Biggie-Sky's The Limit

Aright, after abstaining from listenin to BIG cuz I never really felt the whole Bad Boy camp, I've been bumpin this song nonstop. It's so fuckin real, and I remember the video back in the day w/everyone as kids -- that shit was so tight when you think about it.

Lines like "while niggaz flirt, I was sewing tigers on my shit, and alligators" -- the whole "Le Tigre" and "Lacoste" thing...damn man, that shit's real. Even in Juicy, the line "remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner" gives me the fuckin chills.

But I've seen people talk about Sky's The Limit and his other being-broke-songs as "fake." Why?
hes not fake, as a child he lived in the ghetto but his mother worked so he had alot of stuff eg nice clothes,computer games, this is why people say he was never broke, the people who say biggies fake are usually dedicted pac fans, the ones that worship him and shit, the funny thing is pac was the same until he moved to marin city.
I thought he lived in kind of a nice area but he was drawn in by the ghetto, as it says in the documentary 'Biggie & Tupac'..."Biggie was protected from the ghetto but became infactuated by it"...something like that. And to me that shit ain't fake, because to me it ain't where your from, it's where your at and what your doing.
Silleone said:
hes not fake, as a child he lived in the ghetto but his mother worked so he had alot of stuff eg nice clothes,computer games, this is why people say he was never broke, the people who say biggies fake are usually dedicted pac fans, the ones that worship him and shit, the funny thing is pac was the same until he moved to marin city.
It's obvious you truly know nothing of Pac's early years, please never comment on his life again.
Zero Cool said:
It's obvious you truly know nothing of Pac's early years, please never comment on his life again.
lol, on ressurection he even said that everything was ok until he moved.

i bet your getting red behind your pc moniter all becuz someone said something about your beloved 2pac, ahahahah, these kids man. :D
Silleone said:
lol, on ressurection he even said that everything was ok until he moved.

i bet your getting red behind your pc moniter all becuz someone said something about your beloved 2pac, ahahahah, these kids man. :D
First of all, you're only 16 years of age, tell me when did that make you an adult or give the right to refer to anyone else as a "kid"? Secondly if you had bothered to actually take in what was said in Resurrection you wouldn't make such wholly ignorant comments. Pac had to leave New York City in 1986 because his mother was broke and couldn't find work as her name was blacklisted by the FBI, they then moved to Baltimore where he continued living in poverty (alongside Afeni's developing crack addiction) albiet gaining a scholarship to the school of Performing Arts before finally leaving for Marin City in 1988. It's clear from any subjective reading of the situation that Pac lived in real poverty for the majority of his teenage years. I could care less if you disparage Pac or his music, such ignomines are of little consequence to me. However before commenting on a topic make sure you have an adequete grasp of it's realities instead of spouting your usual fallacious gossip.
Silleone said:
lol, on ressurection he even said that everything was ok until he moved.

i bet your getting red behind your pc moniter all becuz someone said something about your beloved 2pac, ahahahah, these kids man. :D

^ Pac was really bummin' as a child. Sleeping on the streets, fiending for food. His neighbors helped him out a lot. So yeah, Pac did have a much worse childhood than Big.

Biggie was a good kid until he turned 13 and started hanging out at the corner. His mom always had food on the table, and B.I.G. was one of the few "well off" kids on his block. He had his video games, and he went to a catholic school. Then when he started slinging weed, he got into the whole "gangsta mentality"

What you have to understand is that Biggie's records are fictious stories told from his point of view. But he told these stories so well that they became real in a sense. Plain and Simple it's street poetry at its finest. He's the Edgar Allen Poe of Rap.
Silleone said:
lol, on ressurection he even said that everything was ok until he moved.

i bet your getting red behind your pc moniter all becuz someone said something about your beloved 2pac, ahahahah, these kids man. :D

actually you are wrong. where he lived in baltimore was way worst than marin city. he also lived in homelss shelters before he was in baltimore. pac just said when he left that school in baltimore was when he got off track cause that school made him feel free. also biggie wasn't poor his mom and friends even said that. sky the limit is a great fucken great song though and biggie is so fucken awesome. peace
Zero Cool said:
First of all, you're only 16 years of age, tell me when did that make you an adult or give the right to refer to anyone else as a "kid"? Secondly if you had bothered to actually take in what was said in Resurrection you wouldn't make such wholly ignorant comments. Pac had to leave New York City in 1986 because his mother was broke and couldn't find work as her name was blacklisted by the FBI, they then moved to Baltimore where he continued living in poverty (alongside Afeni's developing crack addiction) albiet gaining a scholarship to the school of Performing Arts before finally leaving for Marin City in 1988. It's clear from any subjective reading of the situation that Pac lived in real poverty for the majority of his teenage years. I could care less if you disparage Pac or his music, such ignomines are of little consequence to me. However before commenting on a topic make sure you have an adequete grasp of it's realities instead of spouting your usual fallacious gossip.



Will suck off black men for a dime
Jada was on resurrection talkin bout lot of ppl talk bout bein poor, real poor, yet sumhow havin... all that but with pac it was the deepest. think she said he just had a matress on the floor no sheets, 2 sweaters pair of pants & thats it. they was showin pics & shit. i dont understand the basis of sumbody sayin 'funny thing is pac was 'same way' before marin' ?? wats even the point of expressin shit like that?. but pac said that got 2 marin and it was even worse, and that he was startin to see that one thing have in common as black ppl is the poverty. and all that--
pac was lot of times homeless maybe new york baltimore and shit but didnt get into anythin till moved to cali and ended up on his own. as he said bits pieces of thug mentality came in ny baltimore, bits more in marin and the rest in Oakland like sumbody said biggie just pushed the shit on him, but it is what it is

with biggie dont see wat the shit has to do with his songs but the whole 1 room shack thing and..sardines shit and everythin ' fake ' accordin to his mom....
Silleone said:
hes not fake, as a child he lived in the ghetto but his mother worked so he had alot of stuff eg nice clothes,computer games, this is why people say he was never broke, the people who say biggies fake are usually dedicted pac fans, the ones that worship him and shit, the funny thing is pac was the same until he moved to marin city.
Now slap yo self!

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