Congress saves classic recordings including...

49. “Fear of a Black Planet,” Public Enemy (1989)

“Fear of a Black Planet” brought hip-hop respect from critics, millions of new fans and passionate debate over its political content. The album signaled the coupling of a strongly political message with hip-hop music. Its hit single, “Fight the Power,” was the theme for Spike Lee’s powerful film “Do the Right Thing.” Public Enemy forged a new sound for hip-hop that included funk rhythms, samples from James Brown and Eric Clapton, and found sounds.

They choose 50 each year to add to the library. Also on the list were the Star Wars soundtrack by John Williams, James Brown's Live at the Apollo, the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds and Nevermind by Nirvana.

It's the second rap album to be selected. The Message by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five was inducted to the registry in 2002.

This years list, with descriptions here.

Full list, with descriptions here


Well-Known Member
Irony sets in that they choose that record, i guess someone was listening. Im glad they are adding albums that helped form our culture and didn't just sell out, nice.
You can vote for albums to add to the library on the site. If everyone at TB voted for the same Pac album, it'd stand a good chance. You might have to be American, though.

Any suggestions for albums that should be in there? Albums that influenced/reflected American culture at the time?


Well-Known Member
Illuminattile said:
You can vote for albums to add to the library on the site. If everyone at TB voted for the same Pac album, it'd stand a good chance. You might have to be American, though.

Any suggestions for albums that should be in there? Albums that influenced/reflected American culture at the time?
The only Pac album i could even consider is 2pacalypse....
Hard question to answer i'll get back to it later, not amny rap albums have influenced america, a lot of have for hip hop though, they go hand in hand but it is very hard to choose.

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