Big L... Greatest MC that nobody knows about?

Ok if you think about it only real hip hop heads knows who Big L is... Mainstream people don't and that is why I think he has always been so overlooked in his career as far as being one of the greats.... He is one of the best and damn people need to spread the word... Too bad he was shamelessly killed.... His first album is a classic, and name a better freestyler or punchline mc then him? :thumb:


Well-Known Member
I think he is probably one of the more consistent MC's we have seen. Everything he is on is tight, he outshines everyone on any track. He truly was an amazing talent. So clever too. I really wish we could have seen bigger and better things from him.
ya hes one of the best rappers, not like that best, like Makaveli is, i like his 7 minute freestyle and his song with tupac deadly combination may that tru nigga r.i.p.
he's got talent or should i say had sadly but nonetheless i know a lot of people lately have been listening to him...either way he is noticed for his talent in most places but not for being one of the best and thats where the line is drawn.


Well-Known Member
Alotta people I talk to knows who Big L is, but ofcourse people who only listen to radio rappers wont know. He's known where it counts.
Big L had so much potential, one of the legends.
yeah Nat and ofcourse my boy JU-ice I wouldnt say better but I cant say L's better then either. L's popularity is growing but 4 the wrong reasons I was listening to him when he was alive and when he was alive half of u were still bumping the backstreet boys.
Makaveli_7 said:
agree totally. No doubt the most underrated of all time. Ill rapper
i wouldnt say underated, the majority of people who know about him feel him and even say have them in there top (some #) of all time, its the lack of people that know him that is the problem.
Being overlooked is something that happens to a lot of underground emcees...

And for big L being the greatest fuck that shit..if you think he is the greatest than it is your opinion and u have the right to think that..but it's not a fact so nuff said...

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