Im tired of having to fucking prove myself, heres the fuckin Xzibit interview audio


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Lately theres been some wankers trying to claim the Xzibit interview on is fake, that I lied, and made it up. Their main reason is that a) it took so long to put up, and b) theres no audio.

Newsflash: I have a life offline, and dont have time to write up full interviews, so I picked a few good questions, typed them up, published them in Urban Hitz magazine, and then on, that is the reason for the delay. The interview needed to go in the mag, and I just didnt have time to do it earlier.

Ive got a stock pile of interviews done, which I just havent had time to transcribe. Ill have one up soon though.

So for those arrogant fucks who choose to hate at any chance they get and try to call me a liar, heres some audio from the interview to shut you the fuck up.

Really, I am sick and tired of having to come on here and justify my self to people, whether my news, my interviews or why Ive banned people or whatever. I dont owe you a mother fucking thing. I dont owe you explenations. I dont owe you reasons. If you dont like the way the board runs, or how I handle my business log off and fuck off. Stop trying to question everything we do with the hopes of finding some crack or flaw in our business.

Get off my nuts.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Frank Grimes said:
ok, we'll all leave this forum, then see how well your site operates

What does my not oweing you guys explenations for every little thing and people hating for no real valid reason have anything to do with my wanting you to leave the forum?

Do I want people to leave? Not if they are good posters. Do I owe anyone anything? No I dont.

And anyway, the site doesnt really need the forum to survive, and the forum doesnt really need the site to survive, they are totally independent like that. We try to bring them together more for the fans, so its more interactive, but most of the visitors to dont come to the board and vice versa.
Frank Grimes said:
ok, we'll all leave this forum, then see how well your site operates

We're not here for the admins, the admins are (supposed) to be here for us.

Although I'll probably get banned for that, since banishment is the solution to everything nowadays.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
DutchMakaveli said:

We're not here for the admins, the admins are (supposed) to be here for us.

Although I'll probably get banned for that, since banishment is the solution to everything nowadays.

Admins are here to keep the board up and running, not be hated on based on lies and have every action picked apart and questioned.
Frank Grimes said:
ok, we'll all leave this forum, then see how well your site operates

Instead of making E-threats about leaving a forum why not just leave?
And if you are not planing to leave, why make lame threats?
are you really that stupid, "E threat's" lol. in case you didnt pick it up, it was a "statement" basically saying "if it wasnt for us visiting and buying from the site then it wouldnt exist",
Rukas said:
Admins are here to keep the board up and running, not be hated on based on lies and have every action picked apart and questioned.
Banning someone on lies isn't exactly nice either.

But apart from that, I'm not judging your every action, I'm looking at the big picture and I'm questioning that.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
People need to quit with the grudges and just get on with things.
If you don't like it here leave, it's people like that who are making it a chore recently.
It seems at every chance history is brought back up and the chance taken to take a shot.
Just leave it... The more people act like the supposed adults they are the better this board will be... It has been a little poor recently... But has improved after SicC banned all the cocks.
Xerostoma said:
Instead of making E-threats about leaving a forum why not just leave?
And if you are not planing to leave, why make lame threats?
this must be the funniest post here on a long ass while. "oh no he said he's not gonig to visit the forum any more, quick margaret call the police!" :eek:. hahahahhah and i bet you just made the post to ass kiss. lol im still laughing at this idiot.

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