
i cant post nemore pics in my gallery, it says ive used to much space, but people like emma, carmi, and ghetto star seem to hav unlimited room

i don no if its jus that they use smaller pics that take up less storage or wut, but i jus find it wierd that i can only hav 6 pics, and ghettostar has 80

also, my storage seemed to get bigger a lil while ago, before i cudnt post nemore pics, then jus recently i had room, but only for one pic, i jus wanna no the situation on how ur storage works cuz no one else seems to hav ne problems with limited photo sharing

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
They probably have pictures that are compressed into smaller sizes. Most of your pictures are around 130 KB while a lot of Emma's pictures are well below that.

Try asking about software for image compression in Tech Talk. I use Photoshop.

On a side note- Emma and GhettoStar pics are just fine.. what I'm sick of is seeing pictures Tupac, weed & ex girlfriends. (pictures of ex's are actually funny)


New Member
i dont know what the limits were for the gallery Saint, Rukas set them. i could guess and say it might be due to probation... but I'm not 100% sure. Why not take down the ones of your shoes, lol.

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