hey rukas check this out

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Yeah i just wanted to know if i can have my post count merged with my new post counts numbers.I was banned wrongly under the user name young_felonious by chris because he misread someshit i wrote(remember him?) And my cased was to be reviewed by jon so it was agreed i keep this user name till then.Then i made a thread about it earlier last year and you told me that jon no longers runs the board.And that you would look over it after you was done eating whatever you was eating but i guess you never got around to it.If you pull up the old threads you can verifry what im saying yourself.
Seeing that ive been here 4 like since 3 years (2002 )can you just add my post numbers from my previous user name to this one.I mean its not like its a big deal or nothing, but im just the type of nigga that like to keep track of shit .So if you can really do me that favor thanks alot in advance.

holla back!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumb:
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