Dear Mr President

I have a problem with accessing the message forum. I don't know if it is because my workplace has stepped up its security or not but I can no longer access TB because it becomes filtered out as 'Chat'. Now I never had this problem before, I was happy to let 2pacboard take priority over my work; it took my mind of it plus I found I worked better!

So I was wondering if anything had been changed on here recently that could add to this problem of mine
Your problem lies with your work place. You've said that TB is described as a chat website according to the screen you've seen. This happens when companies install filters that will block certain websites. Usually, this is how it goes:

Adult - Any sane company will block adult websites.
Forums/Chat - They're considered a waste of time, and a waste of your company's time.
Inappropriate - I'll give an example. Many websites created by college students would be considered inappropriate. I forgot an example.

Anyhow, the moderators/Admins of TB can't do anything for you. Not can your supervisor. The only person who can help you out is the person who installed it. Don't bother going up to that person because there's no way they'll change things because of you.

There's a way to go around the access-block, but that's probably blocked also.
You could check out proxy websites that will allow you to circumvent the block, but some filters are smart enough to block websites that provide proxy servers also. If this stuff is not making sense to you, just give up, and don't bother going to TB at work.
Your company probably has websense. Go here. and select language tools. Then, type in the url of tupacboard and select something to english. You will see the board fine, and if you have websense, this will get around all sites that are blocked. For example, is considered "tasteless" by websense, aka innapropriate. use google, and you see the page fine. try this if you want to get around websense.

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