how do you judge an album



do you judge it from how many Dope tracks are on the album, or how many shit tracks are on the album, or how the tracks fit together with various topics being covered. or the Versatility of the album..
and answer this, would you rarther an album with 10 tracks and all 10 being totaly dope. or would you rarther an album with 24 tracks with 12 totaly dope tracks.


Well-Known Member
I judge the album by how many tracks I feel & how they stand the test of time (for me, I couldn care less what other people think). Versatility has nothing to do with the way I judge an album because it may be a versatility album & at the same time a shit album as well.


Well-Known Member
I judge rappers and their songs based on their lyrical skills, voice, flow, content and the beats. If a rapper has a good voice, he doesn't have to worry about that on his album, just the latter four. An album that has a few of these is good, most of them is really good, and all of them is classic, at least in my opinion. I would much rather have a ten track cd of ten great songs than a twenty-four track album with twelve great ones.


New Member
I do judge on versatility. I mean if each song has the same beat and same flow, that album gets very boring very quickly. It's gotta be versatile for it go from being a good album to a great album. At the same time, I agree with Lok, a great album is one that lasts the test of time. I'd definately rather a shorter album with all good tracks rather than a bigger album with several shithouse ones.
i judge an album by if listening to it, it helps me not think about what problems are going on, and if it makes me feel good while listening to it. and if the lyrics i relate to...and or if its made for dancing if its something i can dance to..and to answer the queston on about 10 or 12..much rather have 10 dope tracks because with a 24 track cd and only 12 dope tracks, all i do is skip to the tracks i feel anyways, and with a straight 10 tracks, you can chill and listen to all the songs without getting annoyed by a waste of space on cd.


Staff member
I'm going to be simple about this. I judge an album based on dope tracks. I'd rather have an album with 24 tracks, with 12 being dope because the other 12 that aren't dope might at least have good beats or good lyrics.
i think its safe to say acording to record sales and all the 1 hit wonders out there that most of america goes out there and gets an album and likes it even if it only has 1 catchy song they like on it....


Active Member
def. not sales......

consistency how many times you have to press next

id rather 10 solid songs as appose to 12/24 good songs...

illmatic vs. streets disciple


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Staff member
Judge it mostly upon lyrics. Meaning content; topic, originality, raw lyracism.

Passion within the songs too at times.

Then I compare it to what was released earlier by the same artist and see if he did better or not change.


Well-Known Member
Frank Grimes said:
and answer this, would you rarther an album with 10 tracks and all 10 being totaly dope. or would you rarther an album with 24 tracks with 12 totaly dope tracks.
Who isn't gonna take 12 over 10, i know what your saying but think about how your saying it next time.
For your question, i press play, and if i like it i like it and if i dont i dont, simple really


Well-Known Member
I need to listen to an album on my headphones to really be able to concentrate on it and judge, I tend to listen how flawless the track is, how many dope tracks and maybe where it's weaknesses are.

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