forum rollback?


Well-Known Member
what exactly was this maintainance about, and did the forum suffer a rollback from it? i know for sure that a lot of posts are missing, at least in some threads.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
EDouble said:
wtf is thought to be the cause of this drama
blame dante. always blame dante. he hacked the board to prevent rare 2pac tracks from being linked by flying around the world like superman to bring you all back to what is two days ago to him. he's a sneaky devil.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Rizzle said:

i guess i just found an explanation lol. btw., if you're still looking for problems with the board, that thread there has two pages but clicking the "2" only reloads page one.

Yeah thats why I closed the thread cause its one of the buggy ones.

We lost about a 100 posts, no big deal, just lost all the posts for about an hour yesturday so we did roll back about an hour.

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