Important Events/Albums Leading To Rap's Popularity


Well-Known Member
I'm writing an essay on how rap music became so popular. I'd like to see what people think are the most important events/albums leading to its popularity.
definetly deaths of famous rappers and beefs that begin and the broadening in the industry ie: clothing line, shoe line, movies, even porn....
anyways all i can think of but when icons die it raelly plays a role in it.


SicC's Love
^^Yeah i agree, cos people made such a big deal about it and tried to get it banned i think it was free advertising and made people just want to listen to it more. or get people to listen to it as they wanted to know what all the fuss was about
The Chronic (revolutionary sound and style) , The Slim Shady LP (got a lot of new white fans and teenyboppers), LL Cool J - Radio (bringing rap further into mainstream) , Life After Death (diamond) , Don't Hurt Em Hammer (pop rap, diamond) , All Eyez On Me (rise of Death Row, first ever double album), 7 Day Theory (got people talking), Doggystyle (sold about 1 mil in the first week).
Early on, obviously Rapper's Delight dropping.

I also think The Message was a really important song for rap as a song like that lent a lot of credibility to the music as an artform & helped show it was more than just a 'party fad'.

Straight Outta Compton was immensley influential.

Aerosmith/Run DMC collaboration was important for exposure too.

LL - I Need Love <<<<the foundation for the R&B/rap 'ballads' which are so terribly popular these days.

There really are to many events to highlight.
I hate to say it but all Bad Boy's releases between 94 and 97,Fugees's The Score (hip-hop became worldwide after that,believe me),Coolio and Will Smith helped also to give to hip-hop a better image...And then,in 99, came Eminem,the rap phenomenon...
(that's what happened in France,I'm talking from a french point of view)
How some rappers are acctually "reporters" telling people who never seen what some people face and obsticales they must over come on a daily basis. 2pac said that he was a reported and this is his report of his 22 years on earth(he was 22 at the time).
S O F I S T I K said:
"Scarface", the movie. Very influential in a big percentage of rap music today and of the past.
he's not asking what influenced the rappers.....he's asking what influenced people to listnen to rap music......cause i know for a fact that Scarface didn't get me to listnen to a matter of fact rap got me to watch Scarface

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