Image or Actual Talent?

It seems now a day you hear of a lot of "ghostwriters" or multiple people writing a song for an artist or sometimes a rapper not even writing their own lyrics.

What do you think it takes to be a successful rapper now a day?

Do you actually have to have actual talent and be able to write your own lyrics and perform them?

Or do you just have to be able to look cool and let writers write ur rap and u just say them because of what you look like and what you portray or where you're from?
I think talent is most important, the only reason people who don't write their own lyrics succeed is cuz people don't know they don't write their own lyrics. It's different for females, all they have to do is be hot and they'll sell.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what your terms for success are. If you are in it for the art then image is nothing. You have to be able to write rhymes, make music, and be an emcee. If you are all business about it, tyrin to make money, Ie. your 50 cents etc, then image is everything.
I measure success of an artist if I like his music, if he puts out solid album after solid album, and it doesn't hurt to have a classic under your belt. So to me location, portrayal of someone your not kind of means nothing, those are just ways for me to look for new artists.


Well-Known Member
To be successful: hooks, lyrics that are easy to recite and recall. That pleases most rap music fans, from Dipset to G-Unit. From there, you just have to figure out how to turn that into money while minimizing how much the system rapes you: start your own label, get a good accountant/lawyer, mixtapes/bootlegs, shows, establishing a brand, etc.

I don't think I answered the quesiton.


Well-Known Member
Ahh nah you answered it. If you in it for the money then this is what is about. You put it perfect, catchy tunes laced with some "Hard" aka whatever the fuck is hot ype persona and bam, you goin platinum.
But as I was sayin, Art man, i'm in it for the art.


Active Member
you just need a good image nowadays. tell people your dick is 10 inches and youll go ten times platinum. unfortunately, thats how it is in the mainstream
its linx! said:
Unfortunately, people think they have to listen to shit they don't like.
i think people dont know of the good music because u might actually have to spend some of ur own time finding out what u really like. people like the mainsteam cause its cramed down their throats deep into there cuts until they think its the only rap out there in the world

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