Film & TV downloading books

Is there a place on the internet to download books..actual text books that you can print out? I heard that when harry potter came out it was scanned and put online so where did that go? It would be nice to know, to save money on college books and what not...


The One, The Only
not college books and stuff like that.
but other books like e-books (harry potter, lord of the rings and other POPULAR books are easy to find).
I don't know any particular website for it just go into google.
I prefer my words on paper


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Staff member
lol, we have gone to an all time low. Not wanting to pay for books, so we download them.

I'm with Heffner, prefer mine on paper.
ok well thats the point of the post..where can I find a site to download books - text ? I want to print it off and read it myself..not have someone read it to me as in an ebook.


Well-Known Member
Kevsta2004 said:
If it is it'll most likely been in Adobe PDF format I would of thought.
Yea most of them are, you can get them from file sharing programs such as Ares, limewire e.t.c e.t.c

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