Guess Who's On The New Tupac Album?

Just got off the phone with my long time friend BABY BASH and JRECORDS just laced him to be on the new tupac album due out soon ! BABY BASH on the new TUPAC ALBUM heard it first from ASSASSINs board...Song already recorded and its a done deal!
Damn, thanks for tha news :thumb:. I don't know if having Baby Bash on tha new album is a good thing or bad thing. I guess it does mean they are gonna add rappers to tha songs that they weren't originally on :(.
haha... thanks 4 the news assassin.. ye i kno who baby bash is, even tho im guessin he most defiantly didnt kno pac... which is the downside... maybe, this could be a good song... though, i couldn't really picture pac's style workin with his... will have to see...
OFFICIAL meaning coming from AMARU u know the deal though...Anyways just some news i heard that's all straight from BabyBash himself....Anyways we shall see..Makaveli 3 THE WAY HE WANTED UP NEXT 2 BAT after these messages!!....
well Baby Bash is dope, but my own feeling on this is that people who didn't know Pac shouldn't be on the album, but it's buisness I feel that.... Baby Bash is dope, I heard some tracks with him from way back too with SPM if I ain't got it wrong.
probably heard that one too, but it ain't that one I'm thinking about... I found the track I was thinking of it's called City of Dank with Baby Bash and South Park Mexican, it's a dope ass track from back in the day

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