
DPG iz all I C

Well-Known Member
Lets discuss the Diplomats.

What do people think of there releases (solo and group)
Who do you think is the most talented member ?
Favourite Song ?
General thoughts on them.

Ive got all there releases and a few mixtapes and im inpressed with them all except Jim Jones album which had a few good songs but was overall a disapointment.

Most talented member is either JR Writer or Juelz Santana, ive only heard 1 of JR's mixtape but it was hot as hell and Santana has been dropping heat recently which has me anticipating his solo.

Favourite song from the Diplomats would be Damn it Feels Good by Juelz or Stop n Go by Diplomats collectivly.

Overall i think there tight and get hated on way to much.

your thought please.
What do people think of there releases (solo and group)
They are alright i think they dont have that high of a replay value though
Who do you think is the most talented member ?
Favourite Song ?
The intro to purple haze
General thoughts on them.
Jim jones sucks. Camron and Juelz are underrated. They have their own style and alot of times there shit has a deeper meaning then most people think but they cant get past the nursery sounding rhymes
favourite song is the newest cam song eye of the beholder....
most talented = juelz.
dip immu 1 was there best.
solo best is purple haze.

i agree bout the hate thing, but jr writer iso n the come up :D
Diplomats are sooo hard. Santana, Cam'ron, JR, Hell Rell (He spit fire on DI2, my favorite on there) are among the hottest most underrated rappers out there. Jim Jones is hot for guest apperances and keeps improving. A year ago I thought these guys were wack, now they make up 80% of my music right now. You gotta listen a lot and understand what they are saying. They use word play with simple words for a deeeeeep meaning.

1.I have almost all of their releases and the one that is the worst to me is Santana's debut, but some tracks on there are hotter then everything else but I haven't really listened to it but it just never caught my attention.

2.Most talented...I'll get back to you after solos from Cam and Juelz drop this summer, but I'd say Cam right now.

3.Favorite song, damn, this is hard I can't really say. I'm feeling just about everything off of DI and I really feel Come Home With Me the title track off of Cam's old album.

4.I said my general thoughts above...Holla...


Staff member
Killa is most talented, Your way is my favorite track, all of their releases are tight, I can't wait for Cam and Juelz albums.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I was never a huge fan of the Diplomats, but I enjoy their music. As far as those questions, i'm not really sure. I don't listen to them a real lot, so I couldn't name their best member or their best song. It's only my opinion anyway. :p
S O F I S T I K said:
Killa is most talented, Your way is my favorite track, all of their releases are tight, I can't wait for Cam and Juelz albums.
u heard that dipset memorial day mixtape ...... off da chain :D


Well-Known Member
A guy on another board described the Diplomats perfectly:

they're like musical candy

finish your common and take TWO bites of your Stevie, and then you can have some dipset.

it's great, yet has no substance

listening to too much will rot your teeth.
Dipset's the "use sparingly" triangle on the musical pyramid.
I personally used to love the Diplomats until recently.It seems that now that they are extremely popular they just don't try as much as they used to.Juelz used to be so hot that it was just amazing, being that he was so young.Now he drops a few hot verses scattered across 1 or 2 songs.That S.A.N.T.A.N.A. is hot, but lyrically its basically a wtf is he talking about.
J.R. Writer is ok but fell off, only reason I still support him is because he is Dominican and I have to look out for the race but this man had the talent but now he is just lazy.I guess it's just his style, it was hot when I first heard it, but now he doesnt say anything too pleasing.
Cam'Ron is the hottest and was at his best probably during his Come Home With Me days.Purple Haze is nasty and is a step forward for a team marred with rappers that keep falling off but compared to what Cam could do its just ughh.If he stops messing around with Chad West and gets back with the Heatmakerz and maybe some D.R. Period again, then he'll get back to his old self.
Jim Jones is just Jim.He'll be great one minute(Come Home With Me) and then be the wackest rapper to ever grace the mic(practically every other track).
The hottest album from them solo wise has got to be Come Home With Me, with Purple Haze in close second.Juelz' solo was extremely disappointing and weak.
Its not like they dont have the talent, its just now they dont seem to want to use it.For anybody who doesn't believe me, just compare Diplomatic Immunity to that bullshit Di2.And all this putting Hell Rell, J.R., and 40 Cal on Dipset albums....C'mon, its like baseball baby, these guys belong in the farm system rapping on mixtapes or something, they dont belong in the Big Leagues.


Staff member
Infamous Josedy said:
I personally used to love the Diplomats until recently.It seems that now that they are extremely popular they just don't try as much as they used to.Juelz used to be so hot that it was just amazing, being that he was so young.Now he drops a few hot verses scattered across 1 or 2 songs.That S.A.N.T.A.N.A. is hot, but lyrically its basically a wtf is he talking about.
J.R. Writer is ok but fell off, only reason I still support him is because he is Dominican and I have to look out for the race but this man had the talent but now he is just lazy.I guess it's just his style, it was hot when I first heard it, but now he doesnt say anything too pleasing.
Cam'Ron is the hottest and was at his best probably during his Come Home With Me days.Purple Haze is nasty and is a step forward for a team marred with rappers that keep falling off but compared to what Cam could do its just ughh.If he stops messing around with Chad West and gets back with the Heatmakerz and maybe some D.R. Period again, then he'll get back to his old self.
Jim Jones is just Jim.He'll be great one minute(Come Home With Me) and then be the wackest rapper to ever grace the mic(practically every other track).
The hottest album from them solo wise has got to be Come Home With Me, with Purple Haze in close second.Juelz' solo was extremely disappointing and weak.
Its not like they dont have the talent, its just now they dont seem to want to use it.For anybody who doesn't believe me, just compare Diplomatic Immunity to that bullshit Di2.And all this putting Hell Rell, J.R., and 40 Cal on Dipset albums....C'mon, its like baseball baby, these guys belong in the farm system rapping on mixtapes or something, they dont belong in the Big Leagues.
I remember you for always sticking up for the Diplomats, back then when I didn't like them at all. Now, that I'm a "new" fan, I don't notice that they're falling off, according to your opinion, so therefore I enjoy them more. :)
^Lol, yea I remember those days, back when I was practically part of the very few of Diplomats supporters on this forum.
I actually heard one track from S.A.S. and I gotta say I was blown away by it.Its called "On Them Roads".I heard it and my mouth just dropped, the beat is insane, (Treetown Productions seems to only do hotness for Dipset, all their other beats are pretty bad), the lyrics are also hot.You should try to peep that track.S.A.S. is 2 people, I just dont know when one ends and one begins cause they both have deep voices and those damn accents.
What do people think of there releases (solo and group)?
-There group album DI1 was insane. Very good release, underrated. DI2 was crappy though. A few bangers but a shitty followup.
Juelz had a shitty solo project even though he held his own on his guest apperenaces on CHWM - Camrons. He carried DI1. Been dropping HEAT latly. Mic Check is my favorite joint out this year. Lookin forward to his new album.

Cam's cool if you get past the bullshit fun rhymes. Come Home With Me was pretty hot, I like Purple Haze better though.

Jim Jones is aiight to good at best. I though his guest appearance range in that area but his solo-On my way to church was dope as shit.

Who do you think is the most talented member ?
-Easily Cam. he was both Big L's and Biggies favorite rapper back in the day. That's got to count for something. Also Juelz has gotten blessings from people like Rakim etc. So that also is a good sign.

Favourite Song ?
-Dipset Anthem or I Really Mean It or I Love You.

General thoughts on them.
- I own all there releases except DI2 which I havent had time to buy, just burn and Jim Jones' which I also havent had time to buy.

-There beats are all nutty to play in a car.

-great summer music.

-Juelz should blow in Jay promotes him right.

-Like Jr Writer, better punch lines the Jada and Bank$. except his flow is so boring. Exactly the same on every song. Gets old fast. Is kinda like a poor mans Big L.
Infamous Josedy said:
^Lol, yea I remember those days, back when I was practically part of the very few of Diplomats supporters on this forum.
I actually heard one track from S.A.S. and I gotta say I was blown away by it.Its called "On Them Roads".I heard it and my mouth just dropped, the beat is insane, (Treetown Productions seems to only do hotness for Dipset, all their other beats are pretty bad), the lyrics are also hot.You should try to peep that track.S.A.S. is 2 people, I just dont know when one ends and one begins cause they both have deep voices and those damn accents.
4 words 'back like cooked crack' :D but s.a.s are awful didnt know any1 liked them pmsl.
DipSet is tight to me.I like them. Everyone from J.R. to Hell Rell, and I heard 2 tracks from Cam's London group, S.A.S., and I liked one. To me, DipSet is definately hated on. I think Juelz new album is going to be nice. He definately suprised me with that "Back Like Cooked Coke-Crack, Pt. 2" mixtape. I'm not that big on Jim Jones, but I really like his new single "Baby Girl"
sniper said:
u kno that aint gonna happen :(
I don't know...I heard the reason he stayed was cause they supposed to push him even though Cam and Jay don't like each other. In an interview he said Cam was his brother and if he said leave Def Jam he woulda. He then goes to say that if they don't give him the proper "agenda" then he gonna bounce.

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