Film & TV Death Race And 'College'


Well-Known Member
I watched these two movies on a double feature. First off, terrible double feature cuz it goes from Death Race, action packed killing movie.. To College, movie about drinking and getting laid. Both are the American dream, but really no middle man.

Death Race
I liked it a lot. I went into the movie expecting it to be another piece of shit Jason Statham movie. I was surprised, it had a real good story to it. Kind of reminded me of "The Condemned" with there being criminals who kill each other for the hope of being released. Only this involved driving. Very far-fetched movie but hey, it's Hollywood. I'm sure everyone who left that movie was wishing they had a .50 cal on the hood of their car.

I expected this to be hilarious, again, I was surprised. They tried their asses off to copy "Superbad" they even had a fat kid who tries to be black [Jonah] a smart dorky kid who is a hopeless romantic [Evan from Superbad] and the super dorky kid who tries to be cool [McLovin] it was brutal. A few funny parts that made me giggle but the best part was the blooper reel.

I tried to include no spoilers but if other people post and they have seen the movie then I will discuss my fav. parts n such.


Well-Known Member
^^^you probably shouldn't use the term niggerish. and i could tell you from the previews that "college" would probably suck, and the fact that it stars kevin covais from american idol only makes it worse.


Well-Known Member
i dunno which one the american idol guy was, ive never watched it. it was an OKAY movie, had a lot of boobs beers and a few midgets, so it was okay. but it is tryin to compete with superbad so i gotta say it severely fails by comparison.

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