Calling out The One for a better explanation

i have a few questions to ask.

The One said:
Every time threads like this start it becomes a reason for people to up their post count.
So does every single other thread

The One said:
People will just post and post and it will just be ridiculous.
If someone wanted to intentionally make their post count jump really high,its not that hard to go into every single thread and throw a small comment every 40 seconds.This thread isnt an opportunity for them to do that because the board is full of opportunities to do that.

The One said:
It doesn't achieve anything and i'm sure everybody knows this. Some may argue that since when did threads achieve something.
Care to explain. You didnt give an answer so I'm just curious.

The One said:
Well, i'm just going to avoid free posting (because the whole threads one big free post to up post counts) early on.
Too late :p

and there were always these "game threads" how come they were never closed for the same reason??? whats the difference? And whats the significance of post count anyways? if you have a higher post count then you're cool? :rolleyes: get my drift?


The One, The Only
alright dude. Let me be more clear by providing you an example:
Lets use this thread as an example
There is no harm to it, correct?

well take a deeper look at who's been posting
top 10 posters
.cloud. - 71 posts
ShockA - 62 posts
CalcuoCuchicheo - 56 posts
beReal - 21 posts
k69atie - 19 posts
Illuminattile - 9 posts
AnarchistFunk - 8 posts
Zero Cool - 8 posts
© - 7 posts
2PacThug4Life - 7 posts

there's 380 posts all up and the top 5 posters contributed to over 60 percent of the posts.
Do you see what i mean by this.
and generally the game threads do get closed if they don't die out for this very reason

and next time send a pm or something
so the main problem is because of post count,ok,but i dont see what the significance of post count is.wooops i raised my post count with this post someone close this.

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Not the post count, but useless posting^ The game threads end up been 300 posts of nothing but bullshit and your yes or no game in 5 posts had some dumb questions.

The post count issue to you isn't a big deal, but to other members it is.

The_one was right to close the thread.
ye he was right to close it
but why was that 'what are you eating now' thread never closed?
and if it was closed. i know that it wasnt closed right away because it was open for a long ass time
Out of all moderators, The_One is the only one to take the time to answer a simple question. All others consider themselves either too important or the question not important enough. I think this shows that he's being reasonable as opposed to some moderators that close things for the sake of closing them..*cough* ThugStyle *cough*.

Eventhough it wasn't my question, thanks for replying, The_One.

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
^like which thread?

Also if you felt i closed a thread without good reason, why didn't you make a thread about it?

I can't read minds dude.

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