Hope In Older Music?

ive been listening to some new rap stuff thats round tv and shit alot, and i got bored of most of it. i started to think, maybe ill just give up listening to rap all together, its mostly all going to shit IMO. so i just went back and listened to some older shit (first ready to die) and listening to the album just made me fall back on to rap completely, it just made me go back and start listening to some older stuff,and wondered why i ever questioned quiting on rap music :D anyone else ever get like this?
I agree totally, The only worthwhile new album I've bought is Streets disciple,
So I've started buying up as many older albums as poss. at the the moment I'm trying to complete my slick rick collection.


Active Member
Old rap is tight, you never get disapointed when you hear it :thumb: (sounds gay I know, but hey if you could, you would... sweetcheeks)
well this is an understatement, the old stuff is the best by far. new stuff is boring, pointless there's no substance or anything for that matter on it.

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