Ice Cube Dissing Common on AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted!!


Well-Known Member

I just heard AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted for the first time (my friend, who is a real negro! A brotha, you know?, left the CD at my house. He was over and we smoked my weed, it's a shame he had to leave the moment the weed was finished.) and on the song "The Nigga Ya Love To Hate" (funny title!!1 l0lz) Ice Cube is totally dissing Common!! Fa sho!
He says! "The mob is droppin Common Sense"
!!!! The mob (We all know Cubey is a gangbanger!! so that explains the 'mob' part!) is droppin (ebonics! This means, translated for those that don't get it l0lz, doing physical... things to others) Common Sense!!
The Ice Cube - Common Sense beef was happening in 1981 !!!!
Remeber where you herd it first guys!!!!

Bye !

[Dumb ass post of the day]


Well-Known Member
Staff member
damn, thomas

that ganja is really fuckin with you :D

but hey, check it out, recently i heard this "2pak" or something really goin at this biggie fella!


Well-Known Member
Naw it's just that there's a lot of idiots on the board that would actually say that.
I was pretty sure you were kidding but had to make sure.

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