Bizzy Bone still a nutcase!

Dave D

Active Member
What the fuck is he talking about?

Straight up, Bizzy Bone is confounding. But when he interviewed with a Houston-based radio station earlier this year, his enigmatic mystique grew in monolithic proportions. Bizzy, once was a member of Bone Thugs N Harmony, attempted to explain his seemingly erratic, odd and even daunting behavior that day. But, the world didn’t seem to acknowledge what he was attempting to justify. That is about to change. The Cleveland native delves deep into his own bottomless psyche and went along for the ride. So what’s up, man? Do you wanna, I mean, you know, there’s already speculation going on and website stuff

Bizzy Bone: I don’t know why this speculation ain’t turned into no money, man. I seen the record sales boost up. I don’t understand it. Well, you know, it’s just been a lot of different things that’s been going on. Like the album is so close to 500,000 copies. We were making five bucks on the album. And, for some reason, nobody can get my money. As far as the J Records thing went, the fellows put together eight songs, and it was three of ‘em on the songs. The songs sounded terrific. I went down to New York. I seen Swizz Beats at the parties, and I was in New York for a month just in order to ad my vocals on top of it. No one’s utilized that. What’s your reaction to that?

Bizzy Bone: What I said was, “Well, obviously they’re not as serious as I am. I’m not gonna fret over it. I’m not gonna sweat it.” I already don’t have anywhere to live right now. I’m hotel to hotel. I mean all of my clothes, my bags, my suitcases, and everything was thrown out of my house I used to live. These have been some strange times. Have you felt they were embarrassing you, or were you wrong at the radio station in Houston?

Bizzy Bone: I didn’t feel like they were doing me wrong, but the DJ actually called and said, “Look, I want to apologize.” I said, “Buddy, you didn’t have to apologize. Man, that stuff got played on the Russ Parr show.” You know, and then when I—then when the Russ Parr show gives me a call, I’m, you know, I’m very calm, very, very collected, and, you know, they, you know, they rushed me off the phone. They didn’t even want insight. And they understood, okay, this dude has his wits about him. Right, right.

Bizzy Bone: And so a lot of people will go crazy from the s**t that has been happening, but you know, to much is given, much is required, in order to be a good leader, you have to be a good follower, and I think that that pissed off a lot of people…that I wasn’t stone cold f**king nutty crazy. So you weren’t on anything that day?

Bizzy Bone: Oh, yeah, a beer. Beer, okay.

Bizzy Bone: I think I had some Long Island Iced Teas. Okay.

Bizzy Bone: [I didn’t] smoke no weed, I mean I’m not on anything on any day. I don’t do dope. I don’t do cocaine. Never have done that. Never have been on that, never. Okay.

Bizzy Bone: You know what I’m saying? I mean if you just imagine if I did with everything that’s going on in my head, I would probably be dead by now. No, no, now, there were some times in that interview where your voice seemed almost demonic, and I’m not trying to degrade you or anything like that, but—

Bizzy Bone: Well, I mean that’s the same thing that goes down with the [Record Industry]. These people put demons drawn inside of the album cover. I have yet to see anybody in the world with horns sticking out of their f**king heads. Right.

Bizzy Bone: It’s a beam of light that needs to be controlled. At any time that some bulls**t jumps off, you can sense with your tongue, and say, “In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: You know, we don’t play no games, you know what I mean? We’re not afraid to stand up and say no. We’re not afraid to take a punch in the face. Right.

Bizzy Bone: As it was written down in, you know, on the Internet, that happened down, when I got back to Columbus, you know what I’m saying, in my home city. I’m in the club getting my boogie on, just happy that I don’t have to walk like that anymore. Happy that I can understand what’s going on around the world and understand about the number game and the different things that was never understood before, and I get punched in my face. Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: You know, I get beat up and jumped on, and I didn’t say retaliation. Right.

Bizzy Bone: I said, “You know what? I take it on the chin, and I keep on moving, and I love whoever did it. Tell him that I love him.” Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: And that probably pissed him off more than anything could have. And I don’t know why love pisses people off, but now you understand how people succumb to hatred. This spiritual awakening is interesting because some of Bone’s earlier works did seem to tread on—it almost seemed like devil worship, like sometimes you guys had like fire coming off the dome and I’m—

Bizzy Bone: Remember, remember the promotion. Remember what people succumbed to. Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: And remember who was in charge. You know what I’m saying? These are the words that were coming out of my mouth. Remember what Eazy said. You know what I’m saying? But this is before Eazy died, though.

Bizzy Bone: But you remember what Eazy said. Right.

Bizzy Bone: Remember what he said? Remember “Still a N*gga”? He called his-self the son-in-law of… The devil.

Bizzy Bone: Oh, well, so, I mean when you’re dealing with that type of a level, of course they’re gonna try to put it on you like that. Oh, I know exactly what you mean.

Bizzy Bone: So I had no—I wasn’t even able to give a clearance for the artwork. They throw these things on you. Right.

Bizzy Bone: So you know what I’m saying, it gives the impression out, and that’s why you may see a person like myself stand up and say, “Hold up. It is not about that.” Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: [For anybody] to play my spirituality like it’s wimpy or it’s weak. I’m standing, and I’m gonna stand, and I’m gonna praise God, and must bow in the Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and they don’t have to believe that. That’s cool. That’s fine. But, you know, it’s 2005 at this point. Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: And it’s a serious time. It’s a serious weather issue. Right, right, right, right. Now, let me ask you this. And I don’t mean this in any disrespectful way.

Bizzy Bone: Speak your mind. But some people have, you know, made reference to your sexuality or whatever.

Bizzy Bone: Hey, man, look here, man, like, just like on America’s Most Wanted, everybody knew I was molested. Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: Everybody know that, man. Everybody know about me. Whenever in the darkness, come to the light, man, you know what I’m saying? Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: Whenever in the darkness, I love women. You know what I’m saying? It ain’t my fault that motherf**kers around me and see something extra special, and they try to get ahold on me. I’m not on that s**t. Yeah, right.

Bizzy Bone: Whatever’s in the darkness, come to the light. I mean, s**t, I could tell you every woman that I done banged. I could tell you that I got, s**t, like 15 children. Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: You know what I’m saying? But I’m not up here sleeping with no man. I mean I wouldn’t [believe] what nobody say about my sexuality. Right.

Bizzy Bone: Thank you very much. One trillion dollars, send the money, that’s how I feel. You tell ‘em all. Send the money, baby. You know, it’s a lot of questions about a lot of peoples’ sexuality. But I’m walking in truth. Anything that can happen in my life, everybody knows that I have no problem with them knowing. I mean, but, honestly, what they want to know? S**t. I mean why ask me a question? Just tell me you want to f**k me. Right, right.

Bizzy Bone: Just say, “Hey, man, I like to stick it to you.” We’ll see if I let you stick it to me, and then we’ll go from there. Right.

Bizzy Bone: And then, you know, I mean what’s so funny about that s**t is I think about the brothers in prison - brothers in prison gotta deal with that s**t every motherf**king single day just around them. I don’t f**k like that. Right.

Bizzy Bone: So what the f**k. You feel me? So I mean that’s just how I feel, and the ideologies don’t make no motherf**king sense. You keep that s**t moving. Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: More so than somebody who was looking like living with a man. Yeah. All right, all right. And, now, Bone, I mean, I’m a little confused. I saw you all at the Run-DMC, the benefit performance a few weeks ago, whatever, and I thought you guys were signing with DMC’s label. That’s not the case?

Bizzy Bone: Well, like I told you before, they put the music together, and, actually, that DMC thing was a [trip]. [But] for Clive Davis and the J Records thing, [to not] take advantage of me being in the New York for a month and put me on the track. I took that as them not being serious, and, you know, kept moving. You gotta remember, I’m homeless, buddy. Yeah. How is your family? Have you spoken to your family?

Bizzy Bone: Oh, yeah, yeah, I’ve talked to baby mamas and stuff. You know, I’m a Western Union-type of dude. You know what I’m saying? You know, I do guest appearances. There are people around this country and around this world that are willing to send money in. Yeah.

Bizzy Bone: You know what I’m saying? But, you know, at the same time, some things people have heard, you know, from the Lil’ Flip to the, you know, this is a different phase that we’ve been able to be a part of that meant so much to my family, and, you know, we just working as hard as we can. I don’t sell drugs. Okay, all right, all right. Do you have any final statement or comments?

Bizzy Bone: I just want you to know, thank you very, very much. I appreciate you addressing some of the most important questions and some of the most important issues and allowing me the time to be able to speak, and I just want you to tell Alicia Keys I love her. I did not know her—I thought her last name was Keys, but to find out it’s Cook. So, you know, I just wanted to let her know – hey, keep doing what you do. You’re beautiful.
"Bizzy Bone: [I didn’t] smoke no weed, I mean I’m not on anything on any day. I don’t do dope. I don’t do cocaine. Never have done that. Never have been on that, never."

hm....thats an interesting comment :p

anyways good read thanks!


Well-Known Member
lol. i kinda like this new style. at least it makes me laugh lol. too bad though, seems like dude's really gone crazy.

Dave D

Active Member
Little Skittle said:
idk if im just tired or wut, but half that shit didnt make a bit of sense to me
none of it made snese to me .. its like the dude asked him a question and he was just answering some random questions he made up in his head ..
Bizzy's the man!

I love how he just brings shit up out of nowhere! Like that Alicia Keys shit at the end lmao.

How many times did it seem like the interviewer was just like, "can we get the fuck off this subject.....please?"
#9 Okay, all right, all right. Do you have any final statement or comments?

Bizzy Bone: I just want you to know, thank you very, very much. I appreciate you addressing some of the most important questions and some of the most important issues and allowing me the time to be able to speak, and I just want you to tell Alicia Keys I love her. I did not know her—I thought her last name was Keys, but to find out it’s Cook. So, you know, I just wanted to let her know – hey, keep doing what you do. You’re beautiful.

bizzy aint been the same since he hit dat sherm !
Check out Krayzie Bones interview

Enough is enough! After dealing with ten years worth of frustrations, Krayzie Bone is sick and tired of Bizzy Bone's "antics." While the friction between Bizzy and Bone Thugs was made public during Bizzy's controversial appearance at a Houston radio station last month. According to Krayzie, the problems with Bizzy are deep and complex, and stem all the way back to 1995. gave Krayzie a chance to tell Bone's side of the story and address the issue involving Bizzy Bone once and for all. Also, get a word on the affect this has on the group, the Swizz Beats talks, and more... What was your reaction when you first heard Bizzy on the radio station in Houston?

Krayzie: My first reaction was like everybody else's, 'What the f**k is wrong with this motherf**ker?' Then I'm thinking, 'How is all of this coming about?' Because, I am going to tell you the truth, Bizzy and me haven't had a close relationship ever since we signed with Eazy E. We were cool, and that’s my dude, but as far as us kicking it like we used to before all of this music stuff, we haven't even been on those terms. There are also rumors going around that Wish ended up smacking Bizzy around? Is that true?

Krayzie: Oh yeah. I actually wasn't there, but some things happened in Cleveland. We look at it like this. Bizzy is telling the world he is homeless and he is on the streets, but we had a nice deal on the table that would put nice money in everybody's pocket. It would have gotten him off the streets, if that is where he is, give him a nice house, and all of that. So the deal is on the table, but he doesn't want to do it. But he told these people to their face that he is going to do the deal and he is onboard with Bone. But as soon as we get that paper work and sign the deal, he doesn't want to be involved. So now we are all fed up and we are tired of Bizzy trying to make n***as look stupid. Its like he's been sabotaging us for our whole career. Man, its real crazy, and niggas are fed up. So I guess when Wish saw him in Cleveland that transpired. After you f**k up this nice deal on the table for Bone Thugs~N~Harmony, and then we see you doing a show in Cleveland for a punk ass five hundred to a thousand dollars? We got this big money on the table, but you don't want to f**k with it? Who the f**k are you playing with? And this deal on the table you guys had that he didn't want to be apart of? Let me just clear this up, you guys had a deal on the table for him to rejoin Bone, is that what you are saying?

Krayzie: No, we had a contract for a new deal with a major label, who were ready to get behind us and help us get back in the game like we are supposed to be. And Bizzy was telling them he was down, feeding them all these dreams, and even making appearances with us. See, that is another thing that pisses me off about him. He can be gone for a whole year, and then when he really really needs some money, he'll fall back in line so he can do a couple of shows with Bone. One time he was gone for a whole year, and it came time for us to win a Grammy Award. It looked good, everybody loved it, so I said let’s do it. But that was our biggest mistake, letting this motherf**ker ride as long as we let him ride. When I interviewed Bizzy last August for AllHipHop, he told me you guys weren't supportive of his attempt to stop drinking. He said, and I quote, "So I would stop drinking for eight or nine months and they would look at me as if I was acting like I was better than them. Or I was being funny about the whole situation, when I really was not.”

Krayzie: Oh my god! That is another thing I want to set straight for the record, this guy is a liar! He will completely fabricate a story. For one, like I told you, I don't even talk to dude like that. I don't really drink myself, I only do it every now and then. Why would I be mad at somebody that is trying to stop drinking? I just quit smoking weed and my n***as are still doing it. But nobody is looking at me like I'm a b*tch. I know you said you haven't talked to Bizzy, but has anybody spoken to him since the radio incident?

Krayzie: When he started telling everybody on the radio that he was homeless, he didn't have a house, he was broke, this and that - the next day n***as jumped on a plane to go to Houston to try and help him. The very next day! Layzie and Wish flew down the next day to talk to him and try and get him on point. But what happened was, Bizzy basically dogged them. It was a big slap in the face! Layzie Bone told me Bizzy said, "I would rather have a n***a in the streets help me than y'all". But, a week before that we did a show together in Austin, Texas! And he was telling us he was riding with us, he doesn't want to be without us anymore, and he is on point. He told us, "Whatever we have to do, as long as we all do it together as Bone Thugs~N~Harmony, I'm with it!" That was a week earlier! That is why I didn't get on the plane. What happened to you? You were the star of the group, remember? When I interviewed him around February of this year, he told me he was living in New York City.

Krayzie: That's what I'm saying! Every couple of months there is something new with this dude. First, he stopped smoking, and then he tried to sue Ruthless Records for putting him on a song where he was talking about weed. Tried to sue them, but then a couple of months later he is back smoking. Then he stopped drinking, then all of the sudden he is homeless, and then all of the sudden he is totally saved by God. And I'm not knocking anybody for that, because I'm studying the Bible myself right now. But whatever he is doing, or wherever he is going to get his knowledge about the Bible, its not accurate at all. A lot of people feel sorry for Bizzy, because he has been through a lot. From the problems he faced as a child, to his brother being murdered, but you guys have tried to reach out, just like you did with flying down to Houston, correct?

Krayzie: I'm not going to even lie, nobody has tried to help him more than Layzie Bone. Like I said, I'm not going to lie, I quit f**king with him a long time ago. But nobody tried to show that boy more love than Layzie! He stuck his neck out for him and gave him everything he had. Then Bizzy turns around and fucks Layzie - all the time! Now Bizzy doesn't have any more legs to stand on, because Layzie is on the same level we are on now. He's like, "F**k this nigga, I'm not putting my neck out for him no more". Layzie had Bizzy staying at his house in Atlanta, when Bizzy was supposedly homeless, but Bizzy didn't want to stay there. Nobody understands this dude, he on his own little mission. But its not like we put him out in the cold. He left us back in the day and then we were forced to contractually put him out of the group. Because that was the only way that people would f**k with us. Bizzy Bone can't even really work at this point, because he is close to being black balled in this business. That’s because he doesn't handle his business correctly. I'll be doing shows and people are telling me, "Bizzy has our deposit, but he didn't show up. He ain't called either. Have you seen him?" So I tell them, I don't have anything to do with that, I'm Krayzie Bone. So what label are you going to sign to? Is Swizz still the main option?

Krayzie: We have nothing but love for Swizz and everybody at Full Surface Records. We appreciate that he took the time out to see our potential. But if it don't work out, we gotta keep it moving because we are soldiers. as of now, Bone Thugs is definitely, Krayzie, Layzie, Wish, and Flesh. Because we have to start working on recreating ourselves at this point. We ain't got time to deal with the old Bone, and the old problems of Bone. We have to recreate ourselves and move on. I know it’s early, but when do you think the next Bone album will drop?

Krayzie: We are definitely going to have something on the radio within the next couple of months. But as far as the album, it could be the end of this year, or first quarter next year. I really don't know, but its definitely coming. The album is called The Bone Thugs Story, which basically clears up everything that went on from Eazy E to now, like we are doing with this interview. We are also coming out with a DVD and a movie [of the same title]. Layzie told me you guys are going to have beats from Kanye West and Dr. Dre on the album. Is that true?

Krayzie: We are looking to get some beats from Dr. Dre, and already recorded one track with Kanye West. The song with Kanye is called "I Ain't Going Nowhere," and it’s off the hook! It shows the evolution of Bone Thugs. We stepped it up and its like a Bone track to the 50th power. We know we have to step our game up, and we have a lot of ideas for this album. We saved a lot of ideas and didn't used them for our last two albums because we knew they weren't going to get promoted right. We didn't want to waste all of our ideas on albums that weren't going to get the people's full attention. Your last album Gemini came out earlier this year, but it didn’t' seem like the label promoted it at all?

Krayzie: Ah man, most definitely! They didn't promote it all! They are a company [Ball'r Records] with a lot of money, but with no knowledge about the business. And they even told me that - after I signed! But thank God my fans are into Bone enough to go and get my s**t anyway. Because with the unit sold, if I was on some real independent s**t, it would have been lovely. Selling that many records with no promotion is good. Yeah, I thought the album was right up there with your best solo work.

Krayzie: Thanks, man. That is how I like to record, and I want every project to be better than the last one. That Lil Jon track you had, "Get'chu Twisted" could have been a good look for you if they pushed it, the remix with Bone or the original.

Krayzie: Exactly, because it was getting radio spins before it was even released. We did a little leak for it and it was getting a lot of play. That is why I'm really not worried about my future in this business. I know, once I get the right opportunity to do what I wanna do and put it out how I wanna put it out, it’s a wrap!

Dave D

Active Member
haunted said:
Check out Krayzie Bones interview

Enough is enough! After dealing with ten years worth of frustrations, Krayzie Bone is sick and tired of Bizzy Bone's "antics." While the friction between Bizzy and Bone Thugs was made public during Bizzy's controversial appearance at a Houston radio station last month. According to Krayzie, the problems with Bizzy are deep and complex, and stem all the way back to 1995. gave Krayzie a chance to tell Bone's side of the story and address the issue involving Bizzy Bone once and for all. Also, get a word on the affect this has on the group, the Swizz Beats talks, and more... What was your reaction when you first heard Bizzy on the radio station in Houston?

Krayzie: My first reaction was like everybody else's, 'What the f**k is wrong with this motherf**ker?' Then I'm thinking, 'How is all of this coming about?' Because, I am going to tell you the truth, Bizzy and me haven't had a close relationship ever since we signed with Eazy E. We were cool, and that’s my dude, but as far as us kicking it like we used to before all of this music stuff, we haven't even been on those terms. There are also rumors going around that Wish ended up smacking Bizzy around? Is that true?

Krayzie: Oh yeah. I actually wasn't there, but some things happened in Cleveland. We look at it like this. Bizzy is telling the world he is homeless and he is on the streets, but we had a nice deal on the table that would put nice money in everybody's pocket. It would have gotten him off the streets, if that is where he is, give him a nice house, and all of that. So the deal is on the table, but he doesn't want to do it. But he told these people to their face that he is going to do the deal and he is onboard with Bone. But as soon as we get that paper work and sign the deal, he doesn't want to be involved. So now we are all fed up and we are tired of Bizzy trying to make n***as look stupid. Its like he's been sabotaging us for our whole career. Man, its real crazy, and niggas are fed up. So I guess when Wish saw him in Cleveland that transpired. After you f**k up this nice deal on the table for Bone Thugs~N~Harmony, and then we see you doing a show in Cleveland for a punk ass five hundred to a thousand dollars? We got this big money on the table, but you don't want to f**k with it? Who the f**k are you playing with? And this deal on the table you guys had that he didn't want to be apart of? Let me just clear this up, you guys had a deal on the table for him to rejoin Bone, is that what you are saying?

Krayzie: No, we had a contract for a new deal with a major label, who were ready to get behind us and help us get back in the game like we are supposed to be. And Bizzy was telling them he was down, feeding them all these dreams, and even making appearances with us. See, that is another thing that pisses me off about him. He can be gone for a whole year, and then when he really really needs some money, he'll fall back in line so he can do a couple of shows with Bone. One time he was gone for a whole year, and it came time for us to win a Grammy Award. It looked good, everybody loved it, so I said let’s do it. But that was our biggest mistake, letting this motherf**ker ride as long as we let him ride. When I interviewed Bizzy last August for AllHipHop, he told me you guys weren't supportive of his attempt to stop drinking. He said, and I quote, "So I would stop drinking for eight or nine months and they would look at me as if I was acting like I was better than them. Or I was being funny about the whole situation, when I really was not.”

Krayzie: Oh my god! That is another thing I want to set straight for the record, this guy is a liar! He will completely fabricate a story. For one, like I told you, I don't even talk to dude like that. I don't really drink myself, I only do it every now and then. Why would I be mad at somebody that is trying to stop drinking? I just quit smoking weed and my n***as are still doing it. But nobody is looking at me like I'm a b*tch. I know you said you haven't talked to Bizzy, but has anybody spoken to him since the radio incident?

Krayzie: When he started telling everybody on the radio that he was homeless, he didn't have a house, he was broke, this and that - the next day n***as jumped on a plane to go to Houston to try and help him. The very next day! Layzie and Wish flew down the next day to talk to him and try and get him on point. But what happened was, Bizzy basically dogged them. It was a big slap in the face! Layzie Bone told me Bizzy said, "I would rather have a n***a in the streets help me than y'all". But, a week before that we did a show together in Austin, Texas! And he was telling us he was riding with us, he doesn't want to be without us anymore, and he is on point. He told us, "Whatever we have to do, as long as we all do it together as Bone Thugs~N~Harmony, I'm with it!" That was a week earlier! That is why I didn't get on the plane. What happened to you? You were the star of the group, remember? When I interviewed him around February of this year, he told me he was living in New York City.

Krayzie: That's what I'm saying! Every couple of months there is something new with this dude. First, he stopped smoking, and then he tried to sue Ruthless Records for putting him on a song where he was talking about weed. Tried to sue them, but then a couple of months later he is back smoking. Then he stopped drinking, then all of the sudden he is homeless, and then all of the sudden he is totally saved by God. And I'm not knocking anybody for that, because I'm studying the Bible myself right now. But whatever he is doing, or wherever he is going to get his knowledge about the Bible, its not accurate at all. A lot of people feel sorry for Bizzy, because he has been through a lot. From the problems he faced as a child, to his brother being murdered, but you guys have tried to reach out, just like you did with flying down to Houston, correct?

Krayzie: I'm not going to even lie, nobody has tried to help him more than Layzie Bone. Like I said, I'm not going to lie, I quit f**king with him a long time ago. But nobody tried to show that boy more love than Layzie! He stuck his neck out for him and gave him everything he had. Then Bizzy turns around and fucks Layzie - all the time! Now Bizzy doesn't have any more legs to stand on, because Layzie is on the same level we are on now. He's like, "F**k this nigga, I'm not putting my neck out for him no more". Layzie had Bizzy staying at his house in Atlanta, when Bizzy was supposedly homeless, but Bizzy didn't want to stay there. Nobody understands this dude, he on his own little mission. But its not like we put him out in the cold. He left us back in the day and then we were forced to contractually put him out of the group. Because that was the only way that people would f**k with us. Bizzy Bone can't even really work at this point, because he is close to being black balled in this business. That’s because he doesn't handle his business correctly. I'll be doing shows and people are telling me, "Bizzy has our deposit, but he didn't show up. He ain't called either. Have you seen him?" So I tell them, I don't have anything to do with that, I'm Krayzie Bone. So what label are you going to sign to? Is Swizz still the main option?

Krayzie: We have nothing but love for Swizz and everybody at Full Surface Records. We appreciate that he took the time out to see our potential. But if it don't work out, we gotta keep it moving because we are soldiers. as of now, Bone Thugs is definitely, Krayzie, Layzie, Wish, and Flesh. Because we have to start working on recreating ourselves at this point. We ain't got time to deal with the old Bone, and the old problems of Bone. We have to recreate ourselves and move on. I know it’s early, but when do you think the next Bone album will drop?

Krayzie: We are definitely going to have something on the radio within the next couple of months. But as far as the album, it could be the end of this year, or first quarter next year. I really don't know, but its definitely coming. The album is called The Bone Thugs Story, which basically clears up everything that went on from Eazy E to now, like we are doing with this interview. We are also coming out with a DVD and a movie [of the same title]. Layzie told me you guys are going to have beats from Kanye West and Dr. Dre on the album. Is that true?

Krayzie: We are looking to get some beats from Dr. Dre, and already recorded one track with Kanye West. The song with Kanye is called "I Ain't Going Nowhere," and it’s off the hook! It shows the evolution of Bone Thugs. We stepped it up and its like a Bone track to the 50th power. We know we have to step our game up, and we have a lot of ideas for this album. We saved a lot of ideas and didn't used them for our last two albums because we knew they weren't going to get promoted right. We didn't want to waste all of our ideas on albums that weren't going to get the people's full attention. Your last album Gemini came out earlier this year, but it didn’t' seem like the label promoted it at all?

Krayzie: Ah man, most definitely! They didn't promote it all! They are a company [Ball'r Records] with a lot of money, but with no knowledge about the business. And they even told me that - after I signed! But thank God my fans are into Bone enough to go and get my s**t anyway. Because with the unit sold, if I was on some real independent s**t, it would have been lovely. Selling that many records with no promotion is good. Yeah, I thought the album was right up there with your best solo work.

Krayzie: Thanks, man. That is how I like to record, and I want every project to be better than the last one. That Lil Jon track you had, "Get'chu Twisted" could have been a good look for you if they pushed it, the remix with Bone or the original.

Krayzie: Exactly, because it was getting radio spins before it was even released. We did a little leak for it and it was getting a lot of play. That is why I'm really not worried about my future in this business. I know, once I get the right opportunity to do what I wanna do and put it out how I wanna put it out, it’s a wrap!

kinda on topic kinda off topic

but could someone explain what the situation is with btah?
ive been enjoying their msuci for quite awhile but never read or took time to read about them...and i sorta dont get the krazy's interview dissing bizzy and all that and said something about him not being part of the group or soemthing

so could someone breifly explain any beef or anythign like that between the members of BTNH?

thanks :)
ps thanks for the second interview :)
im glad bizzy has gone crazy cuz hes tha only 1 in bone that is spittin wack shit lately.maybe this is wut it will take 4 them 2 come back.bone still legends.and now they gone have sum dre beats on their.its over bone 4 ever.i jus wish they were sellin like they use to.
Dave D said: No, no, now, there were some times in that interview where your voice seemed almost demonic, and I’m not trying to degrade you or anything like that, but—

Bizzy Bone: Well, I mean that’s the same thing that goes down with the [Record Industry]. These people put demons drawn inside of the album cover. I have yet to see anybody in the world with horns sticking out of their f**king heads.
im so sad that Krayzie talking shit (once again) of Bizzy ... I would like to see an other album with all the members cause for me, Bone Thugs aint in Harmony if they dont get Bizzy.

I hope they will reunite to make a good ass album and to keep their style as the good ol' days

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