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once u get 100,000 posts u get the title "Lunatic" and u get to have a 500 by 500 pixel avitar, its pretty huge if ya ask me, also they give you free lifetime supply of hitemup.com shoelaces
This Is What I Am

Caporegime(s) (Crew boss / Captain / Capo / Lieutenant):
A Caporegime is appointed by the Don, and is in charge of his own borgata(regime, or crew). Which is made up of a Capodecine and soldiers. Each Capo reports directly to the Underboss or Advisor for permission to do different things. When someone is needed to be "taken care of" the capo's are usually asked to carry out the order. They are the head of "day-to-day" operations of their own crews. The capo heads a crew of any given number of soldiers. These soldiers give the Capo part of their earnings, and the Capo gives part up to the Underboss or Advisor. Caporegimes are also the ones who may ask and recomend certain men to be sworn into their crews. When this happens they must ask the underboss or the don himself. In a sense, crew boss's are head of the "Street Side Gangs".

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
2PacThug4Life said:
This Is What I Am

Caporegime(s) (Crew boss / Captain / Capo / Lieutenant):
A Caporegime is appointed by the Don, and is in charge of his own borgata(regime, or crew). Which is made up of a Capodecine and soldiers. Each Capo reports directly to the Underboss or Advisor for permission to do different things. When someone is needed to be "taken care of" the capo's are usually asked to carry out the order. They are the head of "day-to-day" operations of their own crews. The capo heads a crew of any given number of soldiers. These soldiers give the Capo part of their earnings, and the Capo gives part up to the Underboss or Advisor. Caporegimes are also the ones who may ask and recomend certain men to be sworn into their crews. When this happens they must ask the underboss or the don himself. In a sense, crew boss's are head of the "Street Side Gangs".
Thanks for letting us know, we were all wondering what it meant but we are too lazy to click on the link.


Well-Known Member
Capo / Don / "Godfather"(Boss):
The Don is the head of the family, no one can call the shots over his decisions. He is also only 1 of 2 people who can initiate someone into the family. Since his rank gives him the authority to give the oath to new members and make them sgarrista.. He also has the authority to give people their positions and ranks.

Thats Me :rolleyes:

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