Does It Matter?

Does it really matter if Canibus ever sells records? I mean he doesn't have to be a superstar in the mainstream to get respect from me for his mc skills... He still makes my jaw drop when he rhymes and has since day one... So why are people so hung up on saying he's a bust or that he sucks etc? I mean I think he's one of the illest mcs to ever do it and a platinum plaque would never change my opinion...

tHuG $TyLe

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Probably coz he has enough talent to make it mainstream but doesnt seem to, Canibus would need to dumb down his lyrics to be succesful, but this would outcast his fans who love him for that style.


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Canibus being successful means he makes more money and lives well and is able to support himself off of making music, and continues to do just that.

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