Is Hip Hop Dead?


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I would like to bring a highly debated and popular discussion into the spotlight. “Is Hip Hop Dead?” is the frequently asked and analyzed question by many Hip Hop heads.

Everyone has their own opinion on this matter and I am no different. Thus, today I would like to bring you 7 reasons why I think Hip Hop is still alive and well. “Why 7, Farzin?” you might ask. Well, if 7 dwarves work for Snow White then it’ll work for me, too.

1) The obvious reason many seem to overlook is the fact that many such as myself, those of you who are reading this right now, and many others who ask themselves and others the big question – “Is Hip Hop Dead?” – are keeping Hip Hop alive by discussing it. That’s correct, each and every one of you is the reason Hip Hop is still breathing. Now, pat yourself on the shoulder and move on.

2) Chances are the clothes you are wearing right now were inspired by Hip Hop. You might think “I am a Hip Hop Fan, DUH!” but the reality is that not only have Hip Hop fan’s benefited from the fashion boom but everyone else has as well. This is very visible on TV shows, fashion shows and even on the street. Another way to prove this point is just to look at the many mainstream rappers who have started their own fashion line but actually have the fashion sense of a homeless person.

3) Can you dance? I know whatever movements I can produce with my body on the dance floor would either be interpreted as Hip Hop or epileptic – but that’s only because I am a horrible dancer. Hip Hop choreography is evident everywhere you look. It starts from Hip Hop music video’s and ranges into the pop scene and even on TV shows. Ever seen Ellen Degenerate – pun is intended – dance? Well how could you have not? - That is all her show is about. Of course, like you I would never admit I have ever seen it.

4) Speaking of Pop, the likes of Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, Fergie and Beyonce all borrow from Hip Hop. From the beat to Choreography. All these artists are big timers and move a lot of units. If it wasn’t for Hip Hop these artist would have a different sound that might not appeal to the general masses. Therefore, part of their success can be attributed to Hip Hop. I would be glad to represent Hip Hop and demand restitution by Beyonce in the form of a date. Gwen and Fergie can join as well. Call me.

5) Go Shorty it’s your birthday! In Da Club was a big hit in, yes you guessed right, the club. The prize you win for the correct answer is another reason as to why Hip Hop is alive and well! – Hip Hop’s kicking it in the club. Whether you can dance or not, see reason 3, you most definitely have been to a club at least once. The clubs are packed throughout the weekend and sometimes even on certain weekdays and we all know what genre of music they play the most – Hip Hop. If Hip Hop died today or is already dead as some of you debate then what are these millions of hyper active young people doing in the club? I smell a rave revolution coming! Quick, take out the glow sticks! I also smell sarcasm.

6) Speaking of smelling, there is a lot of smoke coming from the basement. Ah yes, the oh so secret underground. Well, maybe not secret but not in plain view. This is the ocean of Hip Hop. Lot’s of fishes but sometimes you find a dolphin or a whale you can train and parade for the masses. Careful, some of them bite! With creative minds such as Mf Doom, El-P, Brother Ali, Jedi Mind Tricks and many more you can not run out of Hip Hop material.

7) Companies such as Toyota, K-Swiss and McDonalds have turned to Hip Hop to reach today’s Youth. A lot of money is spent on advertising using Hip Hop and it feeds Hip Hop. Therefore, it’s growing and its reach to today’s young is undeniable. If it was indeed dead it would be profitless to many companies hoping to sell their product through Hip Hop and they don’t just throw their money out of the window without risk calculation. If they did I’d assume the alias Shaq Diesel, start rapping and make a movie called Kazaam. Oh wait that has already been done and children still haven’t recovered from the nightmare.

The conclusion is that Hip Hop has expanded into different areas and has grown tremendously from the early stages. It is still very popular and continues to develop as time passes. Hip Hop is far from dying.

Taking all these points into consideration then why is it some people still argue that Hip Hop is dead or is dying?

It’s simple, I believe, and can be linked to demographics. Years have passed since Hip Hop boomed in the mainstream and all the young kids would rap along their favourite songs. These same young kids have become older and matured; well, we would hope the second is true. Now, they would like a variety to the club bangers. Some turn to the underground for their daily fix of Hip Hop and others abandon it because they find their fix in other genres. Hip Hop’s decline in sales can be attributed to that and the solution is a variety of artists with a broader range of subjects. Not to mention because of Souljah Boy, seriously.

Hate it or love it, Hip Hop’s still here and will be for years to come.

If you would like to discuss this subject further you can leave a comment or debate it on our forums. Everyone is welcome.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
funny thing is.. those things you just mentioned imo kill hip-hop. They make hip-hop = pop music which is a terrible thing.
I know rap music evolves bla bla bla but in fact those are main factors killing hip-hop and the way it was meant to be.

Fortunately hip-hop is not dead tho. We still can buy great albums from rappers keeping it alive. Take Wu-tang clan, BCC, Talib Kweli or O.C as examples and the list could be really long.


Staff member
hip hop is not dead, but i dont think its at its best. all i used to listen to was hip hop music for years, but i have found myself growing bored with it and iv turned to rock and heavey metal music. thats not to say i dont like hip hop music any more, because i do, but in the last few years the quality of the artists seemed to have slipped.
Doesn't that only show that hip-hop is a powerful marketing tool or commercially thriving, or both? Or in terms of popular culture? Very few people would argue against those points, but I believe most people would make arguments that hip-hop is culturally and in terms of quality and overall feeling, dead. Now keep in mind that when I say it is dead, I mean in terms of the hip-hop culture, not the culture that most of its modern listeners subscribe to.

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