easy way 2 learn music theory?

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
im looking for a good easy way 2 learn music theory...mostly pitch/key recognition...but i also need help wit basic chords and shit like that ... for the purposes of learning piano/guitar.

tried taking it in school bt i cld not latch my brain on2 anything...

any help is greatly appreciated. thanks!


VIP Member
Staff member
Tutorials on YouTube can be very helpful for learning basic concepts of music theory. If you wan't something more in-depth, take a course or a program. I plan on completing an audio engineering and music production diploma. You should think about dong the same.

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
already tried that...mixing and recording side I do fine with...but when it comes 2 notes/harmonies and shit Ive never been able 2 grasp.

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