Is Canibus a racist?

I know this is kinda old, but on track 8 of his latest mixtape he said, "I can speak chinese "CHING CHONG" get off the ding dong knock ur ass over the table like lil ping pongs."

Does anybody find this racist? It might be a diss to Jin, because he was featured on a rapper's song where he disses Canibus. I hope he's just joking around, because he's one of the best rappers ever.
some of u take this racist shit way too far...seriously watch..if a black person says the word "white" or a white person says "black" there gonna call it racist..
ShadowSoulja said:
some of u take this racist shit way too far...seriously watch..if a black person says the word "white" or a white person says "black" there gonna call it racist..

... that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.


Well-Known Member
^^And he is also freestyling.
Get the fuck over it, it would be different if he said, fuck people who say ching chong or some other bullshit but this is ridiculous.
haunted said:
Hes not being racist, he is making a racist joke. There is a difference
people who make and laugh at racist jokes...... are racist

but i dont think its a racist joke, i think hes playing off of jin's song, especially if jin dissed him
AnarchistFunk said:
people who make and laugh at racist jokes...... are racist

but i dont think its a racist joke, i think hes playing off of jin's song, especially if jin dissed him
no people who laugh at racist jokes have a sense of humor, i have black friends who just laugh about it even me once or twice. but if someone does it all the time then you can call him a racist.
AnarchistFunk said:
Yes actually really... or they wouldn't find it funny

I don't think this is a racist joke or a racial slur though, just playin with jins song a subliminal
So i guess i hate my own race because i laugh at racial jokes that are directed towards my own race. Doesnt exactly make sense.
one mc |one| dj

LMAO ya know even if Canibus was racist he wouldn't express his feelings towards (this one) chinese ppl on a track. Ya know isn't he trying to make some sort of mainstream comeback since he fucked up with wycleff? It would be a very dumb move to diss the chinese like that.

haunted said:
Hes not being racist, he is making a racist joke. There is a difference
Remember that "look a black man, hang him" joke told by some late American comedian? That was a racist joke, but it also went down as a racist comment.
AnarchistFunk said:
doesnt exactly make sense to make fun of your own race or any race either
So Dave Chapelle, Chris Rock, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Martin Laurence, Jamie Foxx are racist?, so it dont make sense to make fun of there race even they are comedians?

a joke is a joke, i got asian friends,white friends, etc that all make rascist jokes to there own race as well as others, as long as they dont say the jokes out of hate then how is it racism?

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