Go DJ -Lil Wayne

Is it me or is this song "Go DJ" by Lil Wayne the best song off Tha Carter?

I"ve always liked the song, but just recently I've really started digging it even more. When I listen to it, the shit hypes me up like nothing else and just puts me in major party mode.


New Member
Hard beat, dope lyrics (for a single) and overall it is a very good song. IMO, the 3rd best track on the Album under "BM JR" and "I Miss My Dawgs".


Well-Known Member
Can someone explain to me, btw, why the video this song takes place in a prison? Was Baby saving all of the hoes and club rental fees for his own video? They should've shot it in 360 or something. Guarantee that'd added another 200k to The Carter's units.


Well-Known Member
its linx! said:
Word @ Roaches. BM J.R. is too sick.
Cool :thumb: Last time you said you said that song wasn't too bad but you didn't like it that much. When'd you start appreciating Weezy?
roaches said:
Can someone explain to me, btw, why the video this song takes place in a prison? Was Baby saving all of the hoes and club rental fees for his own video? They should've shot it in 360 or something. Guarantee that'd added another 200k to The Carter's units.

I saw the making of the video for "Go D.J.", and Lil Wayne said that the reason he did the video in a jail setting is because he knew that everyone would expect him to make a club type video for it, and he wanted to throw everyone off, or something to that effect.......Still, the song is a hot track, regardless of the video, it still got and still gets mad airplay, so I doubt the fact the video took place in a jail did much to hinder the albums sales.

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