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Well-Known Member
Staff member
This goes in the Unsigned Hype forum homeboy. You are obviously new here so hopefully no fuckfaces yell at you for it.


Well-Known Member
You've posted 50 times before. That's not a small number. When you came to the forum, you noticed the descriptions of the various boards, and had you taken 30 seconds out of your life to read them, you would've known how to post properly.

* You can't read directions
* You suck at the Internet
* You suck at rapping

I would recommend killing yourself, but there is some use for you in life. I don't live at home. My dad's getting old, and my brother has bad allergies. I'll pay you ten bucks a week to mow my parents' lawn for them twice a month. When winter hits, I'll pay you to shovel their driveway, 30 bucks a pop.
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