did i miss something?


Well-Known Member

originally that post said "moved to fair xchange" and i could have SWORN that that thread was originally in mix em up. i browse forums using tabs though so i might just have got it mixed up, but does writing stuff like "moved to <forum name>" and "closed" actually perform those actions on the thread granted that you have moderator permissions? or am i truly a moron? lol


Little Miss Vixen
I think TB needs to implement "random" drug testing on it's members if only to see Rizzle & Duke fail everyday lmao

Edit: btw, I am fully aware it is not possible lol


Well-Known Member
one would assume i am a moron without giving it a second thought, but fact is i know that there is a hack that makes it so that typing "closed" actually closes the thread. i am not sure if there is one for vbulletin, but i know there is one for phpbb because i have seen it myself. i probably wouldn't be wrong in assuming there is a similar hack for vbulletin.

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