Film & TV Domino


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Devious187 said:
Really? I thought it was terrible, but to each his own i guess
Im a huge fan of Tony Scott's directorial style.

I am curious though, what did you dislike?
I like Tony Scott as well, most of his movies are very good. I may have been a bit harsh when I said it was terrible, but I really didn't like the way the story played out. And it kinda bothers me that they took a real person who is dead and put her in a fictional story. I don't know if you know, but she was a real bounty hunter, and she died of a drug overdose a few years ago. However, even though they use her as a character, none of the movie is true and that really bothers me. Also, I didn't find Keira Knightley (sp?) very believable in the role. Some actors/actresses can pull off roles that are completely different from what they normally do, but it didn't work for me in this case


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
I kind of knew what to expect going into it story wise so wasnt too bothered, I knew they changed what happened a lot.

It could have been edited a bit better, certain parts dragged, but I thought it was good.

To each his own like you said.
Rukas said:
I kind of knew what to expect going into it story wise so wasnt too bothered, I knew they changed what happened a lot.

It could have been edited a bit better, certain parts dragged, but I thought it was good.

To each his own like you said.
It's not that they changed what happened, it's that this story was completely made up, nothing in this movie was true except for the fact that she was a bounty hunter. They just used her name and created a fictional story.

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