G.litt - reply to Rukas

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To Rukas

First off read my first post fromthe last thread, which was
just wanna know who he is, i mean his othere alias if he got one. cuz he couldnt have been chosena mod with just 15 post and joinin date of jan 2005.
. all im sayin is who the fuck is g.litt, she must have some past history which i dont know of hence me asking u fuckin turd.

G. Litt used to run PhatForum, if you dont know what PhatForum was, you're a noob and have no position questioning my decisions. I think you're just upset you didnt get a mod spot, seeing as you PMed me asking why you werent in the vote.Deal with it.
am i missing somethin, when did i question ur moves or anything that u was doing to be right or wrong??.
and u thought wrong 'MR i think i know it all' cuz i wasnt upset i was just curious to why ya left me out. which you explained to me 'only 10 votin options available'. so that was it, no motherfucki n assumin had to be included in your philosphically woteva bullshit.

What you freeposting post count obsessed so and so's dont understand is you dont have to POST to he ACTIVE. G Litt reads the forum, she doesnt have to post in it, therefor if she reads it she can do her mod job and move and close threads.GET OVER IT!
what exactly would you call freepsotin??? alotta the shit that is posted in the life threads are just opinions and views on different matters, me addin my side to it makes it freepostin, remember this without views being posted there is no fuckin LIFE forum.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
a moderator closes and moves threads that people post in the wrong forums. that's it. no bans, no probations, no big deal. what's all the fuss for?

phatforum (from http://www.pacup.com/tuth/) was one of the sites that started the internet interest in 2pac. g litt has done more for the pac scene than 99% of the people on the board. let's let her close a few threads about pac's favorite cereal toy now and then, huh?

tossing personal attacks at rukas seems a little irrational if people want to stick around. just bash me, i'm used to it.

btw, i'll be posting another anti-dante song someone composed in the wee hours of this morning. i think we have a hit on our hands.
i didnt get a chance to ask in that thread becauase it got closed.

but why did rukas even nominate westsyde01 as a mod spot in the first place if he knew westsyde01 wasnt loyal to the board as rukas claims he isnt.why did he in the first place put wesrsyde01 in that poll if later on it wouldnt have matter cuase he wouldnt have become a mod anyway.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
~Bachaveli Don~ said:
i didnt get a chance to ask in that thread becauase it got closed.

but why did rukas even nominate westsyde01 as a mod spot in the first place if he knew westsyde01 wasnt loyal to the board as rukas claims he isnt.why did he in the first place put wesrsyde01 in that poll?
he structured the poll according to the nomination thread. where it went from there is totally his perogative as owner of this board.

if westsyde01 was a mod he'd think he had license to freepost away and earn his internet stripes one way or another. it seems like everyone but me has forgotten that for the first 3 months he was on this board he boosted (freeposted) his post count up into the over-thousand level with one word replies, nonsense posts, smilie replies, and sheer idiocy. after he got a high post rank and some warnings, he chilled out. this guy has also been banned twice. not to sound vindictive or like i'm attacking the guy, because i am sticking with the facts, but westsyde01 gets ahold of tracks that are just about to leak to the public, posts them, and then gobbles up credit for attention. it's pretty contrived, and most people see through that... anyway, end of story, making him a mod is a license to clown around even more (just last week he spammed life with a picture that he knew should have been in picture perfect). if he doesn't play by the rules, how can you expect him to enforce them?

anyway, if you don't like it, blame me. i did it. i am responsible for all evils on the 2pac scene. fuck you, you, and you. your mothers can all burn in hell. there.


New Member
^ lol dante

i think everyone needs to get over it. being a mod here isnt going to make you a better person, make you rich, and get you all the women in the world. it would be nice, yes, but rukas chose g.litt, big deal, like i said, if she can do the job, post count doesnt make a difference.

amara has done a great job in my opinion. and g.litt will do the same, some of you need to relax
i hope he is not talkin to me at that last part 'fuck you, you'. better not be.

all im asking why did rukas even considered puttin westsyde01 on the poll if he knew if he would have won it he wouldnt get the mod spot anyway.

it dont matter who nominated or how many times he was nominated in nomination thread,why you putting up his name in vote thread knowing he wont get a mod spot regardless of peoples votoes.

why even structure and go based on the nomination thread if he wont get it anyway.
why is this such a big deal. would i liked to have become a mod, sure lol, but its not that big a deal. 3 threads in like 2 days is insane
Dante said:
he structured the poll according to the nomination thread. where it went from there is totally his perogative as owner of this board.

if westsyde01 was a mod he'd think he had license to freepost away and earn his internet stripes one way or another. it seems like everyone but me has forgotten that for the first 3 months he was on this board he boosted (freeposted) his post count up into the over-thousand level with one word replies, nonsense posts, smilie replies, and sheer idiocy. after he got a high post rank and some warnings, he chilled out. this guy has also been banned twice. not to sound vindictive or like i'm attacking the guy, because i am sticking with the facts, but westsyde01 gets ahold of tracks that are just about to leak to the public, posts them, and then gobbles up credit for attention. it's pretty contrived, and most people see through that... anyway, end of story, making him a mod is a license to clown around even more (just last week he spammed life with a picture that he knew should have been in picture perfect). if he doesn't play by the rules, how can you expect him to enforce them?

anyway, if you don't like it, blame me. i did it. i am responsible for all evils on the 2pac scene. fuck you, you, and you. your mothers can all burn in hell. there.
Don't be jealous that I share what you cherish Sally girl. (You still didn't answer why you came back to the board when you said you decided to leave, explain Petey) *status*
shot through the heart, and your too blame, darlin you give lovvvve a badd nameeeee...

*guitar sounds in background *

- can we drop this already this is ridiculous, this dante obsession has gone too far. STOP THE INSANITY.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
westsyde01 said:
Don't be jealous that I share what you cherish Sally girl. (You still didn't answer why you came back to the board when you said you decided to leave, explain Petey) *status*
there's a difference between you and i, poet. i go out and make contacts and friendships with the people who were close to pac, sometimes even traveling to meet with them. i help them however my capacities allow (most notably my contribution to the yaki album), and in return for their generousity i always guarantee that i will maintain my integrity and not be that guy who leaks material that has more serious reprucussions than a precious, short-lived slice of net fame. david, you have to grow up sometime and realize that for every action a series of consequences ensue. you may think you're a bigshot for linking up material that a few people may not have, but in doing so you inherently have burned some bridges. i have integrity and fidelity.

and david, if you're so interested on why i post here again after a short break, it is because that after threats were made to my family i contacted authorities to trace the person who was perpetrating them. after i made that point clear, that a continuation of such behavior would ultimately hold consequences, it ceased. right now i feel comfortable in the security measures that are now in place, and feel free to continue posting my opinions and experiences on this board. why you seem so intent on "exposing" me for a fraud is beyond me, but i also have not forgotten the strange case of a new account flaming me on this very board that conveniently had the same IP as the one your computer is tied to.

you may continue your antics if you please, but i am uninterested. my opinion of you is that you are a troubled person. by your own recount you "bump" acapellas in traffic seeking the attention of "black people" for some sort of validation that is missing from your life. underneath this mask of generousity you are yet another person who just wants recognition and praise any way he can get it, bending or breaking the rules in the process. inside you are probably not a very happy person.

finally, david, i'd ask that you refrain from inviting me into your hate filled msn conversations with all the other people who dislike me. have your little teaparties, talk shit, and do whatever you need to do. if you ever want to handle it like the tough guy all your weak ass friends claim to be, feel free to pay me a visit. otherwise, put your money where your mouth is and back the fuck down. msn auto accepts me into these chats while i'm asleep, and trust me, when check my cpu during lunch your antics sadden me that people out there are that pathetic rather than angering me.

i've said my peace. i neither respect or like you. i think you're a pathetic little boy seeking validation and respect. feel free to let it rest as it is and get out of my ass.

thanks, dave. two fingers.
Sometimes a false sense of security is a predecessor of.....

Dante said:
and david, if you're so interested on why i post here again after a short break, it is because that after threats were made to my family i contacted authorities to trace the person who was perpetrating them. after i made that point clear, that a continuation of such behavior would ultimately hold consequences, it ceased. right now i feel comfortable in the security measures that are now in place, and feel free to continue posting my opinions and experiences on this board. why you seem so intent on "exposing" me for a fraud is beyond me, but i also have not forgotten the strange case of a new account flaming me on this very board that conveniently had the same IP as the one your computer is tied to.
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