In Defense of Bizzy Bone... (you must take the time to read this)

From editorial

“This kid has sold nearly 50 million copies. This kid has no business not having his money. This child has absolutely no business not having his paper and he has no business not being happy” - Bizzy Bone, May 3rd 2005.

Now imagine if every rapper had to hand in a resume before releasing an album. Picture being an executive at a record label and having these credentials come across your desk:

12 years experience
Grammy Award Winner
American Music Award Winner
Sold over 30 million records
Recorded with the Notorious B.I.G, Tupac Shakur, and Eazy E.

Logic tells you that any record label exec would love to have the chance to have a commodity like this under their imprint, but in the case of Bryon “Bizzy Bone” McCane, for some reason logic doesn’t apply.

As a part of Bone Thugs N Harmony Bizzy contributed to the creation a style that has helped transcend hip hop. Bone brought singing and harmony to the forefront and since then you can’t turn on a radio without hearing a rapper do their best to add that flavor to their raps. So why is it that in 2005 Bizzy Bone finds himself without a record label?

The 29 year rapper has been in the game for 12 years. He should be sitting poolside at his mansion sipping on a beer and enjoying life. Instead the Columbus born rapper is going city to city and living in hotel rooms. Doesn’t seem fair, does it?

Well in my eyes its not. I refuse to fall into the trap of just throwing this into the large pile of stories involving multi-platinum rappers that haven’t been compensated and taken care of.

When writing this piece I wanted to be real careful with the way I told Bizzy’s story. I didn’t want him to come across as some poor lonely rapper who is lost with nowhere to go. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Despite what people have written and said, he is not crazy, he is not on crack and he is not an alcoholic. Bizzy has a firm grip on reality. He refuses to keep dwelling on the past and is adamant about moving forward.

“What’s done is done, what’s known is known and this is the way it is” said Bizzy last month.

When talking to the former Bone Thugs N Harmony member, I was amazed at how a man who has gone through so much could have such a calm and rational outlook on life in general.

Make no mistake, although he was calm and rational I don’t think he was content. I think its time somebody lent a helping hand to someone who has given to so many people and gotten so little in return.

If you turn on BET or any Hip-Hop radio station its obvious that Bizzy has the talent to hang with anyone on top right now. He has a fan base that most rappers only dream of but he still finds himself without a label. Once again logic doesn’t apply when you examine the situation.

The only thing that comes to mind is that these labels are scared of what they think Bizzy is all about. They don’t want to go against the grain when trying to put out their next platinum record.

The song, “Hip-Hop Baby” has been on Power 106’s Top 4 at 4 and top 7 at 7 count down for months but nobody seems to want to recognize the success of the track. Instead Bizzy has been featured in the news for a radio interview in Houston.

Instead of focusing on the positives with Bizzy, everyone seemed to want to go back and focus on the negatives. When the discussing the interview the same stereotypes that have plagued Bizzy his whole career came roaring back. “He’s a crack head, he’s a drunk, and he’s crazy.”

It seems like people keep saying the same thing when trying to characterize Bizzy and what’s even worse is that it seems record labels are listening rather then making their own educated conclusions.

It’s time for people like Jermaine Dupri, Master P, Jay Z and Dr. Dre to start getting back to what Hip-Hop is all about, risk taking and going against the grain.

Could you imagine what hip hop would be like if people didn’t take a chance on N.W.A? Picture what rap would be like if Jimmy Iovine believed everything he heard about Dr. Dre and didn’t give him a chance with Aftermath?

At the current time Bizzy is walking on a journey all by himself. After the separation from Bone Thugs it seems that the industry has figured that as a solo artist the risk isn’t worth the potential reward.

Bizzy has managed to survive being kidnapped and abused. He’s managed to overcome the murder of his younger brother. He’s endured the stress of being trapped in possibly one of the worst record deals in Hip-Hop history. The one thing Bizzy can’t seem to shake is his reputation. He has been painted with a certain brush and it seems nobody wants to give him a chance to tell his story the way it’s supposed to be told.

Although I can’t see into the future, something tells me that if someone gives Bizzy a chance to tell his story they might have their next multi-platinum project on their hands.

His resume speaks for itself; all he needs is a chance.

“I would really, really love to just lean back and just relax and do music. Music is my joy, that’s me being able to release and let that other stuff go.” – Bizzy Bone

Agree? Disagree? This writer can be reached at or
good read....very good and i dont know too much about BTNH or Bizzy himself but i have to agree with you if everything you said is what happened (and i think it is)

thanks for taking your time to write it was a very good read and now i know roughly what happened with him


Well-Known Member
Don't agree at all. Bullshit piece or writing.

"His resume speaks for itself"

No, Bizzy Bone's behaviour speaks for itself. He creates those stereotypes by the shit he does. Seems like the writer of this article is just a fan with no real insight on the situation. Krayzie Bone offers more than enough reasons as to why Bizzy has no label deal.

If Bizzy doesn't want to be called crazy he shouldn't have spazzed out like that at the interview. No one can call that normal. It's obvious the man has problems.
Bizzy has the opportunity to gain platinum status as a member of Bone Thugs, but it's obvious he doesn't want to "get with the program". He is continually making excuses, first it was Ruthless screwing them, then them not getting paid. They get released from Ruthless, and now Bizzy's complaining that Bone doesn't want him to rap slow or about religious topics. There's always something that Bizzy wants to complain about. Yet when a deal for $$$ is on the table, for the group to profit as a whole, he sticks everyone and stirs up old anomosity and confusion with something new to complain about.

It's obvious, that he's talented, but he is also delusional. And first and foremost, he needs to get help. I used to think his lyrical content/mature lyrics kept him in order, but he's fallen so far into this paranoid state of mind and confusing his religious beliefs to a point in which he characterizes everything under a religious context now, and agrees to go with the program one minute, then goes off onto his spiritual journeys, (leaving the group high and dry), only to come back looking for reasons why he has no money.

I appreciate Bizzy's spiritual side, (i have religious beliefs also), but over the last few years, he's abused his religious beliefs and gone off the deep end. I think he should abandon rapping at this stage and get help to get his life back on track.
Chronic said:
Don't agree at all. Bullshit piece or writing.

"His resume speaks for itself"

No, Bizzy Bone's behaviour speaks for itself. He creates those stereotypes by the shit he does. Seems like the writer of this article is just a fan with no real insight on the situation. Krayzie Bone offers more than enough reasons as to why Bizzy has no label deal.

If Bizzy doesn't want to be called crazy he shouldn't have spazzed out like that at the interview. No one can call that normal. It's obvious the man has problems.
I disagree with you and I think your opinion is bullshit man I've been around people who has been abused at an early age or lost a younger sibling that shit fucks with you for the rest of your life so don't judge without knowing because you make yourself seem ignorant by doing so because when they do that crazy shit like drink all the time that's because they are trying to drink those demons away

haha its a situation that not one person except those closest to Bonethugs-N-Harmony can have an opinion on. How is it people start writing articles portraying people they barely know or have any knoweledge about what has been happening in the lives of these people.

Bizzy bone has been portrayed as a drunk psycotic bum on the streets while Krazie is some educated advice councilor.

At least wait for Bizzy to respond before you stating making articles like this.
Krayzie has his head on straight, from reading his interview, it's obvious that he has no ulterior motive, he's just telling it the way he saw it. At this point fuck Bizzy, I wanna know what Layzie's thinking bout this whole situation, considering he's been the one person actually trying to help Bizzy.
I've read before that two major labels, one of them beeing Aftermath, wanted to sign the group, but only the whole group. Bizzy however didn't want to be part of it, which is why the BNTH don't have any major record deal. Also why Wish beat him I think..

Also, the writer is so damn subjective it ain't even funny


Well-Known Member
RIPPAC4 said:
I disagree with you and I think your opinion is bullshit man I've been around people who has been abused at an early age or lost a younger sibling that shit fucks with you for the rest of your life so don't judge without knowing because you make yourself seem ignorant by doing so because when they do that crazy shit like drink all the time that's because they are trying to drink those demons away
Really? I never knew being abused and kidnapped could affect people. Thanks!!

Chronic said:
It's obvious the man has problems.

Dave D

Active Member
Lil Jm said:
From editorial

“This kid has sold nearly 50 million copies. This kid has no business not having his money. This child has absolutely no business not having his paper and he has no business not being happy” - Bizzy Bone, May 3rd 2005.

Now imagine if every rapper had to hand in a resume before releasing an album. Picture being an executive at a record label and having these credentials come across your desk:

12 years experience
Grammy Award Winner
American Music Award Winner
Sold over 30 million records
Recorded with the Notorious B.I.G, Tupac Shakur, and Eazy E.

No he is insane and a member of a grup that has

12 years experience
Grammy Award Winners
American Music Award Winners
Sold over 30 million records
Recorded with the Notorious B.I.G, Tupac Shakur, and Eazy E.

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