ice cube/cypress hill beef?


puff. PUFF. pass.
a couple weeks ago i was watching next friday, and those three latino guys reminded me of cypress hill. however, they seemed very comical, like wanna-be gangsters.

knowing that ice cube had written (and i think produced or directed) the movie, i started wondering if cube was taking a shot at cypress hill, by portraying them in such a way.

however, i had no knowledge of a beef in progress, nor a beef that had already occurred.

then, this morning, i was looking through some old mixtapes online and i saw, on beef ii, a track called "ice cube/cypress hill beef". i tried finding some info on the beef using google, but all that came up were links to beef ii.

so, does anyone know anything about this beef?
king of the hill from westside connestion is a cypress hill diss

cypress hill made the song ice cube killa

theres been other tracks with libnes here and there but i cant think off the top of my head

the beef had something to do with a tour if im not mistaken
Yeah, CH & Cube were cool & CH were giving Cube a song for a movie soundtrack. So Cube was in the studio with CH & they were playing him some of the shit from their upcoming album. There was a particular banger that Cube liked & he asked if he could have that for the soundtrack. CH said no, they need it for their album. Then Cube asked to hear the song again, & CH played it for him.

Anyways, later on Cube releases a song that has almost the exact same hook. CH are pissed by this & drop a diss.

From then on, the beef was on between CH & Cube & Mack 10 (WC was cool with CH & was never dissed by CH & never got involved.) Sen-Dog also didn't want to get involved & told Mack 10 this but Cube & Mack 10 dissed him anyway.

A highlight of the beef was when Cube got smacked up & robbed at a traffic stop by a dude who then went to a CH show at the House of Blues & CH got their picture taken holding Cube's Westside Connection chain.

It was squashed when Mack 10 & B-Real spoke over the phone...if I remember correctly. But Cube & CH have never been as cool again.

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