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Maverick said:
umm, i dont think it was dave d, i think it was dante, dave d just happened to get the last post in there before dante locked it....

refer to this....

Closed. Happy?
Yes, Dante closed it, Dave D posted after it was closed (mods have that privelege):):thumb:
Maverick said:
umm, i dont think it was dave d, i think it was dante, dave d just happened to get the last post in there before dante locked it....

refer to this....

Closed. Happy?
i understand this, if ppl are fuckin up the thread by beefin, give a warning that it will be closed if it continues and let the topic live on.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
people need to learn to stop killing threads by being freeposting assholes.
no one cares about where you live, what you do for money, or your favorite color.

and probation should be a little more than just a user title under their name

if Rukas or whoever really wants users to cut down freeposting, he should put them on probation as well as lower their forum permissions, like, only let them post in certian places for a while untill its lifted... that will really teach them how to not freepost and beef, and sounds more like real "probation"... although, its a bit of work to go through and edit every freeposters forum permission, then again im sure theres an easier way, like i know you could edit the permissions to where every person put on probation as a whole could only view and post in certian things... shit, its not a bad idea, maybe we could have someone be the "probation officer".... lol

i really think this should be put into consideration if freeposting is a big issue on this board as it seems to be with everyones bickering and closing of threads

this will also make users act more mature and think twice before they post...

i mean seriously, who is actually scared of having "on probation: please report break in guidlines to admins".......

if there was an actual consequence to suffer im sure the freeposting level on this board would at LEAST be cut in half....

there needs to be a consequence other than a dope ass user title


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Maverick said:

and probation should be a little more than just a user title under their name

if Rukas or whoever really wants users to cut down freeposting, he should put them on probation as well as lower their forum permissions, like, only let them post in certian places for a while untill its lifted... that will really teach them how to not freepost and beef, and sounds more like real "probation"... although, its a bit of work to go through and edit every freeposters forum permission, then again im sure theres an easier way, like i know you could edit the permissions to where every person put on probation as a whole could only view and post in certian things... shit, its not a bad idea, maybe we could have someone be the "probation officer".... lol

i really think this should be put into consideration if freeposting is a big issue on this board as it seems to be with everyones bickering and closing of threads

this will also make users act more mature and think twice before they post...

i mean seriously, who is actually scared of having "on probation: please report break in guidlines to admins".......

if there was an actual consequence to suffer im sure the freeposting level on this board would at LEAST be cut in half....

there needs to be a consequence other than a dope ass user title

You'd be suprised at how many people bitch and cry when they get put on probation because they think its some big deal. Probation is your final warning, after that you are banned, so people should be scared of it.
Rukas said:
You'd be suprised at how many people bitch and cry when they get put on probation because they think its some big deal. Probation is your final warning, after that you are banned, so people should be scared of it.
i guess.... but not really, i mean, i see so many people on probation continue breaking rules.. i barely see users who are on probation get banned, usually what happends is the user gets banned right away, or u see a probation'd user continuing to make stupid posts and get away with it.

i understand that it is hard to watch over every post users make, especially the ones in the probation usergroup (because there arent as many as normal users), but if you set specific forum permissions and didnt allow users on probation to post in certian boards, theyd learn not to fuck around the next time they are lifted off probation.

i also get that this wont really be effective on newbs because they can just re join, but for people who have had their name for a while, theyd get pissed off and when unlifted from probation they would come back and follow the rules extra carefully thinking before they post. being on probation would give them a chance to "cool off" since they wont be able to post on boards.

what you could do is have a "probation officer" or someshit, a person - moderator type of shit - who pays attention to what the users post, and when rules are broken, the officer puts them on probation for a couple days or so (depending on the situation), then unlifts them depending on their probation period.

it would be effective, i think, i donno,

"You'd be suprised at how many people bitch and cry when they get put on probation because they think its some big deal. Probation is your final warning, after that you are banned, so people should be scared of it."

what sounds better, people bitching and whining while on probation, or people not even being able to bitch and whine BECAUSE they are on probation. imo bitching and whining is annoying as fuck. you choose. i think i know the answer...

would u rather have probation be a big deal? or have users bitch and whine because they think it is... right now probation serves no pourpose exept a warning which usually is mild and never exeeded to a banminship with the exeption of a few situations... besides, ive seen users come back after being put on probation, then banned, and unlifted later on.....

btw- in no way am i trying to say i "beat the system", im just stating my general view of how things are around here in some aspects.

peace man


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Firstly, can you stop PMing me every time you make a post. Thank you.

Maverick said:
i guess.... but not really, i mean, i see so many people on probation continue breaking rules.. i barely see users who are on probation get banned, usually what happends is the user gets banned right away, or u see a probation'd user continuing to make stupid posts and get away with it.
So report them in Last Words.

i understand that it is hard to watch over every post users make, especially the ones in the probation usergroup (because there arent as many as normal users), but if you set specific forum permissions and didnt allow users on probation to post in certian boards, theyd learn not to fuck around the next time they are lifted off probation.
Who chooses what forum they are allowed to post in? Ban them from Life or Our Block or what? If that was the case, it would be like promoting the breaking of guidelines in the forums we allow probationed posters in. You cant single out particular forums and say, "ok we dont want bad posters here so no probation users in forum x, but well, we dont really give a fuck about forum y so we will let them in there.

i also get that this wont really be effective on newbs because they can just re join, but for people who have had their name for a while, theyd get pissed off and when unlifted from probation
There is no lifting of probation. Its too hard to keep track of who has been probationed for how long.
they would come back and follow the rules extra carefully thinking before they post.
They should, and most do, do that when on probation because they know they have one chance left.

being on probation would give them a chance to "cool off" since they wont be able to post on boards.

what you could do is have a "probation officer" or someshit, a person - moderator type of shit - who pays attention to what the users post, and when rules are broken, the officer puts them on probation for a couple days or so (depending on the situation), then unlifts them depending on their probation period.
No, explained above.

it would be effective, i think, i donno,
No you dont know, and thats your problem.

"You'd be suprised at how many people bitch and cry when they get put on probation because they think its some big deal. Probation is your final warning, after that you are banned, so people should be scared of it."

what sounds better, people bitching and whining while on probation, or people not even being able to bitch and whine BECAUSE they are on probation. imo bitching and whining is annoying as fuck. you choose. i think i know the answer...
Dude, THINK. Youre saying ban them from certain forums, that will cause them to bitch and whine more in the forums they are allowed in. The only way they wouldnt be able to bitch and whine anywhere is if they werent allowed in any forums, thats what being BANNED is.

would u rather have probation be a big deal? or have users bitch and whine because they think it is... right now probation serves no pourpose exept a warning which usually is mild and never exeeded to a banminship with the exeption of a few situations... besides, ive seen users come back after being put on probation, then banned, and unlifted later on.....
You have no idea who the hell gets banned was on probation before. A few situations? Try most.

The only people that have been unbanned are those that begged for it, like you did. And frankly, you make me never want to unban people again.

btw- in no way am i trying to say i "beat the system", im just stating my general view of how things are around here in some aspects.

peace man
You always try to beat the system, or act like you know better than me or Sicc, its the only reason you hang around in Letter To The President. Yet you never think your suggestions out, you just make ones that sound good but are unpracticle or impossible. Stop trying to tell me what to do Mav, in every post you make in here you have an opinion that is just wrong or not possible to do. This is Letter To The President not letter to maverick, you dont need to be in every fucking thread. You have your own letter to the president on your board, stick to it. Did copying all the forum names make you forget which board is which?
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