can i post Reason 3.0?

i know some people that want it, but im not gonna hook up the program unless you're cool with it Rukas, my main man higgidy diggidy. tell me what you think. its all up 2 u (to you!) :)


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Warez and bootlegs are not supported on this site so I wouldn't upload it. The only place it tends to be ignored is in VIP.

Edit - I temporarily deleted your thread, sorry. If Rukas agrees it is OK it can be brought back.
no prob, you're just doing what you're supposed to do...

but did you HAVE to delete the rep i got (which was only one count when i checked last)?:rolleyes:
i believe if a thread you got rep in gets deleted,the rep also goes with it,so im assuming if the thread comes back, so will your rep
bigmack said:
i believe if a thread you got rep in gets deleted,the rep also goes with it,so im assuming if the thread comes back, so will your rep
i see...
i was really hoping rukas might *look away* :horny:
but who cares, the ones that got it can spread it over AIM or their telephonic voice transmitters via short message service or the equivalent on other contemporary technology. as you can see (especially by the "higgidy diggidy") im not used to the ghetto terminology of today. you kids with your colour TVs and your store-bought soap...

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