Canibus 100 Bars Vs. Game 100 Bars

Since there's so much talk about these 100/200/300bars lately which one is the better one?

And you can also use which one of games 100 bars u the first 100 from 200 bars and runnin or any of the two realeased from the 300 bars n runnun.....

I put my vote on canibus......his hundred bars kills any of games 100 bars....more hiphop oriented than gangsta so thats why i like it more.....
Bank Robber said:
only the biggest gunit dickrider would ask this question, no offense Iman

^^nontaken, cause if you read my post u would have known that i said bis was better too....

and to all yall who say lol at this thread etc....the fuck do i know what u people feel....thats why i asked.....cause when some of you act like this is the hottest shit coming out for a while now i gotta ask the question......

if you think this is a stupid thread just dont post....stupid...

Anyways....lets do it like this then.....which of games 100 bars was the hottest?

and one more question.....has anyone else written 100bars besides these two? i mean someone that we should know about?
^^ yes i know that game could never spit some shit like that.....but i think that this is a question of which type of hiphop you like.....not that who got the better punchline.......some people like it more gangsta and some people like "pure hiphop" better......sure i can admit that it is a very obvious thing but u never know what people might think......

Anyways which of the games 100 bars was the best and has anyone else written hundred bars that we should know about?
why do you bother posting something if all your gona say is i dont care, does it really matter? stupidiest thread ever, why would you make this thread? and some other bullshit like that?

some people like to hear others opinions to compare to theirs and i dont see anything wrong with this thread, it might be an obvios topic cause most people will choose canibus but it gives people who like games better the chance to expalin why...

i prefer canibus although i quite liked the beats used for games


New Member
"Lyrically im off scale, so all hail or get tossed towards hell whataver yall feel"

"You need to recognize
My hand is quicker than the eye
Quicker than the 5 speed Jamiroquai drives
A lifespan longer than 9 lives. Infinite rhymes that can't die
A nigga with a divine mind"

"A nigga like me should have Carpal Tunnel syndromes
In the wristbones from grippin microphones this long"

"You fraudulent. Feminine. Fragile as a feather is
With an effortless blow, I'll crack your whole skeleton
You think you're better than Canibus, where's the evidence?"

Need I say anymore, not one line game spit came anywhere near
The real 100bars for those who havent heard ;)
Canibus 100bars are so damn amazing i wish he would make the 50million that 50cent made last year cause he really has a talent.........I love these rhymes and the build up to the whole part that he spits......

"Im known geographically and intergalatically
Thats why i got extraterestrials that wanna battle me
They even tried kidnapping me
And they would have snatched me if their craft didnt get trapped in the earths gravity
Engine stalled and failed, crashed into a farmersfield
And thats what really caused roswell"

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