HH rules (Incomplete post, warning: tangents)


Well-Known Member
1. HH is at its best when it's familiar.
2. If you listen to HH the same way you listen to something else... well, that's the difference between a circle and a symmetrical polygon with many sides, isn't it?

2a. Another thought that comes to mind - have you ever taken a break from hip-hop, and if so, how did it affect the way you perceive hip-hop afterwards? I've never been able to do it myself, but I'd like to think that if I did, it would:
i) Refine what makes hip-hop special/dope/different
ii) Reinforce that whenever people in hip-hop go outside of hip-hop (Mos Def, Andre 3000, Lauryn, etc.), it's usually not the well-versed folks who're impressed

But from the posts to that effect I've seen on this board, it's worked out more to "I realized that hip-hop is inferior, whatever, etc." In specific examples, it can be explained by those persons hving bad taste in hip-hop or bad taste in non hip-hop music, but that seems a little too convenient. It's something I'd like to talk about.



Well-Known Member
You better not be 32!

never took a break from hip hip simply because I couldn't.

But from the posts to that effect I've seen on this board, it's worked out more to "I realized that hip-hop is inferior, etc." In specific examples, it can be explained by those persons having bad taste in hip-hop or bad taste in non hip-hop music, but that seems a little too convenient. It's something I'd like to talk about.
For the most part I think Hip-Hop is the best genre, then I take one listen to Pink Floyds "Wish You Were Here" or any album by Tom Waits to realized that Hip Hop is at par with all the other genre of music, even though it is the genre that I listen to the most.
So yes, folks that say Hip-Hop is inferior either never found their favorite Hip Hop sound or just bump horrible music.
When I took a week-long break recently, listening to nothing but jazz and Latin jazz with the occasional Sly Stone and other funk music, I found that it deepened my appreciation for hip-hop not in the way that I could draw distinctions as to how hip-hop is different, but rather how I could see the other music inside of hip-hop, which made me actually appreciate the similarities rather than the differences between hip-hop and other music. For instance, after that week, my appreciation for The Roots went up so, so much, whereas someone like Brotha Lynch Hung became more difficult to listen to.

I may expand upon this further when I have more time, 'cause I'm intrigued by this way of "listening to hip-hop as if it was something else", I mean, how do you do listen to music in a certain way? Paying attention to certain elements (eg. drums) while lessening the emphasis on the lyrical complexity?
I havn't listened to any hip-hop in a while. I went for a few years listening to 90% hiphop but lately, nah. It's mostly been various rock groups. Hip-hop sounds different after going a long period without it. It's more difficult. My tastes change. But still, I love the hip-hop artists I always have but find I don't listen to them as much.

My love for hip-hop has decreased, yes. But I'm still into it. And I love listening to it. But I find I like less than I used to, and I'm very picky with it.


New Member
When I went without my computer for a while, or whenever I go on vacation without my mp3 player, I think for a large period of the day that I need to listen to some Hip Hop. When I get re-united I am relieved and think how I went without it.
I havn't really gone a long time without it though, no longer than a week I'd guess. Recently I downloaded some rock albums, but can't listen to more than half of one without a Hip Hop break.


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Staff member
Honestly? I've never "took a break" from hiphop music. Alot of people say they love the music, but when I say I love it, I mean I LOVE the music. There's just no other way I will drift away from it and start listening to other music. Even if no new music came out, I could live on all the music that I have. Haha, seriously. But if I took a break from it and then started listening again, I would definitely recognize how dope the music really is. But then again, I don't really think I would forget in the first place. I think about it too much, even when i'm not actually listening to it.
My playlists (on the computer as well as on my MP3 player) contain a lot of different styles of music. Besides the 90% that is hip hop, I got a lot of Michael Jackson/ The Jacksons, Bob Marley, Marvin Gaye, Gorillaz, Red Hot Chili Peppers, R&B (Usher, R. Kelly etc) and many many more...

Also my CD-changer/alarmclock always has 1 2Pac cd, 1 Michael Jackson cd and 1 self-made compilation cd (with all sorts of music).

I never need to take a break, because I hear different genres back to back all the time


Well-Known Member
Anything have anything more to say other than that you appreciated hip-hop less/more? Specific albums, artists, songs, or what about the music you appreciated less/more?

Dave D

Active Member
I find that albums that i never really gave a chance, didnt play much and are just sitting there in my cd rack have a tendency to surprise me.


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Staff member
I'd just like to add...

i'm not that gold teeth, gold chain rapper you're used to,
...if I was i'd be like kool g rap from the juice crew!

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