Fav Track Of Visions Of Ghandi


New Member
Yeah its been a while since i heard this album...but today ya know i was like I GOTTA HEAR ANIMAL RAP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so uhh i kinda realized animal rap and tibetan black magicians are my fav tracks of that album...but what is yours?


Little Miss Vixen
I like Rise Of The Machines - beat is crazy by itself but then Vinnie & Ras maul it.

Canibus does rip Tibetan Black Magic though.

Btw, do you know what it is that Ras says about halfway through his verse, it sounds like 'love don't love nobody' but OHHLA disagrees. Still, it sounds like it & Big Syke says the same thing in 'To 'Pac' - just wondering....


New Member
hm...i will have to hear it again..i dunno if u stilll have that evenascence rise of da machines remix you might be able to hear ir better on that one but lemme check lemme check


New Member
wtf ohhla says My homies sellin coke, 'cause nothin' love nobody...but i think the word nothin is too long to be correct..but i dunno 4 sure i think ur right

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