Bishop Lamont Talks About Eminem's upcoming album, Detox, more.

#1, together with, got the chance to talk to Bishop Lamont himself. We talked about his music, his view on today’s hip hop, Eminem’s upcoming album, Dre’s Detox, his relationship with The Game, and a lot more. Read on below.

Listen to Bishop’s shout out to here.

Interview conducted by FLOJO. What up Bishop? How you doing man? First of all, let me say I’m a huge fan and I can remember back in the day when Fuzzy Fantabulous was on the radio sayin’ “Oh man, Big Boy, this dude Bishop Lamont … that dude is THE TRUTH!”

Bishop: *LAUGHS* So you ready to go?

Bishop: yeah it’s all good dog First off let me say zzzzzz Noize is CLASSIC, and “Feel On It” and “No Stopping Carson” are 2 fu*ken DOPE ass songs that need to start blowing the fu*k up already! I mean for real what the fu*k is up with stations not playing this sh*t like it needs to get played …? These stations need to realize that they are sitting on two gems over there that’s 100% better than anything else that’s on the radio right now …

Bishop: *Laughs* I’ve been telling people that the only album that will rival Detox next year will be The Reformation…

Bishop: I Agree! haha haha yeah everybody is looking forward to it, and lord knows I’m putting in my share of the hype all over the place…

Bishop: Yeah my man So with that being said, I think it’s time we get into some questions… Speaking of The Reformation, everybody wants to know about the album, what can you tell us about it and when can we anticipate it to be out?

Bishop: sh*t, first quarter man that’s where I’m racing to now, to finish up in the studio got a few uuummm couple more ingredients we going overboard Dre’s just ya know … he crazy anyways wit it … it’s gotta be over the top. So we getting ready for first quarter umm ya know i’m saying the video and all that sh*t all the stuff in the can i’m just getting ready to drop on peoples heads so… it’s, it’s been a crazy trip man. It’s a lot of fun and it’s just you know, making preparation to really put something fresh down not just for the westcoast but for hip hop period man, you know what I mean? Hell yeah man, and since I guess we can call both of these singles (”Feel On It” and “No Stopping Carson”) “street singles” what can we expect as the official first single?

Bishop: “I DOMINATE” … I dominate?

Bishop: Yeah me and Dre Hahahahaha Damn man, that sounds really major, and with the other two singles already being FIRE, It only makes me anticipate the fu*k out of this next single.

Bishop: AWW yeah Hahahaha There are some artists that solely rely on their production to get them past the mediocrity of their lyrics, but you really got it all down… Both sides of the music… and that’s impressive because you seem to understand what people want as well as making music YOU like to make as well too.

Bishop: Yeah….. I say bless you hahahaha So now that you are in this “zone” and you are continually building a bigger buzz, and putting all of this great “free” music, do you feel like you are still growing as an artist, because when I listen to the latest tracks it seems to me that you’ve come a very long way…

Bishop: sh*t, I appreciate that man, it’s getting better you know what I mean? We keep improving on the motto we keep improving on the Kung Fu so we going to take it over the top and ya know keep on high from there so I appreciate that you know this is just scratching the surface you know what I mean? That was just a street single it’s even bigger than that sh*t that me and FOCUS been working on so… it’s crazy… I’m proud of the work ya know? So (speaking of Focus) that brings me to the next question, how about the production? What producers can we expect to see on the album?

Bishop: Yeahhh I wanna keep most of it a surprise, but of course ya know… I got my partners in crime are gonna be on there you know what I mean? And I’ll just say I’ll leave it to Busta …. You know what I’m saying? Did I say Busta’s on there? There’s a few more pimps on there but I’m gonna leave it a surprise of course Dre’s all over it, and a few other people, people are going to be surprised to see on there, I hate to say anything I want it to be fresh cause I just want the album to be about people buying it for me know what I mean?.. not like “I GOT T-PAIN ON IT, I GOT CHRIS BROWN ON IT… I GOT….” Ya know what I mean? Cats try to sell other people to sell their thing and its like… you wanna make yourself ya know… your own fella that you own, ya know what I’m sayin’? like like the FIRST thing to push so, just know it’s going to be a thrill, man from features to whose producing on it you know what I mean? Besides Dre know what I’m saying? Besides Focus… Besides Scott Storch know what I mean… there’s a lot of mega mega players on there so I’m just trying to body the work. What about Glasses Malone and The New West Dudes… You guys still kicking it, still all love?

Bishop: That’s all my family man you know what I’m sayin? We ride together know what I mean? They [got] their record deals you know what I mean? Me and Glasses walking through New York, I was there every step of the way. That’s always family even outside of rap know what I mean, we not friends cause we rap know what I mean? Yeah I really like Glasses music too, I’m a fan of his and it seemed like he was all over the place for a minute, but I haven’t seen him aside from a few guest appearances here and there ….

Bishop: I mean that’s the next dude too, know what I mean, a good dude, big heart, you know what I’m saying smart beyond what he acts like cause that nigga the nigga likes to play stupid sometimes and he knows what the fu*k I’m talking about when he read it, that dude…that .. ya know… that is an amazing dude. Ya know what I mean… Mykestro is the next dude up, and def there are so many fresh niggas that’s coming that’s all family that’s a part of the movement, you know what I mean… Trek Life you know what I mean… It’s a lot of dope dudes so I’m happy to see it all coming together and everybody’s buzzing’ … Young Blood you know KAMS little brother you know what I mean it’s a lot of fly niggas Young Dre, Maylay its so much so I’m loving what’s going on. And so with all of the hot collabos and all of the recording session you go through … it must be hard to determine what songs go on The Reformation, and what songs go on a mixtape… Do you feel pressure from Interscope and Jimmy to go more commercial on your new album?

Bishop: Naaaah cause at the end of the day what I do with my underground sh*t is what I do for the underground there is sh*t in the underground, that can be singles on the radio its just about doing what you do best, at the end of the day I have to please myself but I also have to please Dre. And putting them minds together is going to be amazing I don’t even pay attention to what Interscope is going through you know what I mean? Jimmy is the boss, but Jimmy is in his office doing his thing. That’s like Jimmy paying attention to how I feel about how he is supposed to distribute this that and the other, its like Motherfu*ker …I’m gonna do MY JOB …. So hahahaha DO YOURS! … Are you worried that the album will be pushed back like many other Aftermath artists albums?

Bishop: I don’t even worry about none of that you know what I mean, cause I understand how it all works but the way the love is in the street and where its at its going to come when its supposed to come cause there is so much beaurocrosy when you deal with the labels cause I’m not the only cat over there when people look at Aftermath they forget about Interscope, you know what I mean? You got a Snoop Dogg coming out, Mary J. Bilge, you got this that and the third so its like you just do what you do and make sure the streets is ready and the streets is happy and content and waiting for that everything else makes it self you know what I’m sayin? … apparent, God goes to work… I just put down the engine you know what I mean? *laughs* So how about like a zzzzzz Noize 2 … or even a Caltroit Part 2? What you think, cause I know I’d LOVE to hear a zzzzzz Noize Part 2?

Bishop: Ya know … I really don’t believe in sequels the Only thing… ya know… cause for me I never look back, know what I mean? I haven’t listened to zzzzzz Noize since I did it know what I mean? Really? Oh man …

Bishop: Yeah …. I don’t go back cause it’s about progress if you get caught up in the past that’s where you going to stay. Even while time is passing you by so my thing is to always not to be about the future but to be ahead of the future so I’m always looking beyond even the present. You know what I’m saying even when I kinda expect what I kinda want to see in the future, I’m even going beyond that. What I can imagine is what I’m trying to be about write about and rhyme like you know what I mean… so I never I never keep listening to old sh*t. Once I’m through with it I’m done with it you know what I mean, so there aint gonna be another zzzzzz Noize but a Caltroit…

It was too long to post the whole thing here, so please go here to read the rest of the interview.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#5 Wait! ….
Bishop: Huh? How you gonna tell me you don’t listen to Nigger Noize man … that is the dopest mixtape of 2007 haha I can’t believe that …
Bishop: Maaaan you know the only thing I’ve listened too just because I’m getting the Caltroit Metropolis ready because we cut so many records I’ve been listening to Caltroit. Ummm because I just love it so much and the only reason I can listen to Caltroit is because Its not just me on there, if it was just me on there then I wouldn’t listen to this shit at all cause I get tired of hearing me I live with me everyday but when you got got ill nine, Royce Da 5’ 9’’ and ya know just listening to black milk and black milk beats you got Young dre on there you got 40 glock on there ill La Jay so many dope niggas on there that I have fun just listening to them Busta Rhymes, Guilty Simpson its so many motherfuckers on there Mr Fab so, and Rass. So it’s like T3 it’s just I just like listening to them. And just the Planet Asia shit is stupid, Planet Asia, Fab… you got to hit something… I’m telling you shit you already know but I listen to that shit man I enjoy listening to fresh niggas but other than that I’m not listening to it but Caltroit Metropolis is coming next year with all of the rest of the cats cause there were so many records man you know .. little brother, dilated peoples, you know what I mean, just to mention a few…you know what I’m sayin? There are so many fly cats on part two that we couldn’t have it on part one cause it would’ve been a double CD so we had to break it in two parts. So The only thing that is going to be continued is Caltroit Metropolis ya know what I mean? How about your upcoming project … the Pope Mobile?
Bishop: The Pope Mobile! …. The Pope Mobile pimpin, The Pope Mobile comes out on Christmas. Chea!
Bishop: *laughs* That’s a dope ass Christmas present from you to me … hahaha
Bishop: Aww bless you man … my pleasure you know what I mean? The Pope Mobile, I love The Pope Mobile for a lot of reasons because after CaltroitCaltroit was like a compilation ya know what I mean? And with this … it’s all me. and it’s more personal. People get to know me a lot more that on… ya know… we worked real hard on Caltroit, we spoke our mind but I speak my mind even more so on this one so a lot of people are going to get butt hurt a lot of people are going to get offended but I cant help but tell the truth so that’s what makes the pope mobile so much fun! And again … with all of the projects you are currently working on, do you ever feel when you ARE making songs for lets say a “Pope Mobile” and lets say you REALLY like it …. Do you feel like sometimes you say to yourself … oh man that song needs to go on my album… not on this free mixtape? How can you tell what the difference is between a “mixtape track” and an “album track” ….is what I’m asking?
Bishop: I just be making records man and stuff will just trigger an idea or concepts, that’s how a lot of mixtapes come about you know what I mean it’s just be wanting to do underground albums. Like I’m so focused on what’s next …that I’m already looking ahead to my second album The Impossible Possible that’s how fucked up my brain be I already be ahead of myself so I just be putting records to the side like this goes to this, this goes for that know what I mean? And when you cut a certain record and it hits a vein of what the focus and the movement of say umm like The ReformationThe Reformation is all about the rebuilding you know what I’m saying? The revitalizing of the movement as far as hip hop goes and on the westcoast on lot of different levels, so everything has to got to really go into kinda like that feeling its gotta go into that kind of movement, that intensity so you just know when a record it speaks to you and it works for THAT project know what I mean? True, true …. So let’s speak about how you feel about rappers dumbing down lyrics. What is your view on that, and how some rappers feel they have to dumb themselves down for the masses?
Bishop: I still feel the same way about it, know what I mean because … you don’t have to do that motherfuckers never intentionally dumb they shit down they just spit it out on how they wanted to spit it, I guarantee you never was there a moment when Ray Charles is like “I gotta dumb down what the fuck I’m saying”.. or Even Stevie Wonder… have you listened to Journey Through The Secret Life Of Plants you know what I mean… you got records speaking in French in Spanish and this that and the third he was just being creative and just doing what was in his soul. Michael Jackson never dumbed me down nothin’! know what I’m sayin? Like just think about the amazing abilities individuals like that, that still have an impact on what niggas do now, and the reason cant touch what they do, cause they aint doing it like they did it ya know what I mean? They cant cause that’s a talent that cant be touched… but it went the same the same path it was like I’m gonna go outside the box…ya know.. imagine the conversations that I can only imagine the conversations Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson was having thinking about making thriller, you know what I mean? Niggas went to another level man. Stevie Wonder went to another level Donnie Hathaway whoever you want to say…but I mean even back in the day with just earlier MC’s you know what I mean? I look at the first Wu Tang album … Niggas know what the fuck they was talking about if you watched kung Fu movies, that how you started coming into it but the mathematics the SCIENCE niggas was dropping on there it took you time cause the shit was so fresh you took the time to try and figure it out…. You know what I mean!?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#6 So there is nothing to worry about when it comes to dumbing down lyrics when it comes to you … right?
Bishop: nahhhh, I cant I cant I cant do it then and I would love for so many more MC’s I mean that’s what Caltroit was really about as far as in going back to bars and going back to lyricism. You know what I mean? Kurupt never dumbed me down nothing know what I’m saying? And that shit was gangsta as fuck! That nigga is a supreme MC you listen to New York New York today, there is still shit that’s over your head know what I mean? So cats forget about dope people and try to make everything so accessible motherfuckers can eat it so fast listen to it so fast they dispose of it that much quicker you know what I mean? I had to sit through a lot of records … I mean Keith Murray, this nigga be busting out of this world, I had to listen to the records over and over to keep every bar, and then know it by heart and there is still shit I don’t know by heart. I just fumble over that part when I’m rapping along with him. But it’s about just making fresh music Wu tang didn’t think about dumbing down protect your neck or know what I’m saying? Wu Tang Clan aint nothing to fuck with … when CREAM came out and niggas got with that shit, it wasn’t like “I gotta make a beat … I gotta make a beat at this many BPM’s I gotta make it sound like this” it was like NO! .. this is what we feel… this is what the movement is going to be…and that’s what they did! We was watching an old black moon video umm… who the props… it was the craziest shit watching buckshot and how many MC’s niggas wasn’t thinking about all that bullshit niggas be thinking about now .. rappers started being like A&R’s “I need my club record” “I need my crossover record” “I need street my record”
You know what I mean… its like shut the fuck up, and just make what you feel! And stop being scared to fail, do what’s fresh! What do you think of the state that the hip hop game is in right now?
Bishop: I mean its bullshit, but I’m not mad at people living out their dreams and people getting money but when you worry about getting money there aint nothing else to it… you know what I mean? Just a lot of bullshit in the market place when was the last time you tore a picture out of your magazine and put it on your wall? I try to imagine what kids put on their walls now I know back in the day I had all the Wu Tang niggas on my wall I had Nas on my Wall, I had AZ wall you know what im saying? Just far out niggas Keith Murray, Eric Sermon, Redman you know what I’m saying? Just dope niggas you looked up to when you listened to their records and you really wanted to be like them I’m going out to the shows I’m seeing Common perform seeing Big Pun perform im listening to everything Biggie dropping, niggas don’t get you excited now…you hear that bullshit you be like whatever man…. So what’s your personal favorite album(s) of 2007?
Bishop: ummmm Pharoe Monch’s album ummmm that just came out… umm Black Milk (I know that’s biased) but Black Milks last album that just came out ummm who else dropped that was fresh man lets see .. Caltroit *laughs* ummm lemme see ummm damn there really wasn’t much that was fresh out man I cant even lie to you man. I can’t… its bad when you can’t remember what came out that was something to listen to know what I mean? Well there was a lot of music put out in 07 mayne …
Bishop: There was no real major debut that was fresh to me. I was disappointed with basically everything that came out you know, you name it I was listening to it and I was disappointed there is … there’s a lot of cats that’s heroes and then you hear them and be like “damn (ya know) … what’s going on?” What about American Gangster… that was a big release that’s getting lots of love in the media yet we’re saying …
Bishop: Man that’s in my mind while I was saying that I love Jay-Z man I’m a fan and you got to be a real individual to go “yo, with some shit aint fresh like that” Kingdom Come was better than that you know what I mean? And I and I respected him and loved him for being grown this nigga rich out this world this nigga already walked on water this nigga this nigga’s FLY this nigga is one of the best that ever did it but then when you hear this shit it it its not fresh like that man the lyrics is still potent to some point but you gotta be honest and go “nah, that shits not fresh” I listened to that record three times, and I gave it to somebody you know what I’m saying …. And I never do that…. Any Jay-Z record, I take care of that motherfucker, like niggas know I get down with CD’s I don’t just … throw CD’s everywhere … but when that shit is really really ill for me I take, I cherish that shit you know what I’m saying? Any any… I can name so many Jay-Z albums that that’s taken care of like you know what I’m sayin? Like Fine Art shit… but this last record just didn’t do it for me I was really disappointed but I understand, where his mind is I can’t even understand it fully cause dude is on another level! You know what I mean? But nah… You know what and I’m glad you’re talking like that cause I know that you’re just being real … I read so many interviews where dudes are giving all kinds of love to other rappers just because of who they are ….
Bishop: Right …. So I wish they would just keep it real like a true fan would ….
Bishop: Exactly, so you just gotta be honest and so as a true fan I can’t sit here just because it’s Jay-Z and try to force myself to say that oh this is the greatest album… its not. You know what I mean? There’s a few moments on that album… but you compare that to the first blueprint or you compare that to the black album or you compare that to reasonable doubt and its never good to really compare one album to the other cause it’s a different point in life but just look at overall growth and direction and impact and that didn’t do anything to me you know what I mean? That’s just me speaking personally but will I stop supporting Jay-Z and admiring Jay-Z …no! you know what I’m saying? And I met dude too many times before and he’s a great dude, so I’m always gonna keep it honest I’m not gonna sit here and lie to a nigga and say some shits fresh its [??]from time straight for the beef of me [??] and im like nah … I don’t feel it… you know what I mean? *laughs* … so Man … so this next topic I want to get into I know you don’t really like to talk about it too much cause …
Bishop: We can get into anything pimpin’ I keep it honest man. I like that … we should do a part 2
Bishop: I’ll be here, I’ll be here pimpin … you know what I’m saying?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#7 OK you ready?
Bishop: Yes Sir! Ok … so there is no doubt that Dr Dre’s Detox album is easily one of the most anticipated albums ever ….
Bishop: Right. Damn … that’s crazy that would’ve been forever! Or just a lot longer than we have to wait right now …
Bishop: You know what I mean? Exactly so Em finishing up his album you know what I’m saying? , Busta finishing up his album… Stats album is finally finished now so you know there’s a lot of more things coming ya know … Glasses is finishing up his album so there’s going to be a lot of dope stuff dropping simultaneously that makes it even a fresher situation so, I couldn’t have asked for a better thing and Ive been given a better seat in the whole creation of the Detox thing you know what I mean? What about Stats album, when is that coming out?
Bishop: that’s what I’m waiting for man, Stat… its so its so crazy you know what I mean? I mean… I’m about to gear up here at the label … so who knows… you know what I mean I just kinda stay focused on what the fuck I gotta do so I don’t even check everybody’s dates but when I talk to niggas they keep me up to date on what’s going on you know what I mean like im like “yo” you know what I mean? Ok Ok … that’s what’s up…So what’s up with your label, Diocese… any artists signed yet?
Bishop: Diocese yeah … Diocese yeah … man Ive got a few cats that I think is mega you know … I work with most of ‘em anyway but I’m just making sure my albums pops off first so I can get everything done it don’t make no sense to sign people when you don’t have time to pay attention to ‘em cause you gotta do you .. you know what I mean? There’s a lot of dope cats Ive come in contact with and I’m always meeting new cats that are very good prospects and just different musics you know… not just rap not just R&B but alternative, you know what I’m saying? Some country shit oh there is all kinds of stuff I’m into man so I’m just looking for fresh people… I listen to everything you know what I mean so I’m not just trying to sign rappers I’m not just trying to sign R&B singers you know what I mean? If there are Jazz musicians that amaze me you gotta think in a concept level where you might have some level work on blue note you might have something fresh on … umm some ole fine little bitches going up … Excuse me! .. so you might have umm *side convo* …… I just listen to everything and I would hate to have a situation where I’m only looking exclusively for rappers and singers. I listen to all kinds of music so I wanna have a situation where it’s a dream for any artist of you know any genre to wanna get down …and be able to do fresh shit you know what I mean? So right now there are no new projects on the horizon for Diocese?
Bishop: not right now, I cant say anything because my project that I’m working on and The Reformation and you know im saying and we gearing up to go hard on the Detox… so outside of that I cant really say anything yet you know what I mean? Once I do all the crazy shit I gotta do to put this where it has to be then I can turn around and say “SO AND SO, SO AND SO!” you know what I mean … *laughs* Soooo now we get to questions about The Game … Are you guys cool? I mean … what’s up with that whole situation?
Bishop: Bless you man …. Bless you … you know I love when people finally ask that question a lot of people act like that question taboo or something and it’s the same as I always tell cats … Game was always on his own page when all the negative shit was jumping off because what people never know and never see is that at one time we was all church.. you know what I mean, Guerilla Black introduced me to Game in the first place so we …. Guerilla Black introduced you to The Game?!? That’s unexpected ….
Bishop: Yes my nigga … that’s the stuff people never know. Guerilla Black Loved Game… Guerilla Black trust Game, I didn’t know who Game was. And I had been ghostwriting over there at the math for damn probably a year you know what I’m saying? Writing for different cats, I never heard dude I never met dude… who brought it to my attention … Guerilla Black, put us on the phone together… I’m like “this yo nigga” that’s my nigga… you see what I’m saying? Then when Game dissed Guerilla Black or however that shit happened I was mediating I was in the middle of that trying to keep Guerilla Black from dissing Game … Trying to keep Game from dissing Guerilla Black and . making them squash that. There was a time when they was doing the boost mobile commercial the Kanye West shit .. Where Ya At? And we was down there .. sitting in the fucken motorhome dog and I remember Guerilla Black coming down and Game already in the motorhome and them meeting spoken spose .. ya know supposedly squashing it but what took place I wasn’t ya know im not privy to ALL THAT.. but I know for me and what kind of person Guerilla Black is, Guerilla Black wasn’t his fault for that …That’s just the politics of the system The Game try to make sure his name goes where it goes, because despite all of the bullshit you hear about dude, dude actually has a good heart, he’s a good person.. He’s just made a lot of wrong decisions, and in the spur of the moment… did a a lot of ya know … weirdo shit but you can’t hold it against him. hahaha weirdo shit….
Bishop: No I mean honestly, you cant hold it against him because .. nobody’s perfect No, I know man… we’re all human ….
Bishop: Exactly, and that’s what people need to keep in mind because Game is a real person .. he got a family… his moms is like my momma, you know what I’m saying? His little sister b-fly, is my sister.. we get down. You know what I’m saying, Fase Big Fase is by brother, godfather to his newborn son. You know what I’m sayin?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#8 Damn, that’s crazy … who knew you had all of those different levels of some kind of relation to The Game …
Bishop: haha you know what I mean? Yeah man … that’s just crazy to me
Bishop: so … so you know … there is stuff that people don’t know from behind the scenes like you gotta be there to know what it is. So when Game did his little record dissing me or whatever, I already knew about it before he even did it , that’s how funny it is. So how did you know that?
Bishop: I cant even say that … cause that’s on a whole other level of this pimpin *laughs* Wait .. so you knew about the diss BEFORE it was actually made …
Bishop: yeah!.. I already knew what was going on, and I didn’t take it personal cause I’m like you know its wrestling to me … you know what I mean, because at the time the thing was going on between him and 50 at Harlem, guess who after the motherfucken meeting in HARLEM was up in his hotel room with him blessing him…. ME! you know what I’m saying? So people can say what they want … but them as individuals you really know what’s going on between each other. So I don’t have no ill will toward Game. He Is my brother like Big Fase is my brother you know what I’m saying? Do you think we will hear you and The Game on the same track sometime in the near future?
Bishop: I.. I’d love to! You know what I’m saying? Its nothing like that .. like people it’s the same thing me and Young Dre was talking and you know Young Dre and Game have issues .. ya know a lot of people have issues with Game.. and people always come at us like were against him and we hate him or something .. we love dude. Dude just gotta open up and wanna be receptive our arms have always been open, same thing with Glasses… our arms have always been open to Game, its just him wanting to come into the fold and do things as a family as a movement on the westcoast that’s up to dude, that’s never not been there. Is this part of the reason Glasses never signed with Game … The Money wasn’t right there or what was going on, cause I loved when those two collaborated and it would’ve been a good thing in my opinion….
Bishop: I mean I was there to see the contracts and at the end of the day *sneezes* excuse me …. Business is business, and … the contracts wasn’t right. So you cant be mad at somebody for not wanting to sign that contract. Because its like Game being put in front of a bad contract and him saying no to somebody that’s his friend. You know what im sayin? And then on top of that .. if we really friends …you don’t want to give yo mans a fucked up contract. yeah.. I hear you.
Bishop: So … its so many fables I cant really go that deep into it but I remember seeing the contracts and him taking it to the lawyer, and the lawyer like “that’s not gonna work” so you gotta be able to go this, this aint a good business move but we still family and I’m gonna keep going on getting my own thing…. gotta get that money…
Bishop: We can ALL get money together … you know what im saying .. that’s like, that’s like what me and Glasses was sitting in the meeting with Jay.. and Jay-Z wanted to sign Glasses… but the money wasn’t right. So we sitting there …ya know sitting there with Jay-Z and its love its an amazing thing but its like that doesn’t matter at the end of the day because business is business… because Jay-Z’s the same man, that sat in wack ass label meetings and was like “fuck that, I’m not fucking with this dope, I’m gonna go out and make it myself” so we just followed these footsteps doing the same thing so that was the situation with the Glasses and Game thing its about business, you can be friends all day long but friendship aint gonna pay your bills when you rocking the contracts that don’t stipulate was poppin … you know what I mean? But yeah aint no ill will niggas act like we arch nemesis and shit, like its going to be on when we see each other you know what I mean it aint even like that… that’s, that’s the wrestling thing that’s the wrestling aspect to to rap you know what I mean? *laughs* so but you know … I love that question being asked because people think we hate dude… and its I love dude… you know what I mean? And I got nothing against dude .. it was disrespectful and that was my issue when I kept hearing interviews and dude was slandering me beyond what he put on the little record cause see dude dint know me.. like that.. you know we always see each other in passing and we cool but you don’t know me to speak on me. so when you start tough talking some gangbang shit, you going to do this and that to me.. I’m like hold up nigga .. I’m a grown man, we can go outside, squab, and be friends again … I got a lot of friends, I got a lot of friends that I whoop they ass or they almost whoop my ass or they whoop my ass and we all best friends now. Aint nothing wrong with an ass whooping. You know what I’m saying? And then hahaha I say the same shit!
Bishop: haha yeah…even as teens we used to fight and then be your best friends you know what I mean, on your way walking to school and then you become friends so my only issue was slandering there was a lot of disrespect and as a man I was like “yo .. we need to holla” but we never hollered and then he went on the radio and apologized to me, and I appreciated that but im like .. I’m easy to talk to.. you could’ve called me … you know what I mean? So when WAS the last time you guys spoke in person?
Bishop: I haven’t, I haven’t spoken to dude in person since .. I cant even remember dog, I think I think the last time we spoke, he was doing a photo shoot for the album work on The Documentary. Daaaaaaaaaaamn, haha I wasn’t expecting it to be that long ago …
Bishop: see what I’m saying? yeah yeah … wow… I mean I can see what you mean, and you’re right… On the outside, it looks different…
Bishop: And you know, and I understand as far as why I say why people don’t understand what goes on behind the scenes .. and I know what dude was going through when the whole fallout the whole fallout came with ya know 50 and Dre and him being at Aftermath and have him move to Geffen. There’s a lot of shit going on, and then knowing I’m signing over there he might feel like I’m trying to be replacing him or something…you know what I mean? But it wasn’t that … I mean I always thought his thing was that people were saying shit like “I’m the westcoast this and westcaost that”…
Bishop: right and … …. and he felt like what the fuck? … Ive BEEN putting it down for the westcoast and I get no love …
Bishop: But who knows what that was … but its like nigga .. I’m I’m …more of an Eminem thing …I’m a hip hop nigga … I’m not trying to claim to be a gangbanger or be a gangbanger you know what I’m saying? I’m doing hip hop shit you know what I mean .. I’m an MC so … pssh ..we not even on the same… we not even on the same page You now what man .. I’m happy I’m doing this interview cause I found out that you are a REAL dude … and that’s cool … I mean… I’m not afraid to ask you any questions cause I know you will keep it straight and honest … no bullshit …
Bishop: I mean you got to ..because you a grown man … man Ive been real all my life you know what I mean.. and I’m too fucken grown .. I’m 29 … you know what I mean .. I got signed when I was 26 or whatever ya know what I’m saying so I’m too grown to pretend to play games .. what’s got me this far what has me receiving the blessings that I receive is because I’m real and I keep it One Hunned .. you know what I mean … any nigga that knows me or meets me knows I keep it one hunned! And what you see is what you get ..


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#9 hahaha hell yeah man .. I teach my students that shit … “you guys gotta keep it one hunned!” Haha but yeah … I hear you … the truth is there are a lot of fake ass rappers out there too that just say things because they are getting paid too … or selling out so that they can be all over the media …
Bishop: cool, only thing I change for are for God and my family … Do you notice that though…like, all the fakeness around nowadays it seems really fake?
Bishop: pfft that’s all there is! So that’s why I don’t, I don’t take that shit personal because that’s rap that’s entertainment, but when you wake up in the morning you gotta look at who you see in that mirror and like them … you know what I mean? yeah yeah … So switching gears over here .. what about Eminem’s new album?
Bishop: yo um um Dre played me a few records while we was on vacation and even before and it just some crazy shit man .. I’m happy .. you know what I mean because I was worried that Em was going to retire … we wasn’t going to be able to play ball together you now what I mean? Haha What kind of Eminem can we expect on this album … ?
Bishop: He back on that Slim Shady Shit man Ohhh cool cool .. so he didn’t kill him eh? Good…..
Bishop: haha Nahhhh! He’s alive and he’s necessary and at the same time also you going to see the maturity you know… to me …personally.. I cant critique or explain what the angle for the album is but it even has Marshall Mathers aspects to it you know.. he’s addressing a lot of shit … you know what I mean? I haven’t even heard all the records but there is so much dope shit and it excited me and made my pen go harder… you know what I mean .. you gotta see other niggas on court you gotta see other niggas play on the court you know what I mean? you gotta see niggas do all kinds of crazy moves and shit .. slams! For you to get on yo shit … you know what I mean .. and his jumpers is wicked you know what I mean? This niggas boofing from the other side of the motherfucken arena and shit .. you got some dope shit … so .. I’m excited Can you say anything about a possible collabo between you and Em? You think you’ll be featured on the album?
Bishop: I cant even speak on that .. but you might see him on my album .. I don’t want to let nothing out the… *laughs* …. I don’t want to let nothing out the bag man because … Well fuck man .. imagine how dope that fucken track would be?
Bishop: boy you telling me! I’m already knowing there’s some there’s some things going on .. I’m gonna set up .. but umm yeah… Oh man … that shit sounds dope as fuck! Well… I guess that was all the questions I had for you … so I just wanna say thanks and …
Bishop: your supposed to have more questions man … you playing games man … c’mon now… Well fuck … I can go on all day with a person like you man .. real talk .. and me being a huge fan, I was like damn .. this is cool, I get to interview Bishop Lamont and … and I wasn’t thinking or even anticipating it being this long and I when I looked at how long its been …I was like shit man… Ive been taking up a lot of his time….… but I want you to know … this is a big deal..…
Bishop: yeah … it’s a big deal for me I appreciate it man …so shit .. it’s a two way street .. that’s what I’m saying … and I work hard too … … and I know what its like to have somebody take up my time when I’m working or people trying to prevent me from getting my paper .. ya know? And we have been on the phone for about an hour now, and I know you’re at the studio… and I know you are trying to get your hard work on… and I mean… I mean… I just bought a house cause I work as hard as I do… ya know …so I know how it is?
Bishop: Congratulations Thanks ……So I guess you’re not too busy … but you said something about being at the studio .. are you in the studio now? Hey you remember that video you made with Dr Dre about getting pussy?
Bishop: Yes Sir! *laughs* Can we make one?
Bishop: *laughs* … for the pimping? Yeah … ok ok .. so then we got to got together to make this shit happen … well fuck man .. I can’t wait for that shit … but again… I do want to say thank you and I appreciate you taking the time…. And don’t forget about part two to this…
Bishop: Done Dizzle …but again thank you for you taking the time out of your schedule to make space for this interview… you’ve been real cool .. and just, real … honesty is always appreciated and I know now that I don’t have to worry about that shit with you .. and I’m glad you did agree to a part two so we can get more into other shit and deeper into this shit…
Bishop: awww yeah man … that aint nothing man… but you’re supposed to have more questions man… *laughs* Well .. what about a part two…?
Bishop: That’s up to you … that’s up to you dude … Well how about we set up a part two … like a sit down, type interview and we can talk about more in depth shit … like we just scratched the surface today … but next time …
Bishop: yeah, that’s what its supposed to be .. *laughs* really? .. nobody told me about anything like that … this is all I have right now
Bishop: hold on one second pimp *side convo* *laughs*.. its all good man ok ok so … how about we get whatever we missed in part one .. I can make sure to get into part two when we sit down and have a talk ..
Bishop: awww yeah, you can get on that you supposed to have a few questions left though man…. You outta questions? ..thats it? Well, that’s my list of site questions …
Bishop: that’s all they wanted to know? So so … Let’s see … *laughs* No, No, No .. don’t get it twisted .. its not like that haha .. I mean I want to take what we have here and expand on it in part two with reaction and more in depth questioning .. its not ALL they wanted to know .. but it’s a nice summary explaining …
Bishop: alright I can understand that … but I mean you know .. I thought you had like two or three left? hmmm … ok … So you’re open to speak about anything huh?
Bishop: yeah Well first of all … how does it feel to have your own websites that are dedicated to you and your fans like ours
Bishop: man I just I just appreciate deeply the love and the support you know what I mean I never expected to get this far .. you know .. I’m a fucken High School drop out .. I’m a fuck up, yeah its crazy to be actually getting something .. *laughs* so I appreciate the fuck outta the love…


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#10 You were a high school drop out?
Bishop: yeah man *laughs* that sounded like … Damn … I would’ve never been able to tell .. I mean you don’t rap or use words like you don’t have a high school diploma …
Bishop: Well .. I mean you know .. you know .. it doesn’t always take school to be educated .. you know what I mean .. so its like .. you know how that goes .. *laughs* So what happened … what was your beef with school?
Bishop: I didn’t like school man … I didn’t fuck with school man I hated school I always been a rebel … I always been a nigga that never could conform I didn’t feel a lot of the topics .. I didn’t feel what I saw in the textbooks I didn’t like most of my fucken teachers either .. Its cause you didn’t have me … What was your beef with most of your past teachers?
Bishop: You got a lot of motherfuckers that think they know it all you know what I mean? Yeah .. I know a lot of those assholes … So what about the war .. thoughts?
Bishop: Its bullshit man … that can be a whole other chapter right now that’s bullshit man .. and they got brothers and sisters over there .. you know mothers fathers ya know .. brother sisters son daughters over there dying for nothing .. and they try to make it something patriotic they try and make it sound like something real and its not .. niggas is just trying to get rich … niggas want oil niggas want territory niggas full of shit niggas is doing the devils work you know what I mean? But they try to act like they for God… That’s not Gods work when you sending people off to die that’s not Gods work when you dividing family’s sending them off to die … you know what I’m saying? Yeah … I hear you .. and its US that are out there fighting .. not them …
Bishop: you know what I mean … so you know I’m politics is bullshit … you know what I mean? straight up and down its just the con men that used to be in the churches .. like you see them niggas that’s on the tv the televangelists .. got me selling prayer packages for $19.99 n shit it’s supposed to be healing people in church but that shit be bullshit… The same things with politics when you be watching MSNBC or CSPAN or CNN .. and they doing the same fucken thing .. its bullshit and they telling you about things that don’t even exist and they promise you things that’s not going to happen and then then you know … but then there are still good people who really try to be a part of the whole political forum and be a part of the Washington DC thing and try to be really in Government and they get shitted on its really good people in the world trying to do you know good things and make a difference but its overwhelming the more large number you have of bitch ass niggas and people who work for the devil .. you know what I mean? How do you feel about that banning of the word Nigga?
Bishop: c’mon man … that shits been around a billion years … its little late to want to ban it now … I was watching this comedy .. so .. Paul Mooney did … Which inspired the Pope Mobile intro ..and he said “motherfuckers want to start talking about motherfuckers cant say nigger now..motherfucker when we was getting chased by dogs and hung .. that’s when you should’ve wanted to stop motherfuckers from wanting to say nigga… now we cant say nigga? Ive been a nigga for … ‘what he say .. however old Paul Mooney was’ I’m gonna keep fucken saying nigga!” I’ve been a nigga 29 years…I’m gonna KEEP saying nigga…fuck ya’ll yo know what I mean? that doesn’t do anything fuck the word nigga .. stop racism …get rid of racism .. get rid of hate.. Preach!
Bishop: ya know what I’m saying … they need something to talk about.. when it was worth talking about they didn’t want to talk about it, but if they would’ve done they jobs then maybe Martin Luther King wouldn’t have gotten killed maybe Malcolm X wouldn’t have got killed … you see what I’m saying .. maybe Medgar Evers .. wouldn’t have got killed if you really would’ve tried to do something about it then .. when it really fucken mattered .. You like to express yourself politically in your music huh?
Bishop: oh yeah man… you know I’m a trouble maker with shit like that …as soon as touched on it was with American Dream… you know… cause it was just getting on my nerves .. that American Dream .. that was inspired around the same time American Dream? Produced by Focus right?
Bishop: yeah … with Focus around the same time I was doing nigger noize and I .. I grew up ..fighting racism .. you know what I’m saying … and my family comes from Key West .. you know what I’m saying .. from Down South ….you know .. a lot of different places … we’ve always known racism and you know .. in the early eighties .. we used to live on Buena Park cause it was more affordable with the housing out there you know what I’m saying? And in Moreno Valley .. so In the early 80’s you still had the skin head gangs you still had clan motherfuckers .. so all we did was fight everyday … in school … all we did was fight .. … going up the ya know to the gas station or the stores… all we did was hear the word nigger nigger nigger you know what I’m saying… so I know what it’s really about… ayo .. and I can relate to that cause that’s how it was when I was growing up too…all the racism and shit, so I know exactly where you are coming from .. I’m glad that you decided to take that stance on this whole drama behind using “nigga” … man .. that aint going to do shit .. what’s it gonna do for racism?
Bishop: right.. you know what I mean .. so that’s a waste of fucken time them taking away the word Nigga, does nothing .. take away racism that’s what created all that shit we took nigga and made this shit something of a common bond and we say that shit and take away the power of them saying it and they know not to say that shit … you now what I mean so its like whatever… that’s not even what’s really important…


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#11 That’s exactly what the fuck im talking about… you hit the nail right on the head with that shit, and I can now understand fully WHY exactly you called that shit Nigger Noize!
Bishop: *laughs* you know what I mean? And that’s what the fuck they used to call our music … they used to call it nigger noize, they used to call it jungle music and that’s why I did that and then I put they outfit on an rocked that shit fresh now you niggas gotta do something else cause that shit is comedy to me …you fucking up perfectly good sheets … hahahaha yeah … hahahahah
Bishop: you know what I mean? And while you wearing sheets WHY you wearing sheets in the first place? Looks like fake ass ghost .. hahahaha fucken fake ass ghosts haha hey man .. how can I go about getting a copy of a Nigger Noize without any DJ’s yelling on that shit ?.. cause that’s my shit right there …
Bishop: oh ..Ill take care of that for you … *laughs* hell yeah man … good looking out .. and I don’t care if its “just a mixtape” that shit is a hot ass STREET ALBUM … its better than some people’s regular albums!
Bishop: aww bless you that’s all we wanted to do … was make street albums you know .. but we gotta hide it under the guise of mixtapes .. because with the government and with the labels working together .. they trying to shut down all artist from being able to put out you know… street albums and things like that… they STILL trying? …
Bishop: yeah there still trying to do it cause motherfuckers is just that greedy for money you know what I mean ? so you know .. you got the bullshit that goes on … they try to get every dime … So how we going to turn around the slumping sales and try to get people out to buy instead of downloading everything?
Bishop: The Music man .. its fresh music .. you know what im saying .. for people to get to make them wanna spend that hard earned cash cause I know what it is you know .. coming up and saving your money up and spending on albums and getting them home and the motherfuckers is wack and you cant get yo money back .. Urgh I hated that shit
Bishop: Times is hard … *laughs* So it must be good to look around and see Dr. Dre and Eminem right there … Do you ever look around and tell yourself “Ive made it?”
Bishop: I’ll never make it until I’m I’m I’m dead and I’m with God you know what I’m saying? So I’m never satisfied …you know what I mean I’m always moving .. I’m always looking ahead .. I, Ive gotten comfortable with not getting comfortable .. you know what I’m saying? yup yup .. I’m the exact same way … I gotta always be on the grind .. I gotta be the best at what I do no matter what …
Bishop: know what I mean? especially with the bitches ya know ? I gotta be supreme playa Mack daddy
Bishop: *laughs* what’s up … hahaha Well we have to chill so I can show you whut up and we can get some hoes & “Kushy Pillows”
Bishop: I’ll fuck wit it that’s whats up .. that’s whats up … listen man .. for real .. much love and thank you again for blessing your fans with this dope interview and you need to know that your time and honesty is greatly appreciated …
Bishop: shit you’ll see me .. it aint nothing man .. you blessing me umm you know feeling is mutual .. but umm…. Oh yeah .. so I wanted to ask you about a cousin of mine that you may know but I have no idea how I can describe how you may possibly know her .. but oh well .. maybe in part two …
Bishop: *coughs* man I meet so many people .. man .. on a daily basis .. I mean seriously .. I’ll be in clubs or we’ll be in the studio and people will come through being in Jail being in a restaurant be in a mall just walking down the street you never know … you know what I’m saying? You can walk into CVS one night and ya know .. some cats recognize you and you just meet cats you know .. so I couldn’t even tell you *laughs* Oh yeah one of the posters on the forum wanted to know about the video you posted of you kicking it with Dre, where you guys were in the studio or whatever …and you were talking about how much pussy It got you ..
Bishop: It is True .. that shit working… so it really got you all the pussy you anticipated haha?
Bishop: I was getting it before .. but with that shit I wanna say thank you to all the ladies out there that have been providing amazing amazing amazing treats and all the women about to provide amazing treats and please keep it coming I appreciate it and I’ll make it worth their while too ya know .. they changed my life I changed theirs so I just want to say thank you .. thank you so much … So Big Bishop … you gotta do your boy Big FLOHOE a big favor here … and your boys over at …
Bishop: What’s that pimp? You gotta be like in a song “I just wanna say a big shout to my boy Big FLOHOE out in Sanfernando.. that’s the homie right there!” or just a big shout out to.. ya know … that’d be fucken cool .. especially the FLOJO one .. what you think fam? Help me get the pussy too! hahaha
Bishop: *laughs* haha or even would be cool too …
Bishop: you know what im gonna take care of that for you cause we got to do another youtube for uumm the pope mobile .. for umm for release on Christmas … so I’m gonna I’m gonna do that for you right away so you’ll see that in another day or so … Aww thanks man … that’s why you kick ass and have become one of my favorite artists!
Bishop: the love …bless you listen man .. we really have to do a part two to this shit… we are barely scratching the surface on some of these topics .. so I got to make sure to tell my dude to get on that, cause I know you are one busy dude.
Bishop: yeah the sooner the better man … the sooner the better cause I’m gonna be ripping and running so hard so you know ..


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
#12 listen man I just want to say thank you for taking the time to do this interview for and networks …
Bishop: aww I thank you … You think you can give my recorder a shout for the site and the fans .. like you know .. something like “its your boy Bishop Lamont here and I want to say a big shout out to and Bishop Dash …” you know … all that good stuff … I’m not sure exactly how you wanna do it ..
Bishop: give it to me again … my brain is slow … you said its hiphop .. and
Bishop: ok yeah .. so whenever you’re ready .. if you can just go ahead and say it into the phone so I can cut it out and post it on our site along with the interview … that’d be coo’
Bishop: ? yeah
Bishop: ok yeah … I can get that in .. just tell me when .. Go ahead … whenever you’re ready …
Bishop: Man its your boy Bishop Lamont you know what I’m saying with the boy FLOJO you understand me? and we doing something real big and churching right I just wanna say thank you on behalf of Aftermath and Bishop Lamont to and I appreciate the fuck out of that shit… not only ya’ll blessing me extended ya know what I’m saying? Just the movement and the music I’m creating but you getting me more bitches so I just wanna say thank you … *laughs* hahaha hell yeah that’s that shit right there … man .. thank you so much … you been great
Bishop: nah … my pleasure man .. Don’t forget man .. we gotta see what up real soon .. AND a part two .. so hopefully this aint the last you hear from me …
Bishop: This your cellphone right here dog? yeah!
Bishop: aight .. I’m gonna lock it in … that’s what I’m talking about .. we gotta get these hoes!
Bishop: *laughs* I’m gonna hit you up next week too. You said San Fernando Valley? yeah yeah yeah
Bishop: wheres that at? man, you know where Sylmar and Northridge are?
Bishop: oh OK .. then you church! Man then you know what .. You can go party with us! Cause we right here in Sherman Oaks .. Don’t play with me man .. that shit sounds dope ass fuck you kidding me?
Bishop: man we in Sherman Oaks and I meet up in umm Tarzana .. at another studio right there you see what I mean so .. maaaaan that shit sounds perfect man … I’m on vacation right now too .. so we most def got to get that shit poppin man ..
Bishop: then you know what .. I’m gonna hit you up probably by the end of next week .. im gonna lock your number in cause we just going to be in the studio .. That’s fucken dope man … hell yeah! Thanks!
Bishop: haha it aint nothing man .. bless you man have a good Christmas .. we going to talk before then Pimp .. Aight G .. Peace …
Bishop: Peace How much will you be featured on the album, and what is your role?
Bishop: I’m gonna be featured on that motherfucker in so many ways hahahahaha you know what I mean? But my thing is really just seeing it come to full fruition and me being able to be as I’ve been and pulling up right now to the studio where all these hits have been made its just a blessing to be a part of it but im definitely going to do my thing on it front of the scenes and behind the scenes on the pen. Cause I really got some amazing ideas and I’ve been cultivating some crazy records because this his last album you know this is the star wars trilogy and this is return of the Jedi you know what I mean? So we gotta like ive always said in other interviews we gotta blow up the death star he’s gotta do the most amazing things that’s kinda like the catch 22 of this when you done it all and you’re the greatest. Where do you go from here? And that’s always been a dilemma and its its plight, its its like yo…you know what I’m saying? We gotta go to a whole ‘nother level so your great your greatest aint great enough ya know when it comes to that so … its gonna be crazy though we already got a few records for it, but he just wanna take it over the top so next year he really going to go hard he’s just like “we gotta get you finished, to get you out” ya know what I mean? Fuck man … sounds like you got some awesome shit brewing back there man ….
Bishop: I mean see… but see my definition of awesome might be different from somebody else’s def. when you inside its different when you outside, they might think its awesome but to us, its dope you know what I’m saying? Its fresh… but I think it can be even iller and that’s what [Dre’s] about. So umm umm uumm our computations and definitions of awesome is crazy but it’s probably cause we just cause we fucked up in the head *laughs* you know what I mean? Any idea when it [Detox] will finally be released… if ever?
Bishop: It’ll be out … see I don’t want to say it like that but I’m looking at probably closer to the end of 08, we’ll have it like he really wants it to be. You know what I mean? I jumped the gun before, and we was he was gonna be on schedule but then cats started coming through and he giving away beats that was from Detox… and ya know, there was a lot of shifting going on at the label itself and other stuff you know what I mean?, I cant even touch on that he might wanna speak on a whole ‘nother level cause life goes on at so many different levels so a lot of shit that happens ya know? He might not always feel like being making records when you gotta deal with real life and situations and living so there was a lot of stuff that came at the time um kind slowed it down but everything happens for a reason, because if that would’ve took place then my album woulda took a little longer to come out. You know what I mean so having that blessing dude shifted focus to bless me to get my shit popping and to get my shit together ready to come out cause originally .. I was supposed to come out after Detox.

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