Important Message to the StreetHop Administration

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Well-Known Member

I have worked with Jon, Mike, Chris, Stephen and Pittsey on I've worked with Mike and Pittsey on I've been a super-moderator for a while now, and I've been a moderator for a long time. A Visitor for an even longer time. I purchased 2Pac's greatest hits in 98, started reading on the site in mid/late 99, and started posting in 2000 or 2001. I have always loved this forum, and there are several members here that I really care for, because their ideas and opinions both intrigue me and spark new ideas.

I was one of the people who was always a loyalist to Dante and his projects. Maybe I'm just a cynical bastard, but I understand his mentality towards the scene, towards leaking, towards the projects, and I agree with him on most points. I am only bringing Dante into this because he is the face that most people here have on the Tupac collectors. I have purchased every project they ever put out. I was one of the people who forked a substantial amount of money for the songs that recently leaked. I have heavily argumented against the leaking in a thread in the Life forum regarding a thread about the Thug Life demo tape leak. I also said that Kilo2 was bad news. Seems he is one of the people involved with the leaking of the new songs.

I don't care if he's a nice person. I don't care if whatever business Dante has going on, it has nothing to do with this site. I paid more than $1000 for projects that have all leaked. I am, safe to say, relatively fucking pissed off. I'm not gonna make this into a debate about why or how Dante went about distributing their projects, the ultimate fact is that whoever leaked the new tracks were part of a circle of trusted collectors. We were all betrayed by a snake, and the end result is that now, I don't get any more unheard Tupac shit. Neither does anybody else, but I could have had the chance but now it's gone. For the recently leaked project, the people behind it actually lost money on it. For real. That's how little support it received, and it puts a new perspective on the intentions of the people behind the projects, because it really really really wasn't about money.

The fact that my complaints about Kilo2 fell on deaf ears, and the fact that this administration allows a person whom I have passionate hateful thoughts about to be a part of our community, an obsessed mongrel who thought he could hurt Dante by fucking over the fans. Moreover, the fact that these tracks were used to pull users to the site without proper props being given, and the lack of respect for the people who put in the work to secure these songs, and the lack of respect for the few people who forked out a high amount of money for it, means I now find myself in a moral debate with myself. This will probably attract a lot of casual Tupac fans and minors to the site, but the leaking I assure you has disgusted the more intelligible Tupac fans even more with this site than after all the bashing over at MrMakaveli.

I have come to a conclusion, as far as my moral debate is concerned. I wish to quote a great guy who none of you know, and then finish off with a few final words.

"This has nothing to do with Dante or Glitt or anyone else, the projects are done. I have nothing to gain but if I stay it means that I agree with all this shit and I can't do that."

With that I wish to resign from my post as super-mod. I hope you will find someone to take my place. In all likelihood, you will probably find someone who is even better. It's not like I'm leaving the site or anything, I just have a problem being a part of an administration that supports something that goes against what I believe in. It's nothing personal towards you Rukas, you Caesar, or anyone else here.

Thank you for your time.


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The Changed Man OG I leaked is significantly different to Dante's if you listen to it; am I expected not to leak things I get from different sources just because Dante may be backing on that particular file to make him lots of money? Should I clear everything Tupac related I post through Dante first to see whether or not it fits into his financial plan?

The other files were provided by Davillion and posted in the Life forum, it is up to the people that post the files to source them if they so wish to, I cant be expected to back track the origins of every file posted on here. Davillion posted the zip, I gave him props. It was up to him, not the StreetHop Administration, to tell us where he got them from.

Anyway, thanks for being a long time member of the staff and enjoy your stay as a regular member, if you ever change your mind let me know.


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Oh as for Kilo, I cant even remember the last time he posted on here so I dont see the problem. It's not like he is on staff or is even posting things you may not like.

Once again, should I clear with Dante who is allowed to hold a membership on this site? Should inclusion in the community be based upon ones feelings towards Dante? Is this No, no, no. In fact, Dante HAD that power when he had the power to ban, and although Rukas doesnt agree, I believe he banned a lot of people unjustly and that was a major factor in the destruction of the 2Pac section here.


Well-Known Member
I don't expect any of these things from you, which is why I humbly explain my point of view. I feel utter disgust. Not for you Caesar. You are one person at one place in life with one set of priorities and goals in life and one set of interests, and I don't expect them to be the same as mine. I paid the money, not anyone else, so I am accountable for having lost them.

Like I said. The person who initially leaked the tracks was part of a trusted circle of collectors and friends, and he fucked us all over. You are going about your business and attracting new users to this site. From a neutral point of view I commend you. But personally, I feel that I can't be a part of an administration that endorses the spreading of music that was not supposed to be out in the first place, especially when a) i held the songs dearly as they were not widely and easily available, and b) i paid lots of money for them. Like I said, it's nothing personal. Let's say, hypothetically, that you were a catholic. You're wouldn't pray in a mosque, even if did you considered muslims equal to any type of human race. That's basically the point I am making.

You're not a bad person, I just can't do something that my heart and brain tells me is wrong, or else, what kind of integrity would I have?


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Exactly, meltiger.

Using your Catholic analogy, that is like you saying that not only would you not pray in a Mosque, but you wouldnt set foot outside of your own Church.

I understand your moral dilemma, but I hope that in that case, your moral dilema tells you not to visit any other Tupac related forum, use rapidshare, zshare, whatevershare, not use Limewire, etc etc etc, because all those sites and services have done the exact same thing we did. We werent the first to leak them, Davillion got the links from another forum, so I dont see the problem. was not responsible for leaking the material, we just posted it after it was already leaked.

Having said that I sympathize with your situation and understand what you are saying, I do however think you haven't considered the scope of it all by holding us accountable for what happened; but I do respect your wishes and have done as you requested. I commend you for the maturity you have demonstrated with this post and the way you decided to handle the situation, you could have very well flown off the handle and said "fuck streethop fuck 2pacboard fuck rukas (even though he had nothing to do with it) fuck caesar (even though I rule), etc etc," but you didnt, and that fact alone demonstrates why you will be missed as a supermod.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
The Changed Man OG I leaked is significantly different to Dante's if you listen to it; am I expected not to leak things I get from different sources just because Dante may be backing on that particular file to make him lots of money? Should I clear everything Tupac related I post through Dante first to see whether or not it fits into his financial plan?

The other files were provided by Davillion and posted in the Life forum, it is up to the people that post the files to source them if they so wish to, I cant be expected to back track the origins of every file posted on here. Davillion posted the zip, I gave him props. It was up to him, not the StreetHop Administration, to tell us where he got them from.

Anyway, thanks for being a long time member of the staff and enjoy your stay as a regular member, if you ever change your mind let me know.
excuse me, but the fact that yours has one verse means it's the same source. i'm guessing you cannot tell the story behind how the track leaked in this state and where it leaked from regardless.

all i ever asked was for people to be honest. after being betrayed a few times over i finally set aside my loyalties and realized that sometimes friends turn into foes.

i don't know you, but you didn't source any of the recent leaks. we both know this, regardless of the story people are presented.


New Member
first of all i bought all the tupac projects dante made,

i tried to contact him about buying the thug life demo he never answered back, plus im pissed that i never got an email to buy the recently leaked tracks. which i would of bought anyhow. I dont care if they leaked or not. Too bad we wont get any other leaks or ogs but im furious i never got a chance to buy the recent leaks after all the money i spent on RM1/2/3 plus the video collection plus the sessions.


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excuse me, but the fact that yours has one verse means it's the same source. i'm guessing you cannot tell the story behind how the track leaked in this state and where it leaked from regardless.

all i ever asked was for people to be honest. after being betrayed a few times over i finally set aside my loyalties and realized that sometimes friends turn into foes.

i don't know you, but you didn't source any of the recent leaks. we both know this, regardless of the story people are presented.
I did source the leaks.

Caesar said:
Here's some other recent OG leaks uploaded by Davillion.

Where he got them from is up to him to say in his thread, so if you feel you should have been sourced you are free to take it up with him.


Well-Known Member
My problem isn't with the process of posting the links. It's the endorsement of this site's administration. Pittsey is a moderator here and should have as much a say as any of the other moderators, and I am damn sure he would never okay this. Even if they were out there. All the collectors laugh at StreetHop now. An exact phrase used was "earlier i just didn't have any interest, now it's "fuck streethop"". mind you this is a person who could have been a great asset to the life forum, along with several other people who shared his opinion. what dante tried to do with the banning was to filter out the idiots that dont see past their own nose and cuase nothing but problems. We're so desperate for traffic that we take whatever we get, but most people in the pac section know nothing and there are no one there to lecture them but me and a select few others. most dont even visit mrmakaveli, which is the place where new tupac shit pops up all the time. but i don't want to be a part of a community that raped me for a thousand bucks in the end, so i'll stick with the our block/other social parts of the forum for now.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
I did source the leaks.
Where he got them from is up to him to say in his thread, so if you feel you should have been sourced you are free to take it up with him.
silly boy. to source a new song is to contact the person who made it and give them large amounts of money. if you copy and pasted a link you didn't source anything. do you really think that's how it's done? i mean really. lol

why are people salty? because a team of people gathered to pull resources to do the impossible. it was accomplished. then it was ruined by one idiot's greed. the sad thing is that not only are the potential songs now lost but so are all the stories of how they were made. and yep, you're not going to get anything else out of me ever. and yes, i had plenty more.

might i suggest albumbase to "source" all your new toopak? lol hilarious.


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My problem isn't with the process of posting the links. It's the endorsement of this site's administration. Pittsey is a moderator here and should have as much a say as any of the other moderators, and I am damn sure he would never okay this. Even if they were out there. All the collectors laugh at StreetHop now. An exact phrase used was "earlier i just didn't have any interest, now it's "fuck streethop"". mind you this is a person who could have been a great asset to the life forum, along with several other people who shared his opinion. what dante tried to do with the banning was to filter out the idiots that dont see past their own nose and cuase nothing but problems. We're so desperate for traffic that we take whatever we get, but most people in the pac section know nothing and there are no one there to lecture them but me, but i don't want to be a part of a community that raped me for a thousand bucks in the end, so i'll stick with the our block/other social parts of the forum for now.
My personal stance is that the people with the money to spend that got burned are mad, but the rest of the Tupac community is happy. I dont support anybody holding out on other fans based on how much money they have, and that is exactly what happens with these projects. If you seriously think Tupac would have been happy with people selling his music to a select few at such a high price and ignoring the rest of his poorer fans then I dont know what Tupac songs youve been listening to, but that really isnt the Tupac I listen to.

To the collectors that got burned, sorry, but we didnt burn you, we didnt leak the songs, I didnt even know they came from Dante, Im not expected to know what happens in Dante's life, is here for the 2Pac fans, all of them, no matter how much they can afford to spend on a CD or what inner circle contacts they have. Somebody leaked some material, we allowed them to post it on here as it isnt retail.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
the issue i take with this site is that after i was a significant part of the 2pac side of things (where this site began) when it came time to scratch my back i was left in the cold. that is, unless i were to pay for my threads. sorry, after all the clicks and views spawned directly from my knowledge i just can't do that. cae, i don't know you, but if you don't know what i've already said then you may want to ask around. one thing i am not is a liar.


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silly boy. to source a new song is to contact the person who made it and give them large amounts of money. if you copy and pasted a link you didn't source anything. do you really think that's how it's done? i mean really. lol

why are people salty? because a team of people gathered to pull resources to do the impossible. it was accomplished. then it was ruined by one idiot's greed. the sad thing is that not only are the potential songs now lost but so are all the stories of how they were made. and yep, you're not going to get anything else out of me ever. and yes, i had plenty more.

might i suggest albumbase to "source" all your new toopak? lol hilarious.
My source of the zip file was Davillion, that is the source I got the material from. Sorry, I dont speak your 2pac-geek lingo, so you "sourced" the material from some people by paying them, where I come from, that is called BUYING, not sourcing.

Please Dante, provide us with the source of every Tupac song you ever bootlegged.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
My personal stance is that the people with the money to spend that got burned are mad, but the rest of the Tupac community is happy. I dont support anybody holding out on other fans based on how much money they have, and that is exactly what happens with these projects. If you seriously think Tupac would have been happy with people selling his music to a select few at such a high price and ignoring the rest of his poorer fans then I dont know what Tupac songs youve been listening to, but that really isnt the Tupac I listen to.

To the collectors that got burned, sorry, but we didnt burn you, we didnt leak the songs, I didnt even know they came from Dante, Im not expected to know what happens in Dante's life, is here for the 2Pac fans, all of them, no matter how much they can afford to spend on a CD or what inner circle contacts they have. Somebody leaked some material, we allowed them to post it on here as it isnt retail.
ah the same old response.

2pac's collaborators, friends and family sold us the material. if someone is poor and cannot chip in then perhaps they should have paid the dues that i did to get advanced degrees and improve myself. being a broke ass with a hand out who is bitter at every man with a consumer item they cannot afford is not an excuse.


New Member
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the issue i take with this site is that after i was a significant part of the 2pac side of things (where this site began) when it came time to scratch my back i was left in the cold. that is, unless i were to pay for my threads. sorry, after all the clicks and views spawned directly from my knowledge i just can't do that. cae, i don't know you, but if you don't know what i've already said then you may want to ask around. one thing i am not is a liar.

I checked the records Dante, and after all the years you posted on this forum, and all the sales you got by advertising your bootleggs on here directly or indirectly, and banning people for leaking material that was not retail, etc etc, you've never even bought VIP or donated more than $10.

So who scratched whos back? And why exactly do we owe you anything?


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
My source of the zip file was Davillion, that is the source I got the material from. Sorry, I dont speak your 2pac-geek lingo, so you "sourced" the material from some people by paying them, where I come from, that is called BUYING, not sourcing.

Please Dante, provide us with the source of every Tupac song you ever bootlegged.
yeah 2pac-geeks. did your eyes even see hitemup? i was there since 95-96. call me out. watch your 2pac section get even more dead.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
I checked the records Dante, and after all the years you posted on this forum, and all the sales you got by advertising your bootleggs on here directly or indirectly, and banning people for leaking material that was not retail, etc etc, you've never even bought VIP or donated more than $10.

So who scratched whos back? And why exactly do we owe you anything?
i gave mike freebies and cds in the mail. you only know half of what you think. oh, and i was instrumental in helping dureing the supposed "hack" but like a good guy i kept my mouth shut. who are you again?

do your thing. this site has lost its 2pac credibility. i really miss the old days before this was all about getting clicks. i'm happy to get the fallen off award. i wear that as a badge of honor.


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ah the same old response.

2pac's collaborators, friends and family sold us the material. if someone is poor and cannot chip in then perhaps they should have paid the dues that i did to get advanced degrees and improve myself. being a broke ass with a hand out who is bitter at every man with a consumer item they cannot afford is not an excuse.
So you're saying in order to listen to Tupac's music people should go out and get "advanced degrees" or be well off?

I find it a travesty to Tupac's legacy that someone with that outlook is somehow in charge of Tupac's music. Tupac didnt have an advanced degree. Tupac came from a broke background. Tupac had respect for people that weren't well off financially. And Tupac HATED bootleggers. You seem to hold NONE of the qualities that made Tupac great or who he is and everything you say goes against what he believed and stood for.


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i gave mike freebies and cds in the mail. you only know half of what you think. oh, and i was instrumental in helping dureing the supposed "hack" but like a good guy i kept my mouth shut. who are you again?

do your thing. this site has lost its 2pac credibility. i really miss the old days before this was all about getting clicks. i'm happy to get the fallen off award. i wear that as a badge of honor.
A free CD or two dont pay the bills Dante, but regardless, that is probably why Rukas always had your back and probably continues to do so even when it wasnt in his best interest. I on the other hand dont know you, and just see you as a greedy bootlegger, perhaps if you had contributed anything while I was around I could see this good person you claim to be, but you didnt and I dont.

I have nothing personal against you, but playing this hurt victim is just silly. You made your money, you sold your copies, songs got leaked by OTHER people and OTHER sites and THEN made there way here, yet you somehow blame me and the site for this? It doesnt make sense.
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