Ft. Alicia Keys

I'd like to see Alicia Keys doing some hooks on rappers albums.

Could image if Pac were still alive? The shit he could put out with her voice on. Dammnnn...


Well-Known Member
"If pac were still alive", sorry but is this needed anymore.

She knows how to make music, beautiful voice too. Maybe she is like Lauryn Hill or something, just crazy shit you need to do to get her on tracks, who knows. Maybe rappers just aren't asking her.
okay al post in about 10/20 mins, i dont want no credit/props what so ever i didnt make them i just downloaded them lol and am really not porn king, sum 1 hacked my account and shit so am keeping shit low profile for awhile, ill post them tracks now tho :)
HellRazor05 said:
already got how do you it 04, but i never heard the aaliyah one.
ok my 2pac collection is unbeliveably un organised and i cant find it at the mo, am gonna re-download it from lime wire and post it, wont be that long, 30 mins maximum
Wtf i swear some of these members are fuckin stupid ima be real im saying fuck jason cuz i was hatin on his ass when he made teh christina A thread. This is exactly a same sort of thread. With the only difference that alicia keys can actually sing and has a different rep.

Alicia keys been on rap records with nas and eve but cmon i know this a tupacboard but why do you ppl always want to to involve pac in every thread maaaaaaaan.. If you wanna hear her voice on a record with pac go mix a record yo...

Her collabo with nas was great I'd like to see her work with rakim and not sum illmatic remix just a real track ya know rakim feat. Alicia keys.

And btw jason why the fuck are you still on my nuts? I see you qouted me in ur sig well that's nice but you don't want me to quote ur ass lmao that would be fuckin emberrassing

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