Hey Ruk Peep!


Active Member
i recieved an e-mail saying someone tried to log into my account over 5 times but failed to get the password right so it locked the account for 15 min. Is there anyway you could trace the IP an see if its a current user here? I've changed my password anyway, but would like to know what immature lil shit was trying to fuck with my shit! Peace


Active Member
Amara said:
If they failed to log in, then no IP would have been noted. That's weird though that someone was trying.

yeah, i gotta an e-mail from streehop saying someone tried logging into my account over 5 times an then it gave their IP, but i dunno how ta trace that shit, Ruks the man with that shit.
Kareem said:
yeah, i gotta an e-mail from streehop saying someone tried logging into my account over 5 times an then it gave their IP, but i dunno how ta trace that shit, Ruks the man with that shit.
Forward the email to forum@streethop.comand I'll check the IP. Rukas isnt the only one with shit, haha (sorry rukas).
It was someone with a similar username, so no I'm not gonna ban them. It was probably an honest mistake - they prob just mistyped or forgot which was theirs.

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