Game Kicked Out Of Las Vegas Convention Center In Fear Of Retaliation From Suge


Organizers of the Magic Convention booted the game out of the Las Vegas Convention center, out of fear that Marion “Suge” Knight was planning to retaliate against the rapper for a weekend shooting in Miami, Florida.

According to eyewitnesses, Game was attempting to showcase his Hurricane by 310 sneakers at the convention, which attracts major players in the fashion industry.

Sources stated that an earlier incident in which The Game clashed with Knight’s entourage - as well as last weekend’s unsolved shooting of Knight - played a part in having security remove the rapper.

Last June, The Game and Knight crossed paths at the Sunset Room and an altercation ensued, but no one was injured.

Early Sunday morning Knight was shot in the leg at a Kanye West sponsored MTV Video Music Awards party at the Shore Club in Miami, Florida.

Few facts are known about the shooting and according to police, witnesses are reluctant to come forward.

Police officials are also waiting on ballistics evidence recovered from the scene and from Knight’s clothing to determine if he was shot or if he accidentally discharged a gun and shot himself.

If it is determined the gunshot wound was self-inflicted, Knight would be in violation of his probation for carrying a weapon.

“They were concerned Suge was gonna retaliate at Magic, so Game being there was a security risk,” a source speaking under condition of anonymity told “Game came into a secured area and only people with appointments were allowed to see him. When they found out he was in the booth, they escorted him out.”

The Game confirmed the incident with the Associated Press shortly after he was kicked out of the Las Vegas Convention Center.

"They had a lot of state police exit us right out of the building," Game told The Associated Press. "They were scared there was going to be some drama, but I don't know why they would be scared because I had nothing to do with (the shooting)."

The rapper also denied he was involved in the shooting, stating that he didn’t see Knight in the club at all, which was jam packed with at least 500 people.

According to reports, the Compton, California native and Knight met on the beach earlier in the day, further dispelling rumors of tension between the two despite their previous altercation.

The Game and Knight both have ties to the Bloods street gang. Knight was a co-founder in Death Row Records with Dr. Dre, Knight’s nemesis and Game’s mentor and producer.
Something aint adding up. First, Game said that him and Suge settled their differences, walked the beach together talkin about the future of hip-hop, and even sat with him at the table when he was shot. Now, he claims that he didnt even see Suge at all cause the club was packed.

Once again, Game's flip-floppin...

Bigg Limn

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The shooting was after their long walk on the beach - so maybe they had their romantic journey; then later at the club, [where Game didnt C Suge cuz of all the people] Suge got popped.
Crunkadelic said:
Sources stated that an earlier incident in which The Game clashed with Knight’s entourage - as well as last weekend’s unsolved shooting of Knight - played a part in having security remove the rapper.

Police officials are also waiting on ballistics evidence recovered from the scene and from Knight’s clothing to determine if he was shot or if he accidentally discharged a gun and shot himself.
this doesn't make any fucking sense... it's all bullshit.

look at these two quotes..

so basically suge knight may be going after the game because he may have shot himself in the leg? wtf?
peeeeeeyouuuuu. stinky bullshit.

game said he was 'with suge when he got shot' i read tha from a different source.
and that theyd been walking discussing shit after squashing there beef.

so why is this news report publishing inaccurate info ?
this story was posted after that one at the top:

Organizers of the Magic Marketplace denied that The Game was ejected out of the famed Las Vegas fashion convention, but charged the rap star was denied entrance because his security carried concealed handguns.

In a statement, Magic also countered the assertion that the Miami shooting of Suge Knight was a factor in the decision. “The Game was not ‘kicked out’ of the show for possible involvement in the recent Suge Knight shooting, as has previously been reported,” the statement read. Magic brass contended a Las Vegas building code prohibits concealed weapons of any type on the premises.

On Tuesday, The Game arrived at the event to showcase his Hurricane sneakers, which are made by 310 Footwear. Magic’s security attempted to work with 310 Footwear’s security to find an alternate, more suitable location for the rapper’s display. According to Magic, 310 declined the offer of relocation, because the new site was unacceptable to them.

“On Tuesday morning, August 30, The Game arrived at the event site an hour earlier than scheduled accompanied by five bodyguards – at least two of whom were allegedly armed. After being informed by security officials that this was a direct violation of trade show rules, all were escorted off the show premises,” Magic official said. They also charge that The Game refused to reschedule his appearance.

The Game’s manager Jimmy Henchmen maintained that fears surrounding the Miami shooting of Suge Knight prompted action from on-site security. “It’s a shame that an incident that happens on one coast would affect a promotion of the (Hurricane) sneakers on another. Speculation here will make matters worst in this matter," Game's manager Jimmy Henchmen told

Concurring, The Game explained what happened yesterday from his point of view.

"They had a lot of state police exit us right out of the building," Game told the Associated Press. "They were scared there was going to be some drama, but I don't know why they would be scared because I had nothing to do with (the shooting)."

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