
when you have a collabo between two great mc's, like big and pac(runnin), nas and scarface(favor for a favor), or jay and em(renegade), everyone always wants to talk about who outshined or showed up whom. heres my question, do you think the rapper with the second or last verse gets an unfair advantage? the last verse is the one that sticks in your head, and the entire song basically builds up to it. i know if i was goin to do a song with another great mc, i would definately want the last verse. what do you guys think?
Hallbanger said:
when you have a collabo between two great mc's, like big and pac(runnin), , do you think the rapper with the second or last verse gets an unfair advantage? the last verse is the one that sticks in your head, and the entire song basically builds up to it.QUOTE]

sometimes having the first verse is cool but the last one doesn't mean its unfiar it finishes off a song in a great way most of the time.sometimes having the last verse is the best verse i can admit though doesn't necessarily mean I'll remmeber it anymore I remember it most based on the lyrics and what hits me hardest.
No it doesn't matter really...They lay the verses down the way it sounds the best I think..So the ears of some..but to the heads naaaaaaaaaah...they'll know who outshined who..


Well-Known Member
The rules of posse cuts:
* If Twista is involved, he wins.
* If it's on your album, you should go first. Jay-Z went first on "Poppin' Tags", he didn't go first on "As One". Both were on the same album. Which song do YOU guys like better?
* Don't interrupt the rapping. Look at the Scarface / Nas joint on The Fix. Nas ripped that shit, and then that singing shit starts. And goes on. And on. And on. Face also came off pretty damn well, but after all of that mess you're tired of the beat and annoyed. Don't fuck with it!
* The first verse is crucial, because it sets the standard of comparison for the rest of the song.
* The last verse is also crucial, because it's the last thing you hear (Kane went last, so the general consensus is that he had the best verse. Personally, I think G Rap had it.)

I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm sorry.
I think that it is fair to say that the rapper that receives the last verse does get an advantage over other rappers because it is that verse that stays in your mind after the song has finished.

A great example of this is a song on the Kanye West album "The College Dropout". On the song "Never Let Me Down", Jay-Z gets the last verse of the song. When listening to that particular song I can never remember the Kanye bits of the song.

Although Kanye's verse impresses me a lot, Jay-Z's last few lines of the song always stick in my head ("Hov's a living legend and I tell you why/Everybody wanna be Hov but Hov's still alive...), and it is in this way that I think Jay-Z outshines everybody else on the song.

I don't have a clue whether I made a point there, but ah, fuck it.

Peace :thumb:

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