Definitive Jux thoughts


Well-Known Member
* That new Cage/Weathermen track, "Left it to Us", is fire. I'm mad, though, because they mention Breezly Brewin on the song but he doesn't show up to drop a verse. And Camu Tao's beat is :eek:. I'm tempted to go back to SA Smash's album to see if he was always dropping jewels like this. Between this song and "Hell's Winter", I'm definitely looking for Cage to pick up the crazy whiteboy slack since Eminem fell off and the Non Phixion solo albums have no replay value.

* Vast Aire needs to shut the fuck up. It seems that every bar he writes gets recorded and then released. I've listened to The Cold Vein and Scissor Tongue several times, so I know he's far from wack. But his mixtapes, the Mighty Mi shit... the bad outweights the good. He needs some quality control in his life.

* Anyone peeped Year of the Beast? How is it?

* I know a lot of people who love Aesop Rock, but I'm not one of them. I still find Labor Days and Daylight dope, but after his last two releases, I've decided he's just not for me.

At thsi moment, Fantastic Damage > The Cold Vein


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Staff member
I still gotta grab this shit. I feel you when you say Non Phixion's solo albums don't have any replay value.
Year of the beast is pretty aight..In my opinion..It sounded pretty aight..Havent listened much to it so I cant post something else...

Also I agree with you on that non phixion comment..Personally I think Sabacs album was nice but that's another discussion...

Cage is dopeness in my opinion but for some reason I never really check him out..Like I check out let's say Tonedeff or Jean Grae...but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
You should check out Cage's Movies for the Blind again, there's a couple dope tracks on it. And that Rjd2 beat is crazy.

Agree with all expect for Fantastic Damage > Cold Vein (I'm not sure) and I have yet to hear that Cage/Weathermen track. I've been slacking on the download game. Has to do with my external harddrive being fucked up. I'm quite scared.

I'm also curious about C-Rayz' album. Been hearing good things about him lately so I'm hoping it's a good album. Cover is dope anyway.

Speaking of C-Rayz, he was at a GZA show together with Vast Aire Karnage (I still don't know the correct spelling of this dude's name :mad: ), Vordul, J-Live, Masta Killa, Ghostface, Killah Priest, Inspectah Deck and Cappadonna. That's from MechaGodzilla (of M.I.C.). Apparently M.I.C. and Wu is starting to build.


Well-Known Member
^ "Left it to Us"

Funny, it was supposed to be exclusive to Fan Club members, but it got leaked almost immediately. They're also sending out a red 10" "Hell's Winter" single. I was tempted to join, just for the exclusive shit, but it's $200. I'd rather pay $16 a month than make the bulk payment.

GZA and Buckshot are in town this week. BCC as a whole (Sean P headlining) were in town last week, but I've been so sick that I can't do anything except ruin the lives of people who wanted to talk about 50 Cent's lips on this board.


Well-Known Member
"Neva Again" by Vordul is among the best Cannibal Ox songs.

"Left it to Us" is dope as fuck. Thanks for the link. Got a link to "Hell's Winter"? Not on my computer currently.


Well-Known Member
wow soo many names i havent heard before lol. i am soo far behind when it comes to underground hip hop. Is it just me or does most of the stuff sound too boring? production and flow wise or maybe its just what i have heard so far. Does any of the people you mentioned have a crazy flow ?


Well-Known Member
Farzin said:
Is it just me or does most of the stuff sound too boring? production and flow wise or maybe its just what i have heard so far.
It's just you.
Download "Left it to Us" and see if that sounds boring.


Well-Known Member
i like the production, the first part was pretty good, the second part was alright , hte third part turned to shit. i dont know who is who but i broke it apart into parts (when hte beats stops) the fourth part was alright. The beat was pretty decent tho. Is cage non Phixxion ? i think i gave that album a listen whatever it was called but wasnt too impressed.


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Staff member
No, Cage is not in Non Phixion. And which did you listen to? The Future Is Now? If you heard that and wasn't impressed, shit.

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