editing peoples shit!!

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i dont know who is doing it... but someone is going through peoples posts and sticking this shit at the bottom "EDIT: P.S., Dante, I like the OJ Simpson mugshot. if I ever see Ill Mitch on your icon again I'm gonna send 50 crips to your house to destroy your computer no joke".. it doesnt say who edited it... it just sortof appears there... also a couple days ago i noticed signatures were being fucked with... mine said some stupid shit like "i like penis- or something gay like that", and it said "i should stop being an asshole before i get banned for the 5th time"... it was kindof ironic that before my signature was fucked with.... it used to have a quote saying "fuck dante"... i wasnt doing it because i hate dante (i dont even know the dude), i just thought it was funny shit so i stuck it in my signature, then somehow the next day my signature is changed and says the shit i described before... wierd... but the events only lead me to think that this is all Dante's doing.... also in the bottom of some of mike helix's posts it said the same thing as what i got, which was "EDIT: P.S., Dante, I like the OJ Simpson mugshot. if I ever see Ill Mitch on your icon again I'm gonna send 50 crips to your house to destroy your computer no joke"... what the fuck is this shit... are mod's supposed to be doing this shit?

edit: and also, i dont know if this is possible, but someone might be reading through other peoples PM's... i send a PM to Rukas requesting to get my name changed to "Maverick" instead of the other one because it was too hard to type in, and my name got changed like a half hour later, but the certificate for my pm was never confirmed, which means Rukas never even read it... which means someone else must have read his pm's??? i mean seriously, whenever i PM rukas i usually expect him to respond a day later, not a fuckin half hour for god sake, hes usually too busy to deal with my problems... if all this is true, then is it possible to read other people's pm's... or maybe a way to get around it? i donno but something wierd is going on i can tell you that


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva

from page 256...

mh edited his own post, and it was a joke, not a diss.
you don't need to confirm a pm to read it. click cancel.
if a sig changes, it's probably the person or an admin because that person was being an ass.

thanks, bye.
like i said, i dont think it was DEFINATELY you, it just seems like it could be, i still find it wierd because why the hell would an admin edit one of my posts to say some shit about you- dante...... i dont get it, why would i tell a bunch of crips to go to your house, are admins really like that?

also, after i adressed you about editing my posts, in the "if i die tonight" thread... you called me "mindless" and then closed it.... i have a screenshot of my post being fucked with if you are infact trying to imply that my shit was never fucked with and it was only mikehelix's that said that

also, when mike helix and i origionally made our posts, that shit wasnt in there at the bottom, if we infact put that shit in there ourselves, it would have said "last edited by: Maverick/whatever".... but it didnt which means someone of a higher power must have put that in there after i made my post... it even said EDIT: before it at the bottom... only question is, who of a higher power would jab at dante like that in our posts?? doesnt make sence at all, unless dante himself is trying to get me banned for beef...
Dante said:

from page 256...

mh edited his own post, and it was a joke, not a diss.
you don't need to confirm a pm to read it. click cancel.
if a sig changes, it's probably the person or an admin because that person was being an ass.

thanks, bye.
and also i saw your fruity ass website/you better step up on that html bitch alright!!!lol WOW


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
that's a pretty low blow. i hope he doesn't publish this song when he gets signed or i'll have to hide out in peru till it all blows over.
Last edited by Maverick: Dante is a FAG!
oh i see....

anyhow pertaining to the topic.. dante- stop fucking with my posts, please, i dont know you, you dont know me, let there just be peace, its stupid... you're like the god of 2pac rares i wouldnt be surprised if you had 2pac unreleased porn videos... anyhow yep, later

peace bro
Dante said:
that's a pretty low blow. i hope he doesn't publish this song when he gets signed or i'll have to hide out in peru till it all blows over.
Last edited by Maverick: Dante is a FAG!

coming soon to a pawn shop near you
dante- just forget all this, its not worth fighting over... i dont wanna beef, i was just getting curious as to what was happening... anyway, what is this webpage hes talkin about? i heared that video clip it was pretty stupid... also someone sent me a pic of you on a card with a bunch of special powers and shit, lol, have you seen that yet?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
No one is editing your posts. Maverick I edited your signatuire before because you were taking my words out of context to diss Dante, thats not cool.

If a post is edited, it appears at the end of the signature not in the post, see below Ill edit mine so you can see.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Maverick said:
edit: and also, i dont know if this is possible, but someone might be reading through other peoples PM's... i send a PM to Rukas requesting to get my name changed to "Maverick" instead of the other one because it was too hard to type in, and my name got changed like a half hour later, but the certificate for my pm was never confirmed, which means Rukas never even read it... which means someone else must have read his pm's??? i mean seriously, whenever i PM rukas i usually expect him to respond a day later, not a fuckin half hour for god sake, hes usually too busy to deal with my problems... if all this is true, then is it possible to read other people's pm's... or maybe a way to get around it? i donno but something wierd is going on i can tell you that
Fucking hell, calm down, you PM me like every day about something. I read your PM and changed your name, but just must have clicked cancel when it asked me if I wanted to send a cancelation. NO ONE ELSE CAN READ YOUR PMs, not any other users, nor admins. RELAX. Stop with the consipracy theories, everything is working fine. RELAX.

Even if someone else read your PM, how could they change your name when I am the only admin? So obviously it was me. Use your brain and RELAX.
^lol i am calmed down..... u funny guy, alrighty well sorry i thought i was onto something, *walks away in shame*.. and Rukas... the lil edit thing was at the bottom, peace tho.. dont matter :)

(i just didnt think it was right for mods to be stickin shit in my posts)
speaking of editing posts.

once somebody edited my post but i wont point the finger at him nor i will say exactly what he edited. he knows who he is and i dont even wanna bring up his name(cause he aint all that) and have people hate on em somemore. im just reminding him what he has done.
yeah this is ridiculous, it was an inside joke for Dante, I was blunted at the time and soon realized it wasn't that funny so it was edited. and no, nobody told me to come here and post this I was in this forum for other reasons and noticed this thread. stay in your own business that remark had nothing to do with you thanks
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