Can someone give me a update on The DPG & Quik

Havent been around much lately...wats the latest on Daz & Kurupts reunion album, have any tracks leaked yet?
Quiks mixtape recently dropped..anyone got that ?
I got the DJ Quik's mixtape, it's a banger.. all the new tracks are bananas. I don't understand why here nobody talks about DJ Quik, you should visit his official forum at
The new album should be out August 23rd, but Damizza said there's a change of date to September 13th.
i been waitin on a new Quik album for the longest...big upps i'mma get that mixtape asap. I read a interview he recently did in a mag sayin hes worked out/invented a way of sampling like nothin else before.. it was interestin some producers out there could probably understand it more & may find it quiet interesting :thumb:
i cant wait for some more DPG tracks...ones so far been tight
Quik's mixtape isn't bad, not as great a selection of older tracks as I would have liked (not a track from Rhythm-al-ism or Under tha Influence on there), and the new tracks are all above-average at least (Total Auto isn't as amazing as people are saying), but the new track Doughe, or Sure Shot as many are calling it, is reason alone to get the mixtape. Quik's unofficial tribute to Mixmaster Spade is one of the best Quik tracks I've heard from him in years.

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