Cuban Link Interview (speaks on Chain Reaction and Fat Joe/Terror Squad)


Known for his gritty and sexual flow, spewing phrases from the soul, while not losing his street credentials, Bronx raised Felix Delgado, known to the rap world as Cuban Link, has journeyed through the inferno of personal and professional adversity. And is now ready to unleash his creative justice in the form of his debut album, Chain Reaction, dropping on August 16th.

In this must read interview, Cuban Link airs out Fat Joe by talking about the financial situation of Big Pun’s family and further accuses Joe of not writing his own rhymes.

Cuban is finally here, and he’s wants to make sure everyone knows he is doing his own thing and not fucking with the Terror Squad whatsoever. There was some rumor that you recently got locked up, is their any truth to that?

Cuban Link: Nah, there was some mix up. I did a show in Rikers Island (prison), and they must have got the story confused and said I got locked up. In XXL magazine, they gave you an L rating, what did you think about that?

Cuban Link: It's cool; the L (Large), but I was expecting an XL. L is cool; it's pretty decent, but I know I got more fire than a lot of people, you know? So, I don't know what they were looking for; they judging on they own, so I'll take it, I'll take it. When I read the review, I got the feeling that it would be worth buying, but it could have been better. I know when it's XL or XXL its closer to guaranteed heat.

Cuban Link: That's what I was looking for, I was aiming for that, ya know. Opinions are like assholes, everybody got their own opinion. So what's up with your singles, I remember reading on that you shot the video for "Sugar Daddy" featuring Maya, and "Scandalous" featuring Don Omar. But I haven't seen it on television, where can I see it?

Cuban Link: They playing it on local shows like "Ralph McDaniel's," mix shows, "The Roof"; things like that. BET and MTV didn't really pick up on it. There's a lot of politics behind that. All I know is that the local stations definitely all got it, and they been playing it. Why just the local stations?

Cuban Link: The promotion for that in New York has been real local, but as far as the BET's and MTV's, there's been a little problems with all that. It's politics, and there's a lot of motherf--kers hating in there. It has to be! Everything was set up just for that -- the "Sugar Daddy" video was made for the MTV format, and there's been some hating and some politics definitely involved. Anything you want to touch on or do you just want to leave it at politics?

Cuban Link: I don't understand really how the video world works. I know a little bit as far as how many radio spins you got to get to get your video played on BET and MTV -- there's a certain number of spins you got to get on the radio, and we went over those spins. We got premiered on BET on "106 and Park." After that premiere, I never seen it again. It's definitely more than just spins on the radio; it's been people talking to people. You did two videos around the same time. What about the "Scandalous" video with Don Omar?

Cuban Link: "Scandalous" is getting service now, so with positive thinking and some hope, people might see that. I hope they play that one on BET and MTV. I know people that really like "Scandalous," the Reggaeton song. However, I was interviewing this Puerto Rican rapper in this Latin men's magazine recently, and he was talking about how people were jumping on the Reggaeton bandwagon. He mentioned you, N.O.R.E, and Fat Joe, who worked on the song "Reggaeton Latino."

Cuban Link: I'm not going to lie about certain artists; it's definitely true. When I talk about Reggaeton, I talk about it from a fans point of view...from a Latino's point of view. When I did my hip-hop, I did my hip-hop straight up South Boogie Down Bronx style, New York. It was no Reggaeton; it was straight up hip-hop and that's where my roots come from as far as my hip-hop. And now my other roots, which are as a Latino, all day comes from the Spanish side -- I'm Cuban. Of course if the Latin movement is strong and Reggaeton is popping off and I could do Reggaeton and put my hip-hop side to what I think Reggaeton could be, as far as my flavor to it, because I do it in English to a reggaeton beat. So, if I can do it and advance it, and cross it over and make it hotter or put my own spice up on it, I'm gonna do it. I'm entitled to do it. So you not riding the Reggaeton bandwagon?

Cuban Link: Oh hell no! I never fake the funk, as far as never ever talking Spanish in my life. I'm that ni--a that made "Dame me beso, en el pecho"; I am that ni--a. Some of them Reggaeton ni--as out there in Puerto Rico, took that [chorus] and made a whole Reggaeton song on it. They never ever gave me props on it, so I could say the same thing backwards. But I'm definitely not on no bandwagon, I always enjoyed Reggaeton -- always did. I always said my Spanish words here and there, even on the English side, and this is not the first Reggaeton song I ever did. I did another joint before with Fulanito and a Spanish joint with another artist, so it's not the first one. It's just the first one I did for my album, I was featured on other Reggaeton songs. People are saying that R .Kelly is on the Bandwagon. He recently did a track on his album called "Burn It Up" with Luney Tunes production.

Cuban Link: I like that too. I like R. Kelly's sh-t. It's just the question that all the new artists that are doing Reggaeton got to prepare for, are they on the bandwagon?

Cuban Link: I could understand what you saying. Some people could be on bandwagons -- it looks like that because they haven't been doing that. But when you got a guy like R. Kelly touching a Reggaeton track with Luney Tunes, it's making reggaeton bigger. It's a good thing, but yet it's a catch 22, because when you got wack motherf--kers that touch it, the wack motherf--kers f--k it up for everybody. They making it seem like it's a cliché -- like it's a fad. But R. Kelly could make anything sound good, he's a singer anyway. As long as he does Reggaeton, and the real rappers step up to the plate and keep making it hotter, it should be alright. Everybody says it's been tough for you, because you been blackballed since your beef with Fat Joe, but how did you get Jadakiss, Game, and Mya and Syleena Johnson and all these big timers to f--k with you?

Cuban Link: It's some real people, when you talk about the Jadakiss's of the world. I knew Jadakiss before a lot of people, as far as from the hood and all that. And I seen him come up in the game and he seen me come up in the game, so he got the call and business is business at the end of the day, and relationships are relationships. When I asked him to do it with me, he was frank, he was honest, and he told me he would do it. What about The Game?

Cuban Link: Game just came through to my studio session with somebody I know -- a real close friend of mine that manages him. He came through my session, and he was listening to my joint and he was like, "what's up Cuban! Let me jump on that," and he did it. Some people that got on it weren't aware of the beef; Game didn't really know about the beef because Joe couldn't get access to him at the time, so he ain't really know. But Jada knew, Swiss [Beatz] knew, Don Omar knew, some people knew -- the rest was business that M.O.B. [Records] made happen.

Cuban Link: When I say blackballing, that doesn't mean that everybody is going to be scared of f--king with me. But at the end of the day, business is business. If you got a check for an artist and you respect the artist, then they going to do it with you. Mya, Avant, Syleena Johnson, they know the story, they heard about Cuban Link. They heard the song, it was hot, and the whole idea is hot, so they decided to do it with me. Of course, the check was there for them. I don't know if you want to talk anymore about Fat Joe, you talked enough about him in other interviews.

Cuban Link: Yeah, all I got to say is his album was entitled All or Nothing, but it should have been titled All For Nothing. Because right now he ain't even sell motherf--king gold and it's been six weeks already. His sh-t just flopped, it didn't sell nothing. That's fucked up; they ain't no more to talk about. In his "Lean Back" verse, he said "Half the ni--as in the squad got a scar on they face." He was talking about you right?

Cuban Link: First of all, when he says "Half the ni--as in the squad got a scar on they face," I'm not down with the squad when he said that line. So, I know he ain't talking to me. He got his peoples in Terror Squad that got scars on they face -- Armageddon got a scar, Remy [Ma] got a scar, he (Fat Joe) got a scar on his neck, so maybe he was talking about some people, ya know? I thought maybe he was saying that you were complaining because you had beef with him. And he said: "I don't give a f--k about your faults or mishappenings."

Cuban Link: That line, Yeah! Right there, that line setting up to that is a whole different thing, so maybe he was saying that sh-t to me. I never took it like that. He said: " I don't give a f--k about your faults or mishappenings/ I'm from the Bronx, New York sh-t happens/kids clapping, love to spark the place/half the ni--as in the squad got a scar on they face." I took that as him saying I don't give a f--ck about what Cuban Link is saying, because more than one people in the squad got a scar, like it's nothing, stop complaining. That's cool, maybe he was saying that sh-t to me. I never took it like that. I ain't take it like that because I wasn't even paying any mind to that ni--a like that. But once you hear that song 300,000 times on the radio, you have to pay mind to it. I ain't even take it like that. Nobody ever asked you that before?

Cuban Link: Not really. When they say "scars on the face," they relate it to me, but there wasn't that much motherf--kers telling me that sh-t like that. I never took it like that, but now that you telling me now, he could have meant that for me, because he did say a lot of subliminal sh-t in the other songs that only I can catch and the ni--as that know about the beef could catch.

He's a firecracker with no gunpowder inside. 50 cent said it best for me, he's a dud: "My sh-t sold 11 million, your sh-t was a dud." He's a dud as far as that. Joe can't even get on the business sh-t because he's a dud. I'm not the one to be judging on that because my album never came out, and I don't know what numbers I'm going to do. As far as my talent in rap, I don't get my stuff written for me, so it's not like [Fat Joe] got anything on me. He has more power in business -- that's all he has right now. His sales is declining his power, so in a minute, he ain't going to have no power to be talking sh-t about motherf--kers and f--king up the next ni--a's career by blackballing him. I'm not the only one he did this to before. There's a lot of motherf--kers that he did this to, you just don't hear about it. I'm just the only motherfucker that got at him like that. Did you hear about Big Pun's wife, Liza Rios, putting Pun's Terror Squad Chain on EBay for sale?

Cuban Link: That's just another hit for your ass. To think that the business and how Joe has been mishandling Pun's business after he passed away, that just proves the point. That she had to do that to support herself. Fat Joe is not helping out her kids financially?

Cuban Link: He ain't helping sh-t out dawg. On a personal level, I wouldn't even buy the chain, I knew it was Pun's. I would buy the chain, but I wouldn't buy the Terror Squad piece. Besides that, I know she needed that money. Why wouldn't Joe support Pun's kids financially after he called Pun his twin on record?

Cuban Link: (laughs) Camera tricks are a motherf--ker. Camera tricks and the radio works wonders sometimes. They telling the truth, sometimes they disguise the truth. And in that case -- the twins part -- it was definitely disguising the truth. It was definitely more of a gimmick than anything else, when it came to that twins thing between Joe and Pun like that. They were business partners and that's what it was. Twins was just a word that Pun came up with, and he used to call us (me, Triple Seis), before anything that we was his twins. Joe was his business partner that said that's a hot word. That's like saying "Dun," that should be the word, the title for our song, because he knew me, Pun, and Seis would go back and forth with rhymes. He took that whole thing from us and made a song with Pun. Matter of fact, Pun wrote that whole song, " Twinz (Deep Cover 98)." He wrote Fat Joe's verse on that track?

Cuban Link: He done wrote Joe's part, then it was called "Twinz," because you could promote that; it's marketable. As far as Joe being his twin, it ain't nothing like that, because twins don't do that. Brothers do not do that to their family members. He knew that the only thing Pun left behind was his kids. Even if Joe didn't like his wife, he could help out the kids; he could have definitely done that. Would she accept money from Joe?

Cuban Link: She would accept money, not as a hand out because she deserves it; Pun deserves it. It's Pun's estate, and when Pun passed away, wifey got control of that [estate]. But, the only thing is that [Fat Joe] administers his publishing, so the check goes to Joe first, then Joe got to cut another check to whoever he's cutting it to. That never happened, which means there's funny business in between, and that's what's been going on. Every time I see him perform he does a Big Pun Tribute.

Cuban Link: What he's going to do? Tell the world what he really does? That's something that's going to eat his ass up later on in life -- his conscious, it will affect him later. But some people take pride in that. It's the greed, the greed for money, the greed for the spot light; it's all of that. You could never tell Joe, Pun made you, because he's going to switch it around and give you the reason why he made Pun, but still giving Pun props. At the end of the day on the business side of things, he's going to take all of Pun's money. How you going to do that? He's a hypocrite. How does if finally feel to be releasing your debut album?

Cuban Link: This is definitely a restart for me to give the album that I never got the chance to give. I know I got my fans out there. I've' been away for a minute, but it was never my fault. I apologize to them that I didn't come out, but at the end of the day, it wasn't my fault. I just can't let bitch ni--as lie, it's not in me. I never made my career off of exposing the next man, but if I say something, it's because it's real. This is what I feel; this is part of my legacy, part of my movement, this is what I do. The situations between me and the Terror Squad, with me and Joe, I had to do what I had to do, so I could expose them because I want to make it known that I'm not down with these bitch ni--as anymore -- bottom line. So, once that little slogan is stuck in everybody's head that Cuban Link is doing his own thing, from there I could take it over. Anything you want to add, when is Chain reaction dropping again?

Cuban Link: Chain Reaction drops August 16th, go cop that. The long-awaited album, and believe me satisfaction is guaranteed. is the website; you could check the website for my performance dates -- all of that is posted on the website.
he explains about that though he knows that he won't sell a lot of records but he has a lot more street credibility than fat joe does. if you want to compare them as rappers then fat joe aint even on the same level...hes too worried about gettin radio spins and hes not focusing on the elements that actually make a good song. 95% of radio spins are complete garbage but thats what sells. cuban is definitely better...this is fact not opinion.
^^I went to HMV in Guildford Mall on the 16th and they aint have it. They said the album wasn't even in the data from Van...where can I pick it up??

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