Did It Live Up To Its Hype


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So im sure all the Common fans have by now , heard the album "BE" , what i would like to know is did it live to the hype which was surrounding it ? . Listening to it right now , and to tell you the honest truth is a pretty slow and boring album imo ! , but hey everyones got their own opinion , so share !!
The Source gave it 4.5 mics and I agree with that. It's not the "classic" album that ppl were hyping it up to be, but it is better than most hip hop albums.

A superior album, yes. A classic album, no.


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Man, it's a great album. Of course that's just my opinion though and not everyone will agree.


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It's not Common's fault it might not live up to the hype. People hype shit up so much that it's damn near impossible for it to live up to that hype. It happens to often and it makes the albums look bad when people say it didn't live up to the hype. That's why people cannot judge albums by shit like that. Just give it a listen and see for yourself. Me personally, I don't care whether or not something lives up to the hype or not, if I like it then I like it. Feel me?

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