They dont want to be ignorant when they talkin bout something.
I personally enjoy 50 articles because I want to see what kind of straight bullshit he's gonna come with next. He's ALWAYS on some bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit or not it seems to work and sell. If he makes millions thats great for him. I know any of us would do the same in his shoe's if they knew that would make them millions of dollars. It's all about money, always is.
Farzin said:
Bullshit or not it seems to work and sell. If he makes millions thats great for him. I know any of us would do the same in his shoe's if they knew that would make them millions of dollars. It's all about money, always is.
Call me nuts, but as an underground rapper, it ain't about money for me.

I don't give a fuck if I have to work in a plant making car parts and keep doing my rap records on the side, I'll do that for life because to me, as lame as it sounds, it's about the messages and the music to me, not the cash.

And 50 is gonna end up dead with this shit.


Well-Known Member
^ so you are saying if someone came to you with millions of dollars for only asking you to diss people, brag in interviews and just basically say you got the bigest nuts of em all you would turn them down??????????????????????????????

come on man you cant tell me you prefer a factory job over millions lol
jason_g_718 said:
Call me nuts, but as an underground rapper, it ain't about money for me.

I don't give a fuck if I have to work in a plant making car parts and keep doing my rap records on the side, I'll do that for life because to me, as lame as it sounds, it's about the messages and the music to me, not the cash.

And 50 is gonna end up dead with this shit.



Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
jason_g_718 said:
Is it me, or is 50 Cent like a gruesome car accident in the fact that when someone posts an article about him, it's like, you know you're about to read some stupid shit because 50 is an idiot, but at the same time, you can't stop yourself from reading it for entertainment purposes?

I hope y'all get what I mean.
And no offense, but how can you say that 50 saids a bunch of stupid bullshit when you just made a thread about him being like a "gruesome car accident" which doesn't make any damn sense at all?
na it does, you dont wanna look cuz who wants to see cadavers all over the road but you know you can't live with your self if you let the chance pass.... i mean how often do you get to drive by a gruesome car crash?

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