How much do things besides the music determine what you listen to?

How much of what you listen to is determined by the actual music itself, and how much of it is determined by other things?

For example, some people may not like:

-Jay-Z because he uses other people's lyrics in his songs;
-The songs "I Gave you Power" & "Fetus" by Nas, because they are jacked concepts;
-50 Cent because he is popular;
-Eminem for the same reason, and because he is white;
-Necro because of the content;
-Any rapper talking about jewellry in a positive way;
-Any popular rapper, even if they used to like them when they were "underground".

In contrast, you have people liking certain rappers because:
-They rap about "revolutionary" issues;
-They denounce jewellry, Crystal and all forms of materialism;
-They aren't famous, and are therefore "real";
-They are original (i.e. they rap about certain things besides the norm);
-They are part of the old-school.

Really, what this is asking is, even if Jay-Z takes lines or Nas takes concepts for songs, is this really a reason to call them wack? Is this really judging the music based on what it really is, or is it just letting our prejudices get the better of us?

I personally think that content carries too much weight when deciding what is good or bad music. But then, people will automatically discredit someone who takes concepts for songs from others, and this makes it hard to really take their music seriously, and judge it based on the music not on what they represent/discuss. I am guilty of this, in the way that Ras Kass is my favorite rapper but I know that he isn't necessarily the best rapper or anything, but I enjoy his content even if the music is subpar. And I know on this site I will find a lot of people who think 2Pac is the GOAT, but I also know that is due to so much besides the actual music. For instance, we have had so much access into his life, and I think a lot of people have fallen in love with his contradictory thug/angel image, and the "I don't give a fuck" attitude, while not really taking into account the actual quality of the music.

I may sound incoherent, but if you understand and have any thoughts on the subject please share.


New Member
I do hate the fact that people are on Immortal Technique's nuts because he is "real" and raps on "revolutionary" issues like you stated.
If an artist is biting, or has stolen a concept then I will probably listen to it for the fact that it is dope, but will just lose respect for the artist.
2pac is referred to as the GOAT because of his thug image which appeals to wiggers worldwide. He was a good rapper, but was not the GOAT.
who did Nas rip the concept for I Gave You Power from? I thought he originated that idea and then Pac ripped it for Me and My Girlfriend...?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mase said:
2pac is referred to as the GOAT because of his thug image which appeals to wiggers worldwide. He was a good rapper, but was not the GOAT.
Kill yourself.
Certain aspects of an artists dont really keep me from listening to them. But alot of time i will give them a listen to them because for some reason they appealed to me.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mase said:
Are you going to post why you disagree with my comment or just continue to make posts that bring nothing to this thread?
If you can't see why I said what I said, that's too bad.
nah i wudnt say anything like u sed bothers me when listenin to a rapper, if he good he's good its got nothing to do with popularity, colour or concepts. IMO its all about how they deliver and how they jump on a beat, a rapper gotta keep me interested for me to like em basically, people like fifty got nothing bout his style to keep me interested hence me not liking fifty same with Immortal Technique, first of all he had my interest with his "revolutionary" ideas and original concepts but after a while it got borin and i lost all interest, if you know what i mean
Fuck the punk who sat there and talked shit about wiggers just liking Tupac because his "thug life" life shit appeals to them.

Your saying a white man can NOT listen to Tupac or respect him for other reasons? And not only that, but how can you not respect Tupac for his "I dont give a fuck attitude" and his Thug life concepts.

I hate you fucking ignorant assholes who believe because a person loves Tupac he's a wigger. And you know what, how the fuck can you even claim for someone to be a wigger? That's JUST as racist as someone calling you a nigger. I take offense to that. So fuck off. NOT ONLY that, but, how the fuck can someone be a wigger because they feel a dude's music? How can that be? This is hypothetically speaking, but I could white, have had a harder life then you, be sourrounded by black friends and relatives, and feel the effects of what Tupac was talking about MUCH more then you. It all depends man. It all depends where your mindset is. How can you even attempt to use the word wigger man? When it's just some racist bullshit. How about you start fucking respecting the white kids that are trying to help man, that FEEL the fucking shit that rappers are talking about rather then ignoring it. The white dudes that are into the real fucking rap, that love it for what it is, not just because it's cool.

I'm so fucking sick of hereing the word "wigger" thrown around. FUCK YOU. I'm tired of that bullshit. Black dudes don't want no white dudes calling them niggers, and I don't want NOBODY fucking calling me a wigger. I'm so tired of people, black or white, that sit there and believe they have the motherfucking jurisdiction to JUDGE white people who seriously listen to rap, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT. Man, as a white man, half of my fucking family is black, half of my fucking family lives in fairly ghetto conditions. I FEEL the fucking effects of this shit. Don't act like I can't feel Pac's music cause im white. Mature yourself man, start viewing shit from everybody's fucking angle rather then your narrow vision dude. Cause your the type of punk that turns white dudes off from rap music. People are afraid of becomming "wiggers" so they turn themselves away from it. Maybe we should break down the fucking barriers a little bit. Grow up, us white dudes that are here, listening to the rap, loving the fucking rap, are here to help man. Why do you have to disrespect us? Fuck you, and fuck every mother fucker that wants to call us out on some wigger shit. Grow up dawg.
DrugBa11ad said:
Fuck the punk who sat there and talked shit about wiggers just liking Tupac because his "thug life" life shit appeals to them.

Your saying a white man can NOT listen to Tupac or respect him for other reasons? And not only that, but how can you not respect Tupac for his "I dont give a fuck attitude" and his Thug life concepts.

I hate you fucking ignorant assholes who believe because a person loves Tupac he's a wigger. And you know what, how the fuck can you even claim for someone to be a wigger? That's JUST as racist as someone calling you a nigger. I take offense to that. So fuck off. NOT ONLY that, but, how the fuck can someone be a wigger because they feel a dude's music? How can that be? This is hypothetically speaking, but I could white, have had a harder life then you, be sourrounded by black friends and relatives, and feel the effects of what Tupac was talking about MUCH more then you. It all depends man. It all depends where your mindset is. How can you even attempt to use the word wigger man? When it's just some racist bullshit. How about you start fucking respecting the white kids that are trying to help man, that FEEL the fucking shit that rappers are talking about rather then ignoring it. The white dudes that are into the real fucking rap, that love it for what it is, not just because it's cool.

I'm so fucking sick of hereing the word "wigger" thrown around. FUCK YOU. I'm tired of that bullshit. Black dudes don't want no white dudes calling them niggers, and I don't want NOBODY fucking calling me a wigger. I'm so tired of people, black or white, that sit there and believe they have the motherfucking jurisdiction to JUDGE white people who seriously listen to rap, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT. Man, as a white man, half of my fucking family is black, half of my fucking family lives in fairly ghetto conditions. I FEEL the fucking effects of this shit. Don't act like I can't feel Pac's music cause im white. Mature yourself man, start viewing shit from everybody's fucking angle rather then your narrow vision dude. Cause your the type of punk that turns white dudes off from rap music. People are afraid of becomming "wiggers" so they turn themselves away from it. Maybe we should break down the fucking barriers a little bit. Grow up, us white dudes that are here, listening to the rap, loving the fucking rap, are here to help man. Why do you have to disrespect us? Fuck you, and fuck every mother fucker that wants to call us out on some wigger shit. Grow up dawg.
They guy you are talking about is white.
He wasnt saying all Tupac fans are wiggers that like him because of his thug image. But what he said was true.
Now thanks for taking your time to air out your hate towards black people.
haunted said:
They guy you are talking about is white.
He wasnt saying all Tupac fans are wiggers that like him because of his thug image. But what he said was true.
Now thanks for taking your time to air out your hate towards black people.
co-sign ps agree with mase too.

credibility/character determines who i listen if someone talkin bout bein a killer/thug/drug dealer/pimp etc and their life aint reflectin that then i cant really listen to em if they are killers thugs and dealers however is a different issue as it would be like confessing your crimes, but dont get me wrong i aint for promotin violence i jus would rather ppl actually were themselves when they rapped. :thumb:
Now thanks for taking your time to air out your hate towards black people.
Explain how the fuck I did that. I said I hate ignorant people who assume that because a dude listens to Tupac or some of the more thug life concepts appeal to a white person, that he is automatically a "wigger". If you would read, I specifically said "I'm so tired of people, black or white, that sit there and believe they have the motherfucking jurisdiction to JUDGE white people who seriously listen to rap, " So don't act like I have any fucking hate towards black people.

Next, I had just woke up, and was pissed off, I needed to vent. My bad, didn't really intend for shit to be like that. I just needed to vent.
DrugBa11ad said:
Fuck the punk who sat there and talked shit about wiggers just liking Tupac because his "thug life" life shit appeals to them.

Your saying a white man can NOT listen to Tupac or respect him for other reasons? And not only that, but how can you not respect Tupac for his "I dont give a fuck attitude" and his Thug life concepts.

I hate you fucking ignorant assholes who believe because a person loves Tupac he's a wigger. And you know what, how the fuck can you even claim for someone to be a wigger? That's JUST as racist as someone calling you a nigger. I take offense to that. So fuck off. NOT ONLY that, but, how the fuck can someone be a wigger because they feel a dude's music? How can that be? This is hypothetically speaking, but I could white, have had a harder life then you, be sourrounded by black friends and relatives, and feel the effects of what Tupac was talking about MUCH more then you. It all depends man. It all depends where your mindset is. How can you even attempt to use the word wigger man? When it's just some racist bullshit. How about you start fucking respecting the white kids that are trying to help man, that FEEL the fucking shit that rappers are talking about rather then ignoring it. The white dudes that are into the real fucking rap, that love it for what it is, not just because it's cool.

I'm so fucking sick of hereing the word "wigger" thrown around. FUCK YOU. I'm tired of that bullshit. Black dudes don't want no white dudes calling them niggers, and I don't want NOBODY fucking calling me a wigger. I'm so tired of people, black or white, that sit there and believe they have the motherfucking jurisdiction to JUDGE white people who seriously listen to rap, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT. Man, as a white man, half of my fucking family is black, half of my fucking family lives in fairly ghetto conditions. I FEEL the fucking effects of this shit. Don't act like I can't feel Pac's music cause im white. Mature yourself man, start viewing shit from everybody's fucking angle rather then your narrow vision dude. Cause your the type of punk that turns white dudes off from rap music. People are afraid of becomming "wiggers" so they turn themselves away from it. Maybe we should break down the fucking barriers a little bit. Grow up, us white dudes that are here, listening to the rap, loving the fucking rap, are here to help man. Why do you have to disrespect us? Fuck you, and fuck every mother fucker that wants to call us out on some wigger shit. Grow up dawg.
U mad???
DrugBa11ad said:
And not only that, but how can you not respect Tupac for his "I dont give a fuck attitude" and his Thug life concepts.
But that's my point, you might respect him as a person, but this is music, how does him having that persona make him a better rapper? It doesn't. I'm sure there are many rappers with that same attitude that are so wack that will never get a deal. So by listening to someone for reasons including their attitude, we aren't really judging the music are we?
HitEmUp21 said:
But that's my point, you might respect him as a person, but this is music, how does him having that persona make him a better rapper? It doesn't. I'm sure there are many rappers with that same attitude that are so wack that will never get a deal. So by listening to someone for reasons including their attitude, we aren't really judging the music are we?
Persona is a part of music. And he never sed he jus liked him for his attitude, he jus sed u hav to respect him. Im pretty sur no one jus likes someones music jus cuz they hav a good attitude. Pac had good music and a good attitude. Good music is all an image. First, and most importantly, ur music has to be good, i agree. But things like attitude, persona, and shit like tha are wut make a rapper great. Wut make his music real and not sum dumb shit tha is jus to make money.


Well-Known Member
They might determine what I'll buy and who I'll support but I'll listen to anything if I enjoy the music. Doing anything else is retarded.

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