DMX - Slippin'

I have a question about this track. I have the album, but the only song that seems to be edited is "Slippin'"... why is that and does a unedited version exist? If someone does have it, can someone please upload it. Thanks


New Member
The unedited Slippin is on a rare vinyl I think... but yea, its leaked to the internet. I would post it but I dont have it at the moment.
I always assumed he did it because the edited version just sounds better. With all the growls grunts and ad libs I thought the track just sounded more complete. I could be way off on this, as this is just my own opinion, but everyone that I've shown the track to has agreed with me.


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I think i remember that when he did that track, he felt it was such a deep track, and buy cutting out the swearing it would stay clean, he did not wont to dirty up the song.
FroDawgg said:
i heard it's on a rare cd called the dmx files too; i haven't been able to find it though
if by rare you mean can be found at your local fleemarket for 5 dollars, or 7 cd's for 20, then your right its as rare as they come.....

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